

Lao Yueliang after suffering a tragic accident and losing his memories in the past he was adopted by the RED LOTUS, a secret cultivation sect that aims at maintaining balance in the cultivation world, when he gets drawn to Liu Shuai, a very skilled cultivator from a dignified sect who tries to help him recover his memories so that they can save the cultivation world and bring balance to it and altogether uncover the secrets of his strange past while going up against the most tempestuous forces of nature.

SorenDiagle · ファンタジー
10 Chs


     "Yáng Huī?" I called but there wasn't a response as well which forced me to stand up from where I was and carrying Liú Shuài on my back we started off into the direction of the nearby Forest.

    I could manage his weight on my back and fir him every effort felt worth it that I couldn't hesitate or look back from where I was coming.

   The place was a little bit steep and I was wandering until I came by a small stream and there happened to be a man who was wearing a sisal hat and a group of rugs.

    I halted when I noticed that he was holding out a fishing rod and he had reclined on a wooden seat with it in his hands.

   I walked over to him.

   "Excuse me Sir." I said but he didn't seem to notice me moving at that very moment he continued what he was doing

   "Please help me Sir." I said as I used my left hand to touch his shoulder and at that moment gripping it tightly he removed his hat while he stood up and looked at me.

   He very young and he appeared to be in his early teens except that he looked so tall.

   He had a very strong build and his skin flawless I could tell that he was capable in those very youthful years of his.

    "Help me." I said to him still supporting Liú Shuài on my back.

    Instead, the man looked at me without a reply and himself speechless and frozen I didn't know what to do at that moment all that I could think of was getting down onto my knees at the time still carrying him on my back.

   The ground beneath my feet was Rocky and I could feel the sharp rocks cutting my knees while I still remained there looking at the man.

    "Why should I help you?" He asked me in a deep and rather serious tone.

   Thinking hardly, I kept quiet for a while before being able to say a word.

   "I don't know." I replied and the man's eyes seemed to open much wider than they had initially appeared.

    "How do you know him?" The man asked.

    Feeling the pain of the rocks cutting through I greeted my teeth as Liú Shuài weighed heavily on me.

   "He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he's saved me so many times, he's brave, he's a hero to me and perhaps even I have failed to understand why this heart of mine has him to cherish and why I am willing to lay down for him this life of mine." I replied.

   At that moment the man examining me from head to toe there were two others that walked up to him.

    "Master." They said as they kowtowed and I realised that they were dressed much nobly than he really was.

    "Take him." The man said and at that time the two hurried over towards me and carrying Liú Shuài off my back and taking him away, I bent my head while putting my hands before me.

    "Thank you." I said, "as long as you can help me save his life I'll ask for nothing more in return." I added.

   "The rocks have cut your knees, someone needs to tend to it." The man said.

    "For me, this pain is bearable." I replied and the young man smiled.

    "Bearable?" He asked.

    "Yes." I replied while he walked towards the water and standing on the shore he looked up at the sky.

    "There is so much devotion, I've known Liú Shuài for a very long while you see." The man said and alarmed I raised my head and looked at his back.

    "He won't die so you don't have to worry about it." The man went on to say as he turned around and looked at me.

    "But you on the other hand I find most curious." He remarked.

    "How so Master?" I asked.

    "I am not your Master." The man replied.

    "Sir?" I said.

    "Honorary enough." He replied.

    "Alright." I said.

    "Rise up." He ordered however a little bit calmer than before and holding my robes I stood up at the time barely being able to stand because of the wounds and the man right there seemed to notice my condition even while looking away he just pointed his hand at me and there and then feeling a mild wind rushing over my face and then my whole body, I was healed.

    "How did you do that?" I asked.

    "Magic perhaps?" the man replied, "you tell me." He said.

    "I don't know." I replied.

    "It's in my nature to help people, we are all one with this mortal world of ours, what's the use of Immortality if we can not suffer through loving, if we can not be with those that we cherish.

    I assure you that one moment with one that you love is much more precious than a thousand changeless years without their sight." The man said to me.

    "You are wise and smart for you age." I said.

