
Ashanti Kings

With the assassination of the king, the Kings Game is held to choose a new king or at least that's what Osei Tutu and his opponents are made to believe.

Cupidk · アクション
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Royal Elders.

A month has passed since the assassination of the king. The whole kingdom has been thrown into a depressed state, the loss of their king was felt through out the entire land. The once sunny sky had turned dull, the cheerful birds and animals were silent and the energetic people of the kingdom had lost their energy.

But no place in the kingdom was in a more depressed state than the place were it all happened, The Palace. The palace had become a shell of it's former self, the once bustling place was as silent as a graveyard. Everybody in the kingdom took the loss of their king hard, but none could compare to that of the Royal guard's. They blamed themselves for not being able to save their king, and so they took a vow to abstain from food until their king was buried.

On yet another quiet day, the royal elders were to meet. The eight elders of the various clans were responsible for running the kingdom until a new king was enstooled. They had arrived in the early hours of the morning and made their way to the meeting room. They each took their respective seats and sat in silence as this would be the first time they were meeting without a king. The room had ten seats in total, four facing each other and on a slightly higher platform stood a throne and a smaller one to its left. They sat there for a while until a guard's voice broke thee silence,

"MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY, THE QUEENMOTHER IS ARRIVING!", the elders stood up from their seats to welcome her. A woman clad in black kente walked by them and made her way to the platform, where she sat on the smaller throne.

The royal linguist walked in from a backroom, holding his staff in his right hand, and in his left, he held a small black pot with blood covered feathers sticking out of it. Black smoke started to pour from the pot and engulfed the room, creating a dome around them.

"Lets start, shall we.", said the linguist as the dome finished forming.

One of the elders spoke up, "The people are restless, we need to enstool a new king". As soon as the words left his lips, a commotion started.

"Are you insane, we haven't even buried our late king and you suggest such a thing!"

"I get his point but its too early for that"

"Have you forgotten our customs, we need to perform various rites before we can even bury the king and that could take months!"

"He's right, we need a new king!"

"You fools, now is not the time for such matters!" ...

as the commotion was heating up, the linguist shut them up, " SILENCE!, now is not the time for such matters. Have you forgotten that, the choosing of a new king rests with the QUEENMOTHER. Besides, we can't choose a new king if we wanted to. It is missing!"

"By It, you don't mean,..."

"Yes, The Golden Stool is gone".