
Ashura Path

The City of Koryuu is full of Thugs and Delinquents too many to even count them all, whether they act by themselves or with gangs. This attracts those who are looking for revenge, those with an obsession with violence, those with power beyond normal human capabilities. This is their battleground. --------------------- I do not own History's Strongest Disciple and Kengan Asura

TheWatcher2004 · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Forbidden Judo

Kanou sat straight on the chair inside the Judo club building, the reporter in his late twenties sat next to him and the cameraman opposite to him; to get a proper angle of his face.

"Judo champion, four years in a row." The reporter said. "There is a rumour that you are thinking of trying your skills in the Olympics games. Is it true?"

Kanou snickered and answered, "Well... To be honest, I am only a beginner, there are more experienced Judoka than me in his club. I never really thought about the Olympics."

"You are the champion, come on, don't be so modest."

"I only became one because of the guidance of my coach and support of seniors. Without them, I wouldn't even be here."

The reporter smiled and then noticed the wrist brace around Kanou's injured wrist and the med tape on Kanou's nose.

"May I ask how you injured your wrist."

Kanou gave a wry smile. "You know... training accident... wrist injuries are quite common in Judo."

The interview continued smoothly and half an hour later, the reporters left and Kanou gave a sigh of relief. Then he left for the other room and made his way to his locker room where Kabao and Sabu held another boy of his age down on the floor.

Kanou sighed looking at the boy, "Why do you do this, Nobi? These two heard that you wanted to interrupt up my interview.... spread rumours about me in the press... do you even know how hard I worked to get here - to be known as the immovable Judoka?"

Nobi growled as Sabu and Kabao pressed his face down. "You bastard - what the hell did you do to my sister?!"

"That's what it's all about." Kanou sighed looking down at him, "I just fucked her in some hotel."

Nobi struggled as managed to raise his head then snapped at Kanou, "She is just a kid - motherfucker!"

Kanou sighed, "This guy won't listen," and pulled out a folding knife from his pocket.

Nobi's eyes widened as tried to move back, but Sabu and Kabao had their entire weight on him.

"What? Pissing your pants just at the sight of it." Kanou said then dropped the knife in front of Nobi. "Let him go."

Sabu and Kabao exchanged a look before lifting their weight off Nobi. He looked up and saw Kanou standing over him, grinning.

"Take the knife," Kanou said. "Stab me."

"What?" Nobi was taken back.

"Stab me! Take the knife and stab me! TAKE OUT YOUR ANGER! PUSSY!" Kanou shouted.

Nobi hesitantly picked up the knife, it trembled in his hands as he looked up at Kanou, one swift strike, that's all it would take. 'And I'll make this bastard pay.'

Kanou grinned. "Already shaking, are you also going to cry and moan like your sister?"

Nobi snapped up on his feet and stabbed forward, aiming for Kanou's core. Time slowed for him, as got closer, knifepoint inches away from the flesh, then felt a tight grip around his wrist and next thing he knew, his feet left the ground, he was flipped into the air like a wet cloth and slammed hard onto the ground. Pain spread from his numb back across his body. Then Kanou started stomping on his midsection.

"You don't-"

He then stomped again.


Then he stomped again.

"-talk to me like that-"

The last stomp came hard, knocking the wind out of Nobi.

"You little piece of shit."

Nobi rolled in pain only to be kicked again.

"Stay down, you trash." Kanou said before looking over to Sabu and Kabao, "Break his arm and expel him from the club. I don't want to see his face here again."


Afternoon, it was another day of the walk with Rika to his favourite hotel downtown for Kanou. She hugged his arm tightly and said, "So, when is your next fight?"

"When did you start taking interest in my fights?" Kanou snickered, "My next match is in a month with a Judo champion from Okinawa."

"I am not asking about your professional fight." Rika said, "It's about your coming fight with someone named Tokita Ohma."