    "Because I look much younger than you you are the first person to tell that to me openly." the man replied.

    "I am Láo Yuèliáng, I love to speak my mind." I said.

    "How often are people very willing to listen to it?" The man asked me.

    "I don't know." I replied, "how many of those people actually love and care about me?" I asked.

    The man laughed and opening my eyes and far too surprised I was unable to comprehend why he was acting that way.

     "No one would come looking for danger trying to get through the Luó Graveyard, as you might have heard of those suffering ghosts what more is the purpose of their existence being confined behind those walls without visitors and themselves wailing throughout the day and the night?" The man asked.

    "I don't know." I replied, "all that brought me and Liú Shuài was the search of a Saint." I said and at the mention of those words there was an immediate change in the man's expression.

    "Did you find what you were looking for?" The man asked.

    "I'm still searching." I replied, "do you happen to know where the person that I am looking for is?" I asked.

    "There's too many people out there each searching for a Saint for their own intentions, what could yours be?" The man asked me slowly as we started walking along the shore at a very slow but steady pace.

    "I wish to remember myself." I replied.

    "Why?" the man asked.

    "A lot of things happened to me in my past and I have been gifted beyond my greatest capabilities, I hope to understand the type of power that I possess and I need to understand who I really am." I replied.

    "Everything happens for a reason." The young man replied.

     "And I believe that this is my calling as well." I said.

     "Aren't you afraid?" He Asked.

     "No." I replied.

     "There are some things in the past that are not worth remembering, broken friendships, betrayals, heart aches and also disloyalty." He said.

    "Some things you must learn to live with and understand because if you can never realise pain you can never become stronger and if you can never see heartache and feel it you'll never know what it means to devote your all, hold on tightly and never let go of those that you love." I replied.

    "I see." The young man said and there we walked over a small stone bridge and I could see a small settlement of about six buildings with a very large and beautiful garden.

    The place itself was full of so much life and there were very many people right there that were dressed like the two who had earlier on helped Liú Shuài.

    The people themselves looked carefree and friendly as many young boys filled the place and others watching over the sheep that were nearby and some in the fields, the place itself so natural was exceedingly beautiful.

    As we walked further, I noticed that everyone was bowing their heads to the young man in front of me and they were all according him the same title that I was hearing more and more frequently.

    "Master, Master." They constantly said before walking away and a little bit intrigued I walked up closer to the young man.

    "People here respect you so much, are you an excellent Master?" I asked.

    "Take a guess." The man replied and in his tone I could clearly tell that he had an exquisite sense of humor that was hidden underneath.

    "You're the Grandmaster's son." I said.

    He chuckled mildly and halting there he turned and faced what was a very large mountain in a distance.

   "Is there something on your mind?" I asked.

   "Even you can tell." The young man said, "This is Yīnuo valley." He added.

    "Yīnuo valley?" I said as it occurred to me that I was very much in the right place I smiled a little bit.

    "Then you must know the Saint." I said to the young man.

    "Yes." He replied and I smiled much wider certain that there was a glimpse of hope and I was so close to getting what I wanted.

    "I need to speak to him." I said as I ceased the young boy by his shoulders and I shook him fiercely.

    "Alright." He replied.

    "Do you know where he is?" I asked.

    "Let not your eyes wander so far, the Saint that you are looking for is me who is standing here right in front of your eyes." he said.

    Very much surprised hearing his words my mouth dropped and I could barely believe my eyes.

    "What?" I asked doubting if I had heard for myself clearly.

    "The Saint that you are looking for is me who is standing here right in front of your eyes." he said once again at that time certain that I wasn't dreaming I had to rub my eyes while I stared at the rather small and handsome young man who was looking at me with a smile on his face.

   "I'm sorry." I said.

    "No need." He replied.

    "How are you...?" I asked.

    "Young?" He replied.

    "Yes." I said.

    "Every Saint is thought to be old but even we ourselves can cultivate our bodies and attain Immortality." The young man replied.

    "Master...?" I said.

    "Méng Yu." He replied.

    "You're Immortal?" I asked.

