

In this world there’s only one King who have the Earth on his Palms and the Heaven underneath his feet, and I am such a King. Uncontested and bright, I stand above all, and after facing the World Sundering Tribulation I will be a True King among Gods! But when the lightning stopped, I opened my eyes in a different world, where Martial Arts does not reign supreme. A land where Sorcery is called Magic. Now, let’s see how long it will take for me to conquer this world.

Jeres_5099 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

[The World is without challenge]

I have lived for a thousand years, encountered a lot of people, and fought even more. Not once had I seen someone as sensible and shameless as this cat.

"So, who or what exactly are you?"

"I am a cat with no name, myeow Lord. I have seen the error of myeow ways; please allow me to have the most glorious moment of this cat's life by allowing me to follow you." The black cat explained.

The cat doesn't really seem like it's lying; its eyes were clear, and there was no hint of hostility.

"What made you change your mind to follow me?

"Absolute strength… and I didn't want to die."

"You are an honest fellow, aren't you?"

"It is a virtue and a curse, myeow Lord."

"If you are appealing with your quirkiness, then stop it. You are only digging yourself a deeper grave."

"I understand, my Lord."

See what I mean by being sensible? This cat was someone who understands when to shut the fuck up when asked. What a relief this was.

"So, what do you expect from me, cat?"

"To serve you and hopefully not get killed. In this Dark Forest, those who are weak like me need to stick to the strong. And hopefully, get a name from my Lord and have the chance to undergo evolution."

Haha, didn't expect it to be this greedy.

"So, you want to use me to become stronger? Is that what you are saying?"

"If you put it that way, I—"

"Don't worry, honesty is a virtue, and this is so much better than beating around the bush."

But I still wonder, what is this evolution it refers to? Is it the same as the bodily mutation that occurs when a Demonic Practitioner undergoes Qi Deviation? And does possessing a name have any difference?

"Do you have information regarding Evolution and Naming, Ghost?"

"Um, my Lord, are you talking to me?" the cat asked in confusion.

"Huh? No, I'm talking to… the Voice of the World in your cultured."

"Ho-how amazing…"

Its eyes are glowing from awe.

"It seems like you're quite an outstanding existence even in here, huh, Ghost."

[Response: Thank you, Master, now, to answer your questions—

Evolution: it is accessible to all monsters, some Demi-humans, and a few Humans. It is the process of entering the next stage of life becoming stronger. The process occurs when enough mana in the body is met, or when a strong [Deva] or someone that has enough strength initiated an Evolution. Some Monsters can also evolve after aging to a certain age; with Monster Flesh originally being born from mana, some Monsters never age and only grow stronger with time. Evolution is a natural process; it can be done in several ways and can result in several endings - meaning a monster can evolve in one way, and the same monster can develop in a totally different path. A Deva can become stronger or weaker after evolution depending on the form they take (A Monster that evolves will always take the state that's most natural to their affinities and overall environment to ensure higher survivability.)

Naming: A monster that gains a name would be granted with more power and higher intelligence—Depending on the strength of the Namer, the blessing received by the monster varies—only the strong or to the [Voice of the World] can give names (This rule, however, is flexible when the Existence of a Demon Lord's follower exist. To accept a name does not always pertain to evolution but a blessing but will always be treated as a binding vow; it is also often referred to as Chains. Loyalty, however, cannot be gained by receiving a name.)

Evolved Monsters/Devas: They are called [Deva] in this world for their past selves died, and they assumed the identity of a higher-tiered being. Devas with no names serve no masters or have evolved through either aging or eating magical items with many mana in them. Only beings with great intelligence are called Devas. (Those that have been corrupted by Chaos are referred to as Shuras.)

Notes: Devas are seen as equal by some Humans and Demi-humans alike. Some are treated as divine beings, and others like devils. Some are even treated as Deities or Apostles in the olden days; thus, they are now known as Devas.]

Well makes sense; a being's humanity is really calculable by their intelligence anyway. Wait, Deities and Apostles? Does that mean they have Gods in this world?

"That's a lot of information to take in all of a sudden. Well, I'll encounter their applications in the near future, so I guess I'll let it pass for now. Anyway, you seem to know about Evolution and Monsters."

[Answer: it is a natural phenomenon etched in this World's History and Worldly Law — I also have information about Humans, Demi-humans, Monsters (Devas)— do you wish to know more?]

"I will leave it at that. Hey, cat."

"Yes, My Lord?"

"If I give you a name, what can you give me?"

"My undying loyalty, my Lord."

"That's nice… seriously, what can you provide me?"

"...Nothing else..."

"Good, because you see, I'm actually a human."

The cat froze. Is it that shocking?

[Report: You are also not human.]

I, too, froze in shock.

"Turns out I am not human; do you still want a name?"

"…it would be my honor, my Lord... but like I said before, I can't offer you anything."

"Don't worry about that. But you control Life and Death, right? Do you think you can teach me that?"

"Of course, my Lord."

"Okay, that's a done deal. You are a cat with black fur, and you can control the dead… I'll name you Nekron."

"I accept the name you have bestowed upon me; I shall be your humblest of Servant, but… only if you promise to please protect someone for me… she's also someone who holds more in-depth knowledge when it comes to Life and Death... so I think your Lordship would be more interested in her."

