
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Cracking Ice

We reached the river and saw that the ice was already cracking. "don't beavers make dams?" Lucy turned to the pair hopefully, "we're not that fast dear!" Mrs beaver replied. Peter turned to me, "Y/N can you extend one of those branches?" he pointed to a large group of trees on the other side"  of the bank. I studied them for a while then sighed " no, half of have probably grown rotten in the cold or won't be able to take all of us" Peter's face was firm"we'll have to cross then" he took Lucy's hand and began to make his way down to the already melting river. "wait, can't we just think about this for a second" Susan stopped, her voice sounding desperate. "there isn't time" I say throwing her a worried look "I'm just trying to be realistic " she frowned. "no, you're trying to be smart, as usual." I made my way down with the others looking sympathetically back at Susan. As we got to the bottom, I placed a foot on the ice. It cracked under my weight. I jumped back, grabbing onto Peter who held on firmly. I recovered myself moving away from Peter, trying to hide my blushing face. "maybe I should go first" Beaver said. Peter nodded, giving me a concerned look "maybe you should". Beaver began to make his way across the ice using his tail to find a safe path. "you've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs beaver called as the ice cracked several times under the weight. "well you never know which meal's gonna be yer last, 'specially with your cooking" "it's true," I nodded. Mrs beaver glared at me, "sorry" I say, holding my hands up. Beaver gestured for us to start following him. I took Peter's hand, and Lucy took mine, Susan following behind with Mrs beaver. We carefully made our way along the ice. "if mum knew what we were doing," Susan commented, looking at her feet, "mum's not here!" Peter called tightening his grip on my hand.  A few chips of ice started to fall from above. I looked "oh no!" I yelled. Everyone looked up to see the wolves running across the frozen waterfall. "run!" Peter screamed. we quickened our pace, the ice we left behind us cracking even more. The wolves suddenly jumped grabbing beaver. I pulled out my wand and Peter unsheathed his sword, pushing me and Lucy behind him. 

"put those things down kids, someone could get hurt" Mourgrim growled gesturing to beaver. The wolf tightened his grip ." no!"Mrs beaver yelled. "don't worry about me, run him through!" Beaver called, struggling to get himself loose. The wolves advanced, pushing us closer to the edge of the water. " leave now, while you can, and your brother leaves with you."  "Peter stop maybe you should listen to him!" Susan screamed The wolf laughed "smart girl" I  stepped out next to Peter "Y/N what are you doing?" Peter looked at me terrified "he's lying Peter, he just wants all of you, so the prophecy won't come true you know that!"  Another wolf made his way towards me "take another step dog, and I'll turn you to ash faster than you can say long live the queen"  "don't listen to him! kill him! kill him now!" beaver yelled. The wolf sighed "oh come on, this isn't your war. All my queen wants is for you to is to take your family and go" "LIAR!" I screamed and thrust a ball of magic at him. He dodged,  and it hit the ground, making the ice crack faster. Stunned, I took a step back "Times running out, what is it gonna be?" "look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero, so DROP IT," Susan said. " no! Narnia needs you, kill him while you've got the chance!" I retaliated. " What's it gonna be son of Adam, witch? I won't wait forever, and neither will the river." Lucy tugged on my coat and I looked up "Peter!" I screamed. Water was beginning to make its way through the ice of the waterfall, signalling that it was about to crack. Peter looked up and in a last-minute panic yelled "hold on to me!" I put my wand away and grabbed hold of his coat as hard as I could Susan and Lucy mirrored my actions, and Peter drove the blade into the ice. The ice finally collapsed, sending tons of water crashing down. It formed a wall-like wave of ice-cold water that swallowed the four of us Lucy screamed as the cold water hit her and she slipped. noticing her absence, I let go of Peter and plunged into the frozen water to find her.

A/N  Y/N to the rescue yay! but..what happens next!? you'll have to read the next chapter to find out mwahahhaha.. (please) 

Immy xoxo