    "I never asked to be." He replied and immediately I recalled what he'd told me earlier.

    "You did it because of someone?" I said.

    "A saint as honoured as I am chooses to live a carefree life, how often will the world remember my name, it doesn't matter because like you I am not so different." Méng Yu said.

    "Liú Shuài said that he knows you and he helped you once, how did it come about?" I asked.

    "He was just another lost soul wandering this Cultivation world searching for a meaning and while myself on the other hand I was travelling.

    when I encountered danger he happened to be around me at that moment and he fought off the Assassins that tried to get to me and I told him there and then that if one time he needed me he was welcome to Yīnuo valley." Méng Yu replied.

    "But you noticed him on my back, how come you didn't seem to react immediately?" I asked.

    "Even I am cautious, curious as well about how deep your devotion towards him runs, can I not try and see for myself the fine person that you are?" Méng Yu asked.

    "You can." I said.

    "Now that I see you his search must have been complete and he was right as I have finally with these eyes of mine beheld the purpose for which he was always searching." Méng Yu replied as he touched my left shoulder and patting it gently he walked away while I followed closely behind.

    A short while later I was led to a chamber where Liú Shuài lay and there gazing at him I was so happy as he seemed so peaceful.

    "If you need anything we'll be outside." one of the two men that had escorted me said and nodding my head with a smirk to show my affirmation, they bowed theirs and withdrew leaving me and him all alone.

    Slowly, I treaded towards the bed as a couple of memories that I'd shared with him not so long ago came back into my head.

    "You know you are not alone and you are not forgotten." Yáng Huī had said to me in the cemetery.

   "What makes you say that?" I had asked so innocently.

   "You might not know but I can feel the joy within this heart and the excitement that it has looking at you, it's warmth and it's comfort every time, it's jealous when you are around others and it's absolute devotion it really loves you." Yáng Huī's reply alone had left me quite dazzled.

    I recalled the time that we had spent in Tōngjīan town and there the Newfound memories returned to my head as well as I halted right there by Liú Shuài's side and studying him myself expressionless I went down slowly on my knees and there I sat down as I raised my arms over him hesitantly.

    "If for you I could bring all worlds to their feet along with the sun, moon and the stars , embrace without fear and stand even when everything else is falling around me to have you my dear, remember this face of mine that you might no longer see when before you all the darkness is most complete, and then when you open your eyes and chose of all people and wonders to stare at me there I shall be closing mine." I said, "remember this?" I asked bit there wasn't a single reply that came from him eventually I sighed.

    "Liú Shuài?" I called, "what were we in this life of ours?" I added as I finally found the courage to hold his left hand and interlocking his fingers with mine I earnestly studied him.

    "If there is one thing that I thought would give me peace then it was the thought of remembering everything in my past, at this moment however, contrary to that I only hope that at least if not everything can come clear to me once again I anticipate my every memory that had you in it the most.

    whether we were brothers, best friends or even enemies, I believe that this life and time that I have known you has given me a much deeper understanding of the good person that you are." I said as I smiled at myself.

    "If my heart can feel just as much as you feel, I look forward to the day you shall look me in the eye and tell me what you really think about me, give me that heart of yours and give you mine, that at least I am most peaceful not because I worry, but only because I trust." I said.

    There as I watched tirelessly it wasn't long after I noticed that even with my eyelids getting heavier and heavier Everytime, it was still the most beautiful picture that I desired to see last before I dozed off and there I immediately and deeply slumbered.

    I was comfortable when I felt a warm touch that was rushing down my cheek, at that same time opening my eyes I realised that it was Liú Shuài who was seated there on the bed and looking at me.

    At that very moment, I recalled that Liú Shuài along with myself were in the same room and immediately panicking I raised my head.

   "Sorry, I..." was still saying when Liú Shuài covered my mouth.

    "Sssh." He muttered as he signalled with his own for me to keep quiet.

    "It's alright and there's no need for you to worry, just be at ease." Liú Shuài said.

    I nodded my head and there he immediately let go of my mouth as he lowered his hand back into the covers.

    "How are you feeling?" I asked.

