
Ashes of Tomorrow: The Rebirth Chronicl

xMimik · 都市
31 Chs

Chapter 6: Seeking Sanctuary

The first light of dawn had barely touched the horizon when John and Mike set out from their temporary shelter. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of dew and the faintest hint of spring—a stark contrast to the desolation around them.

Their destination was the old warehouse district by the river, a place that John vaguely remembered as bustling with activity in the world before. Now, it stood silent, a ghostly reminder of what had been lost.

As they walked, they discussed their plan in hushed tones. The warehouse district was ideal for their needs. It was defensible, with only a few access points, and the river could provide them with water and, potentially, food.

The journey was treacherous, with the ever-present danger of unstable buildings and unpredictable survivors. They moved cautiously, avoiding open spaces and keeping to the shadows.

Upon reaching the district, they surveyed the area. The warehouses were mostly intact, their sturdy structures having withstood the chaos of the apocalypse. They chose the largest one, a building that once stored construction materials—a fortuitous find, as some of those materials could still be used.

The rest of the day was spent clearing debris and fortifying the entrances. They worked in silence, each lost in their thoughts, but there was a sense of camaraderie between them—a shared purpose that had been missing from their lives for too long.

As night fell, they retreated inside their chosen sanctuary. They had managed to secure the main entrance and clear a space for themselves to rest. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

That night, as they sat eating another meager meal, they heard the sound of the river rushing by outside. It was a soothing sound, one that spoke of a world that continued despite the chaos of humanity.

They talked about the future, about finding others who could help them, about creating a place where people could live without fear. It was a dream, but it was a dream that gave them hope.

And in this new world, hope was the most precious commodity of all.