
Ashes ceasing my words

"That may be so, but you're now stuck with me for a while. Shall we not be acquainted?" The man frowned and showed how irritated he was with the fact. "Just stay out of my way Kaedehara." Kazuha catches his gaze, "I can't guarantee that." Kazuha and Scaramouche get trapped in a Dragonspine cave while teamed up, due to the travelers commission. Will the forced proximity and past memories bring them closer together or lead them further apart?

DaoistEtLsvI · ゲーム
1 Chs

Ashes ceasing my words

"Just a hilichurl camp? Why even bother?" I sigh, rolling my eyes at the traveler's excuse.

"Scaramouche, I have an important task to complete. I have to send you and my other companion for this commission!" Paimon is quick to back up the traveler.

"Yeah! You get to work with Kaedehara Kazuha, you know, the descendant of the clan?"

Now that is going to make this task way more intriguing.

I haven't actually met this Kaedehara yet…. He's very interesting due to his stunt of blocking the Musou no Hitotachi.

Sure, his skill was acknowledged by many in Inazuma when word spread. Though those humans don't understand the 'Raiden Shogun' quite like I do. I just must ask what drove him to go against the God of Inazuma.

I cross my arms and meet the travelers eyes, "Are you sure it has to be me?", and quickly the traveler nodded, handing me a map with the location.

"Please Scaramouche! We really need to get this task done!" I hear the high pitch voice exclaim above the map.

Great. Now I'm stuck doing useless commissions. At least I'm getting something out of it.

"Yeah, I'll complete this stupid commission of yours, only because I feel the need to."

And with that I bid farewell to the traveler and his…. floating guide.

I look up to the giant snow covered peaks of dragonspine. They're so easy to see even from the camp, the frost and cool breeze sweeps through every so often.

"Ugh.. this Kaedehara better be easy to spot." I mumble under my breath.

I feel a presence close by accompanied by a gush of warmer feeling wind. Speak of the devil.

I turn around and find myself staring at the white haired male, only a couple meters away.

I take in his appearance, which is honestly quite expected. Not too flashy yet not easy to blend with a crowd, heh almost perfect.

The man in question gives a light smile, "You must be my company for today, may I get a name?" He spoke with an indifferent yet welcoming tone.

"So you're the well known descendant of the Kaedehara clan, am I right?" I am amused at how easily he knew.

He nodded slightly before asking, "Seems like you already know about me, shall we exchange pleasantries then?", and he steps forward.

"I don't have a name to go by, I am but a mere wanderer. Call me what you must and I won't care anyways." I say turning my back to head to our commission.

I can still feel him follow my steps.

"I feel the blessing of the wind around you wanderer, I think you're more than meets the eye." I glance back at him as he continues.

"Do you have a current name you go by, I could find it useful during our journey."

Jeez he makes everything harder than it is.

"All of those names are irrelevant now, but if you must, just call me Scaramouche." I hated how much of a past that name carries, but now it's all erased anyways.

I still feel the past gripping onto me and he nods and tests the name on his tongue.

"Thank you, Scaramouche. I hope we can quickly finish the task at hand, and even become acquainted." He spoke softly.

"I don't have the time. I travel alone now, no need for useless distractions like aquanites." I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

He hums, "Though you're willing to help the traveler?" I stopped walking and faced him.

"I owe him for his help. Don't take it to heart, Kaedehara."

He doesn't seem affected by these words and instead uses the moment to walk up beside me.

"Please just call me Kazuha, no need for excess formality." Completely ignoring my cold sentence from a moment ago.

I turn my head and continue, in the corner of my eye I see feet walking beside mine.

I tested his name as he tested mine.

"Sure, Kazuha."

I hear the man in question chuckle to himself lightly, though the wind carries it away before I can mention it.

The wind howls around the two anemo men the further they venture in, frost nips at their skin yet the white haired man is yet to let it hinder him.

Shit, is it not cold for him? Why am I the only one freezing my ass off here?

Deciding to speak up, the wanderer asks, "So… Kazuha, where exactly is this commission, and why are we on the side of a mountain?!", true to his word they are currently holding on for dear life on the side of the mountain.

"Scaramouche, there is no need to worry." Kazuha starts with a calm reassuring face.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DON'T WORRY?" The indigo hair man exclaims, hanging on the side of the drop off with a singular finger.