    "You still have to explain yourself why of all spirits the best that you saw to have to posses me was that of a prostitute?" Liú Shuài asked seriously.

    "Didn't you survive the Luó Graveyard thanks to me, or perhaps you preferred to host a deadly assassin?" I said.

    "Yours was a young careful and active boy." Liú Shuài said.

    "I also however don't understand how it was very easy for me to suppress him." I said.

    "Forget it." Liú Shuài said, "what matters is that we got to Yīnuo valley." Liú Shuài said.

    "Yes " I replied while he started to get himself dressed in the rest of his Clothes.

    "You didn't tell me though that the Saint was a very young looking boy." I said.

     "It was hard for me to believe either but it didn't cross my mind that you'd be interested in his appearance." Liú Shuài said as he finally picked up his sword and wandering around the room until he was ready, he started off in the direction of the door.

    "Where're you going?" I asked Liú Shuài.

    "To see the Saint." Liú Shuài replied.

    "You can't just walk up to him." I said.

    "Don't worry so much about it, I know what I am doing." Liú Shuài replied as he slid the doors open and stepping outside, I followed him there as well.

     We followed the hallways and eventually we were set to the main building.

    "How do you know where to find Méng Yu in this vast place?" I asked.

    "It isn't that hard, in most cases the Saint resides in the most pure and sanctified place of this valley, I can sense it around because that alone makes him distinct from us all being a pure being and off Immortal like Master Méng Yu's case, there must be a great aura of yáng energy around him." Liú Shuài replied as we made our entry through the Western door to a room that was nearly half empty.

     There were about six to seven monks and there are right at the front facing what was a pond there was the Saint who was seated in the lotus position with ti the rest of his colleagues.

    "Master Méng?" Liú Shuài called but the man still facing the other side raised his left hand and he waved it at that moment the others that were inside the room walked out leaving him behind.

     "I see that you have recovered quite fast." Méng Yu said.

    "Pardon me for my impertinence." Liú Shuài said as he kowtowed begin him.

    "There's no need for what has been done is done, present your issue and I'll hear you out." Méng Yu said.

     "We are sorry if we turned up on a short notice but we hoped, I hoped that you'd help me find the pool if Memory." Liú Shuài said.

     "The pool of Memory?" He seemed to be asking.

     "Yes." I replied.

     "In search for things that have been lost, why do you think that in this world you'd ever find such a mystic place in the Cultivation world?" Méng Yu asked.

    "We were hoping that you'd know where it is." Liú Shuài said and at that moment the Saint stood up and facing the both of us we realised that at that moment his face was rather illuminated almost like a Guó Elder except that every other part of him looked normal like it was for the rest of us.

   He smiled as he walked closer to the two of us he eventually halted raised on top of a small group of stairs as he he watched probably amused by the wonder that was on our faces.

    "You are no different from ordinary people but you can never find the pool in this Mortal world of ours." Méng Yu said.

    "Is the myth wrong?" I asked.

    "Don't get me so wrong." Méng Yu replied as he started walking around the both of us himself still composed and much more dignified than he had appeared before.

    "If not in this mortal world of ours where does the pool of memory exist?" Liú Shuài asked.

    "As you must have heard there was a mystic river that flowed through all the three worlds from the Heavens Through the Mortal realm to the Earth but as it is only the best Cultivators and the strongest who possesed immense energy and magic could have access to it to gain Immortality to the other few, that privilege was quite limited and perhaps do you know why?" Méng Yu asked as he faced the both of us.

    "No." I replied.

    "Because to be precise the River itself was never a physical place but only a spiritual one." Méng Yu said.

    "So those who could Cultivate to the Spiritual realm had Access to it." I said.

    "To be plain and simple this river existed as a channel that connected the spiritual oceans if Cultivators and those who continuously meditated through it became invincible and attained Immortality which liberated them from their mortal ailments and at times diseases." Méng Yu said.

    I nodded my head a little bit surprised.

    "Then what happened?" I Asked.