Kanou's feet stopped, and his head turned to Rika. "So you know about that midget?"

Rika didn't reply and continued, "I heard you would have lost the fight If the police hadn't intervened."

"You know nothing," Kanou growled and groped Rika, "he is not ever going to recover from that fight and will die a slow painful death. But before that let's see if that fucker dares to face me again, I have sent the message."

His grip around Rika's breast became tighter.

"Let's see how strong he is."


Back in the Ryozanpaku training ground, Kenichi's back was tied to a wooden plank from his shoulder to his waist, while both wrists were tied to a rope attached to a pulley hanging by the roof. In this position, he was practising seikien in a makiwara.

( A/N: Makiwara is a wooden board wrapped in ropes used for conditioning exercises in Karate.)

"Seiken; the proper fist, it is one of the fundamentals of Karate," Sakaki said, standing behind Kenichi, "Keep your fist aligned to your waist, one arm comes forward, the other moves back, move your hip and shoulder along with your fists for extra force, strike with your first two knuckles, this technique has both speed and power with proper rotation of arms and hard fists. Practising with this contraption which forces you in the right posture will make your progress faster."

"How many more?" Kenichi whined as he struck the makiwara again.

"This was the hundredth," Sakaki said, "Nine hundred more left."

Kenichi looked over to Ohma who was meditating nearby.

"Didn't you say this training was useless?" Kenichi asked.

"Maybe, Akisame told me the purpose of this training this morning, but I am still not sure whether this will be of any practical use in a fight," Ohma opened his eyes and said. "Besides with my current endurance, strength training would be a waste of time."

Then he stopped meditating completely and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"A new message," Ohma muttered. "From an unknown number."

[ Read this with your eyes wide open, midget. For my wrist, I'll take both your hands. If you aren't a pussy, face me at Tatsuya soccer ground today at 7, I'll be waiting to tear your limbs apart. If you don't show up, I'll hunt you down regardless. ]

"Oh, look, I didn't even need to find that guy again," Ohma said waving the phone screen towards Sakaki and Kenichi. "He challenged me on his own."

Sakaki laughed. "Really, when and where?"

"This evening," Ohma said standing up, "at a soccer practice ground in the nearby town."

"Do you really need to fight?" Kenichi asked.

Ohma retorted. "Do you want me to die slowly with my current condition?"

Kenichi didn't reply and just gave a wry smile.

Ohma stood up and stretched his arms upwards. "My opponent is strong, he is harder than iron, I cannot physically compete with him, all I have is my skills and techniques. I am ready for this fight."


A while later, somewhere inside a Karate dojo, Kanou was standing, surrounded by twenty fallen opponents in karate gi crawling on the floor, some were even knocked unconscious. Only one karateka was left standing.

"No, it's something else," Kanou said absently mindedly, "It wasn't this pansy karate, it was something else."

The last karateka took this chance and rushed forward with his punch. Kanou reacted at the last moment, grabbing the key karateka by his forearm before the fist could reach his body. Kanou then grabbed the karateka's collar and pulled him close before ducking down and grabbing the opponent's leg.

"Tokita Ohma was something else." Kanou picked up the karateka on his shoulder and then threw him hard on the floor. The karateka screamed in pain, it filled his body as he rolled on the floor.

"Do you what this technique is called?" Kanou said looking at the karateka who was rolling in pain. "It's called Kata Guruma, it was recently banned in some tournament, because the most common versions of kata guruma involve a grip below the belt which is also banned for some reason and also because of the probability of fatal injuries. The audacity - these sports organisations stripped this art of combat of its claws, and fangs and turned it into a joke. Their little completion shouldn't even be considered martial arts - games - yes, it's a game - for children. But with me here, it'll be different, I'll bring Judo's forbidden weapons back from the grave and show the world true Judo. Now that I have an opponent to try it on."


The end of volume 1 is near, it will end with this fight. Volume 2 will begin this week with the release of 1 chapter per day.

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