"You are aware of the fact…. We have the blessing of anemo..?"

Silence fills the air around them.

I wish I fell off.

Both men use the wind to get up fairly easily- to Kazuha's amusement.

The white haired man's chuckle can be heard only fuelling the wanderers embarrassment.

Had he gotten too carried away with the other, that the thought of survival skills had crossed his mind?

No, there was no way the wanderer could admit to something so foolish.

Worldly filth… how dare I let my guard down.

Kazuha seems to sense the mood change in the wind and turns to the man.

The wanderer's eyes are hidden under his hat, though there's no denying the way that frown made Kazuha feel.

Kazuha had already experienced this before with Kagotsurube Isshin.

The hatred and revenge…

He and the traveler had witnessed how far a spirit could go for their master. This man, he had that same aura.

That putrid hate for the world, yet Kazuha knew there was more to this story.

He had learned after being targeted that the Kagotsurube Isshin had been tainted, it had been used, and abandoned.

This man… he is special.

"Scaramouche." Kazuha started, this subject was hard to bring forth without awaking anger or strong controlling emotions.

The other seemed to snap out of it, making quick work of the paths to continue on their commission.

"Let's go, Kazuha." Though it lacked the remorse to sound demanding.

Kazuha briefly started and decided to ask later, when the wind was right.

For now… let us continue.

Well they tried to continue.

Once they reached the bottom of the mountain both men turned suddenly.


"Yes, I heard it too." Said the man looking behind his back frantically.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the snow on the mountain came tumbling down the side causing an avalanche down the side of the rocks.

Both men almost immediately braced for the attack.

"Scaramouche, there a cave over there if we run-!", Kazuha was interrupted by the voice beside him.

"We have a vision for a reason Kazuha! For fucks sake we don't need to run!" The wanderer's yell was lost in the air as he was pulled into cover just before the snow hit.

Both men landed- well not gracefully for sure, in the cave.

The rocks etched their way into their skin as they slid safety.

The first one to speak up was the Wanderer, "Are you and idiot?! I don't need your help as glorified as you are, Kaedehara."

The man in question stood as quiet as the breeze and met the others gaze.

"Scaramocuhe..I told you to call me Kazuha.", And the other scoffed.

"I'm only here for the mission Kaedehara. Not to get all friendly with you." Scaramouche added with a cold glare towards the other.

Kazuha answered in a calm manner, "Of course, Scaramouche. I understand what you're implying. I will make sure we see this mission through."

After a long second, Scaramouche jumped to his feet making Kazuha look over.

"The commission!" Scaramouche said almost hurriedly. The cave had been completely blocked in thick snow from the mountain. The man cursed under his breath, fixating his gaze back on the white haired man.

"Tell me," Scaramouche let out a groan of dismay, "can you unblock that?" Pointing towards the now hardened blockage of ice.

"Without causing the cave to collapse on us? No, I can not. Do not let fear consume you for that will cause your downfall my friend." Kazuha said in a tone too easy for someone trapped in a cave.

Scaramouche walked over to him face to face, "Well then friend what else should we do? I can break it and you can just try to get out fast enough to live." Scaramouche exclaimed, sarcasm leaking into his words.

Kazuha smiled, "There's adventures that travel in groups around this area almost everyday. Especially with the threat of an avalanche, they can easily get us out without disrupting the mountain."

Scaramouche sighed and dropped to the ground.

Kazuha decided to add, "I am very glad you consider me a friend as well, Scaramouche." Although Scaramouche could hear the mocking behind his words.

"It's called sarcasm, Kaedehara. I don't consider you a friend!"

He hummed, "The wind says you're lying Scaramouche."

"We're in a damn cave! What wind are you feeling?" Scaramouche raises his voice defensively.

Kazuha closes his eyes and tilts his head upwards, "The wind never lies, my dear friend."

"You're delusional!" Scaramouche looks at him like he's grown three heads, "I have no reason to be friends with you Kaedehara."

"That may be so, but you're now stuck with me for a while. Shall we not be acquainted?"

The man frowned and showed how irritated he was with the fact.

"Just stay out of my way Kaedehara."

Kazuha catches his gaze, "I can't guarantee that."

The other scoffs and turns his head in the opposite direction.

Almost silent over the noise he mutters,

"Whatever, Kazuha… "

First post here, I usually post off of Ao3

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