    "The Heavenly Immortals there are responsible as it was for severing the various channels of the Cultivators' spiritual oceans to the spiritual river where many were able to gain access to all the three realms but as some practiced the dark arts, what do you think happened when they came into contact with the Earth realm?" Méng Yu asked.

     "They asked to posses demons to extend their powers." I replied.

    "Exactly." Méng Yu said.

     "How did you know this?" Liú Shuài asked.

     "It's logical given the fact that presently if it was easy for Po Xinēn to be possesed and become as powerful then it's likely the same had to be a reason many wandered to the earth realm." I replied.

     "These channels were consequently eliminated and that way the river ceased to flow through all three realms and remained in the heavens." Méng Yu said.

     "And the pool of memory?" Liú Shuài asked.

     "it exists as a spiritual place now that you are aware." Méng Yu replied.

     "But how do we gain access to it?" I asked.

     "The fact that the pool of memory survived there's only a few people that are able to reach it, cultivating in an average spiritual place your spirit must wander much longer than expected and there I do believe that  it could take you an average of fifty years to reach it." Méng Yu replied.

    "We don't have that much time." Liú Shuài said as he turned and he looked at me.

    "There is another way that you can gain access to the pool of memory but don't expect it to be that easy." Méng Yu said.

    "Please tell us." I said.

    "At Yǔxī Mountain, there are nine Celestial immortals who'm I believe can help you access the Pool of Memory with ease but I must tell you that this is according to their will and a price must be paid for it." Méng Yu replied.

    "Where do we find Yǔxī Mountain?" I asked.

    "You don't find the mountain but the mountain itself finds you." Méng Yu replied.

    "It finds us?" I asked.

    "Yǔxī Mountain is a mobile mountain whose view is hidden from most mortals as it floats in the sky hidden to mortal eyes.

    It's safe that way because as not many people can locate it on the map, we saints too can not predict in which skies it resides as well and as a result, it's secrets remain reserved so that it's power can never be abused." Féng Yu replied.

    "There must be something that's unique about the mountain." I said.

    "The mountain is said to posses a large number of spirit grass." Féng Yu said, "along with it there's a very large number of spirit plants on the mountain that are said to posses so much spiritual energy and also posses some curing qualities." He added.

    "That means that the mountain itself should be in the position to radiate spiritual energy in the air around." I said.

    "That would be an obvious sign." Liú Shuài said.

    "For many reasons it has to remain hidden so I am firm that it's presence can not be felt upon that background alone." Féng Yu replied.

    "Either way, it's still untraceable." Liú Shuài concluded.

    "There must be a way, an exception." I said.

    "There's Grandmasters everywhere, even they don't detect the mountain." Féng Yu replied.

    "How can we draw the mountain to ourselves then?" I asked.

    "Everytime that there is immense energy that is emitted from an individual body or being circulated automatically, the mountain must be drawn to oneself." Féng Yu replied.

    "Let's draw the mountain to ourselves." I said.

    "And where are you going to get all that immense power?" Liú Shuài asked.

   "If I can channel energy then isn't it possible for me to emit it?" I asked.

    "Your meridians are strong and your channels are wide, but you do notice that if immense energy is to flow through you it could shatter each one of your meridians." Liú Shuài said.

    "The risk is worth taking." I Said.

    "But can your body withstand?" Méng Yu asked me.

    "It has to." I said.

    "That could alter your internal equilibrium." Liú Shuài said, "I'd do anything else but to let you risk your life like that is out of the question." He added.

    "I have come this far and it's too late for me to turn back now, giving up halfway is turning on my past and perhaps I could not be able to save the world." I said.

    "There has to be another way." Liú Shuài said.

    "There is none." I said.

    "I won't let you do it." Liú Shuài said.

    "You don't have a choice." I added as I walked up to the Saint.

    "I'll do it." I said.

    "Are you sure?" Méng Yu asked.

    "If I don't how can I live with myself and moreso, how can I bear to live without the memory of those that I love and care about?" I replied.

     "Very well." Méng Yu said.  

     "Láo Yuè?" Liú Shuài said as he held my right hand and at that moment I turned around and I faced.