Hooh, it's trembling from fear… yet it is risking its life for this request, must be an essential person, lover, or a child perhaps?

"Sure, I am already curious to see how this would play out, so why not. Come on, tell me what it is that you want. I'll be sure to protect that being."

The cat's face lit up. It told me everything that I needed to know, and then it accepted the name. I really want to see how this whole evolution thing works, so I just received its request.

Well, it did say that whoever it is that, it's knowledgeable in the matter of Life and Death, so I'm not really losing anything here.

The name Nekron is being ingrained in his soul… calculating Loyalty…

almost nonexistent…

Calculating the [Namer's] and [Vassal's] Soul Strength…

10(Namer): 1(Vassal's)… the difference in Soul Strength has been shown, the Contract shall now bound the Vassal to the [Namer: Weiss] …

A 10:1 Contract has been established.

Nekron's face changed multiple times. When I heard Ghost's words, it too reacted. I think Nekron, heard the same thing. I don't know how significant the 10:1 Contract was, but it appears that I dominated it; thus, I don't really mind.

I saw Nekron's fear and delight, and then, golden light wrapped around him. I saw him bow before disappearing, closing its eyes and getting enclosed in some sort of Egg.

[The Contract has been fulfilled; Vassal Nekron's Evolution Process shall finish in (5:23:59:59)]

I touched the Egg and then lifted it up. Its weight was comparable to that of an ordinary cat's, but that didn't really interest me as much as the Golden Egg wrapped around Nekron, 'What's this?'

[Answer: That is Mana Threads, it weaved around to create what is known as [World Embryo]. It cannot be destroyed easily.]

'Wait, you can read my thoughts? Could've said that earlier, right?'

[Response: I apologize.]

'Again, it is but a jest… sigh*, let's just go, I promised the cat to protect someone, and I am not going to renege on that promise. But first, I better search for a food offering. Nekron was hunting for food that's thick in mana for that person, right? Ghost, point me to the closest being that has thick mana. I'm still not proficient in gauging this mana.'

[Searching… searching… spreading Spirit Sense… detected… materializing Minimap… completed.]

A floating circular panel appeared on the bottom right of my sight. Parts of it were utterly black, and considering how its terrain was only filled with the path I came from, it appears it is filled with only the place I have been to.

A red dot appeared on the black area, 'Is that the target?'

[Answer: Yes.]

'Good to know, then, let us go.'

[Report: Do you wish to keep the Vassal Nekro's World Embryo in your Inventory?]

'I have a Spatial Pouch as well?' this is getting even more convenient the more time passes.

The Golden Egg disappeared, and I left to the location of the Red Dot.

Using the Crossing the Cosmos Footwork, I reached my destination, and as I did so, I found a giant turtle with a small hill on its back.

[Report: Lesser Earth Turtle Dragon: With a body that's over 10 meters big, it is a beast that's in line with the Ancestral Beast Behemoth. With Green Eyes, granite-like skin, and a shell that carries a small hill, the Earth Dragon that has no wings can easily flatten the land. It walks with heavy steps and often flattens a hill and replaces it. It holds tremendous strength and an even stronger defense.]

That's quite a beast, a body that spans 13 meters. Its head was bigger than I.

'Is this one of the Apex Predators in this World?'

[Response: not entirely, but it is a strong adversity that's feared by many.]

Expectations, of course, filled me and as I prepared myself.

The skills Spirit Enhancement and Spirit Cloak activated and using the movement art, I reached the front of the Lesser Earth Turtle Dragon-that's a mouthful- and it woke up from its slumber.

It showed displeased eyes, "Will you become a good challenge for me? Or, will you be nothing more than a mass of disappointment?"

ROAR!!! Its voice caused the earth to rumble.

The beast slowly stood up, and just from that… I already understood what it was, "I knew it. You are nothing but disappointment."

[Art: Chain Spirit Body]

With the flick of my wrist golden chains sprouted from my body and held the disappointment's mouth. It tried its best to break the ethereal chains… but as expected it couldn't do anything.

"With that big body of yours I really thought you would at least pose a threat to me… it seems like I was wrong."

I moved the chains, and pulled it out of its shell, I then then touched its reversed scale at its throat, "You're a bigger disappointment than that cat."

[Art: Palm Spirit Body]


Its head exploded like everyone else… it could not even tank a single technique? My disappointment was immeasurable… sigh.

'Will this thing spoil?' I asked seeing the carcass flowing with blood.

[Answer: Its body is composed of mana; it will not rot… its blood is also useful for strengthening the body, I suggest that master collects it.]

'So, it will not spoil? That's good to know.'

[Art: Heavenly Water Congregation]

The blood that had touched the ground and escaping its body floated in the air as I controlled the water. This was the Divine Technique I learned from my first master… though it was not originally this strong.

[Report: there are several eyes pointed at you.]

'I collected it, now, let's go.'

[Report: There are several eyes—]

'I heard and I can feel it, do not worry, whatever it is, that being will not make a move, do you know why?'

[Response: No.]

'Because I'm too strong. Now mark my destination in accordance to Nekron's direction. I want to see the beings it wanted to protect.'

[Response: Done.]

And so, the First Day Ended and Day 2 arrived with me walking away, with the Lesser Earth Turtle Disappointment in tow.

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