    "I don't want to ask too much from you, I hope that you understand me." I said to him as Méng Yu leading the way I followed him out of the room and there Liú Shuài remained still debating with himself whether to follow me or not.

    A while later, everyone had gathered around me while we were seated on the rocks that were stationed in the pond nearby.

    We were about a hundred people in the place and each one of us maintaining the lotus position I was at the centre as they meditated  while Liú Shuài joined them as well.

    Convinced that everyone around me had gotten deeper into their spirit I closed my eyes and I too started meditating as I took in a deep breath and there I exhaled.

    Suddenly after a while of silence, I could feel a shift in the atmosphere around myself as I persisted to keep my eyes closed and just at that moment staring deep into my soul I could see what was a crimson light that was shining within me.

    At that moment I could feel the energy flowing through my veins and there in the process there was more and more of it that clashed with my body I realized then that it was coming from every direction.

    The crimson light at that moment only seemed to become bigger and bigger until it had consumed every bit of darkness that I could see before.

    I felt my eyes heated up as I heard the sound of a bird escaping my mouth.

    instantly the energy I took in was severed but I could still feel more and more building up in me eventually I could not feel the ground beneath me and I was certain that I was floating.

    Opening my eyes everything before me though clear had a speck of crimson in it as a brilliant beam shot from my chest it touched the sky and immediately the clouds around started to scatter and revolving around it I could feel the people beneath me awed.

    At that moment I could feel myself burning up and looking at my arms and my whole body I realised that there were flames which were consuming me eventually the words of Elder Lóu came back into my mind.

    "Open your eyes to the spiritual realms, silence your ears to the noise and the chaos lf this world that we call our own and find your internal peace .

   Tap into your golden core, regardless of the force that resides inside and distribute it throughout your body regulating it show your sense of Command and lead while it's the one that's there in the follow." I could hear him say and at that moment closing my eyes once again I tried to calm down all my emotions the only thing that stood between myself and the light in my head being another shadow in the crude image of a man.

    Opening my eyes I was certain that the beam of energy itself had given off my position and slowly, I descended back onto the rock that was in between the waters sending away some waves which kept on swinging back and forth.

    The others that were around me looked at me intensely and my eyes turning to Liú Shuài and Méng Yu I knew there was something that wasn't right.

    The rest of the monks there stood and flew away from the pond while I too stood up and doing the same I landed on the side.

    "Are you Alright?" Liú Shuài asked me that instant.

    "Yes." I replied, "At least I am most confident that beam itself was enough to get the Yǔxī Mountain here." I added.

    "It certainly will." Méng Yu said, "as long as we can wait a little bit." he added.

    "Thank you." I said.

    "How do you feel?" Méng Yu asked me.

    "Normal." I replied.

    "Really?" He seemed too interested and judging from the look in his eyes I noticed there was something else that he perhaps wanted to say to me.

   "What's the problem?" I asked.

   "All that immense power that you yourself generated is unimaginable." Méng Yu replied.

    "I didn't generate any sort of power, I channeled yours." I said.

    "No." Méng Yu replied.

    "What happened then?" I asked as I turned to Liú Shuài.

    "Halfway through, it seemed that you automatically severed all the spiritual channels that linked our internal force." he replied.

    "Impossible." I remarked.

    "There's an immense power that is within you that is well hidden and there is something else inside it that amplifies that strength and makes it more immense in it's circulation." Méng Yu said.

    "You are not the first person saying this." I said.

    "And I hope that I am not entirely the last." Méng Yu said.

     "What's happening to me." I said as I looked at my empty palms myself puzzled hearing what I was being told.

    "It doesn't matter right now." Liú Shuài said, "let's first look at trying to understand the situation and getting to Yǔxī Mountain as soon as possible." He added.

     "Yes." I muttered.

     At that moment there was a monk that rushed over to the three of us.

    "Master?" He called.

    "What's it?" Méng Yu asked.

    "Trouble." He said.

    "What's happening?" I asked and there pointing up at the sky, we noticed in a distance across from the direction of the Luó Graveyard what appeared to be a large number of people dressed in thick black robes flying towards the both of us.

    "Demonic Cultivators." Liú Shuài noticed them immediately.

    "How?" I asked.

    "If Yǔxī Mountain were to notice the immense energy flow in the air then..." Méng Yu was still saying.

    "It's my signal to show my pursuers our whereabouts." I added.

    "I don't understand, how could they penetrate the Luó Graveyard with ease?" Liú Shuài asked.

    "By any chance....?" Méng Yu seemed to ask the monk.

    "The energy flow itself was enough to destabilize the protection barrier." The man replied.

    "It created a breach." I said.

    "Yes." Méng Yu replied.

    "They're after you." Liú Shuài said.

    "We have to lead them away from the valley." I said.

    "That could alter the detection of Yǔxī Mountain and you won't be able to escape in time." Méng Yu replied.

    "If my channels are forced open and I take in so much yīn energy then each and everyone's life shall be in danger and so shall this valley." I said.

     "We are not weak and hopeless ourselves." Méng Yu said as he conjured a staff in his hands and immediately at that moment, all the others gathered right around is with their swords, spears, and staffs and altogether with us they faced the skies where our advancing enemies came closer.

    "If we could fight about then Yǔxī Mountain shall detect the valley as well." Méng Yu said.

    "Alright." I agreed as I conjured my two blades and holding them in my arms I waited for the enemy to come into close range.

    Méng Yu closed his eyes and leading everyone else he flew upwards into the sky while everyone of us followed him and face to face we all clashed with the attackers.

    Swinging my blades I had been surrounded by three Demonic Cultivators but rushing through them like the wind with my swiftness I cut them into halves which descended lifeless onto the ground.

    Liú Shuài fought with a sword in his left hand and his white Guqin in his right hand and as he plucked the strings and emitted a very large energy wave which swept the demonic Cultivators away, throwing his sword at them it went through them cutting there heads off and slitting their bowels.

    Méng Yu using his staff sharpened at both ends it looked more like a spear and swinging it he was able to hit the Cultivators that came closer and  closer to him away.

    We the defenders had the battle in our favour and at that moment looking around myself, there were nine demonic Cultivators that had already surrounded me and they all launched themselves at me with their weapons.

    Spinning around, I ascended further into the air while they followed  and all the could see streaking across through them was my cape as I struck them all down and with the edges of my blades cut many of them with injuries, they fell to the other monks.

     As it seemed that the battle had got more and more active, another dozen of elite Demonic Cultivators surrounded the three of us and back to back with Méng Yu and Liú Shuài we still levitated in mid air.

    We launched ourselves at our enemies while with my right hand I span my blade like a propeller which repelled many of them.

    Behind myself I could hear another that was attacking me and at that moment puffing so swiftly I positioned myself behind him and ran my blade through his back.

    Another three launching themselves and me from behind as well planting my feet on the vanquished I pulled out my sword and throwing myself away from him I summersaulted and they missed with my hands spread out while I cut through them as well.

    Liú Shuài rotating in circles he kept on plucking the strings of his Guqin which releasing it's powers he was able to cast them away their meridians shattering they landed down onto the ground.

   We realised that at that moment, many of the demonic Cultivators that were around instantly turned into a thick dark smoke along with all those that had fallen and while studying them closely, the thick dark mist started rising into the air and I was certain of the most familiar incident while it looked like all the yīn energy from their remnants concentrated in the place was starting towards me.

    I conjured the scarlet Guqin of mine in front of my arms and holding the strings, myself in front of the force while Liú Shuài stood behind it we started to play a series of notes they eventually appeared in front of us as golden and silver characters that floating about they surrounded the thick cloud.

    At that very moment, the sound of the flute emerged prominent from my left and while we turned to Méng Yu, there was a beam of yellow light that surrounding him in from of strings it spread out to the other parts of the thick cloud and consuming it from top to bottom while we had confined it in place, it eventually scattered in form of particles of thin yáng energy.

    At that moment all three of us relaxing we descended down onto the ground as not much damage had been done since most of the battle had been fought in the air.

    Liú Shuài and I stared at Méng Yu who conjuring his flute away he looked at us with a smirk on his face.