
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · ファンタジー
107 Chs

The Book of Names

The Column stopped rotating as it carried them into a dark chilly room. Harim tried to figure out where they were. There was nothing above the library that he could recall, although the monastery did have many weird rooms that didn't make sense. It could be another one of these magical rooms, either way, this room was a mystery to him.

Master Tensang, with a practiced move, stepped off the lift and lit a scone on the wall with a snap of his fingers.

"I didn't know monks knew magic?" Rothox whispered to Harim.

"Master Tensang is the master of elements, he knows how to manipulate them."

Tensang cleared his throat to get their attention before he stepped further into the round room carrying the torch with him. He walked around the room lighting the wall sconces one at a time, six in total. With the room now fully lit they were able to make out a solo pedestal in the center with a single closed book laying on top. The leather was worn and old, older than any book they had seen in the Columns. Even though it was old the book seemed to be in good condition. The walls were marble similar to the marble of the Columns. On the walls, there were images painted on them. At first glance, it didn't make sense but with closer inspection and with more torchlight they realized it was the visual history of not just Yulandi but Elandriel.

The images depicted a dark world, alone then a light appeared and eventually from that light, life. It continued along showing the first beings created by Omnitheos. Then it showed them exploring and learning of other continents and other beings on those continents. A population explosion led to advancements in technology and an era of civilization was born. Then a large war scene portrayed a dark force attacking the entire world. Once again the world was in darkness, except for a small area of light. All the beings banded together to fight off the evil and the light retook the world. The Rebirth was followed by a time of peace and change as the world adapted to the new races and magic. Then the images suddenly stopped short, leaving a blank area.

"There is more to this world's story," Tensang admired the wall with them.

"Such a small amount though?" Julius asked.

"We can always paint over." He smiled.

'Did Tensang just make a joke?' Rothox thought. He and Harim looked at each other both having the same thought.

The master monk turned his attention to the book. "This is the most important item in our position, only the masters have access to it. It is what our order uses to balance the world." He walked over to the book and placed the torch in a holder beside the pedestal. The cover had a gold scale etched into it with no title. "This is the 'Book of Names', it contains everyone that has ever been born in the world.

"Why are you showing this to us now?" Harim asked. "We lost."

Master Tensang flipped the book open, it was thick with thin papyrus and small writing. Not quite as large as the catalog tome. They waited patiently as he turned the delicate pages until he stopped and stood aside. Harim leaned in, seeing the surname Blackthorne at the top of the page.

"The Blackthorne family tree. That page contains all the Blackthorne family members, their birthdates, death dates, and the location of both. You haven't lost."

Harim traced the tree stopping on the last name, the only son of Otto and Thalina Blackthorne, Ottothal.

Master Tensang continued. "Ottothal is the last surviving Blackthorne. His family home is located deep in the Udon Jungle, an old castle from a forgotten era. We aren't sure when he became a vampire but sometime shortly after his parents both died tragically in a fire."

"Why do we need to know this?" Rothox asked.

"Vampires are undead and in order to exist on the material plane, they have to have a link, a tether to something that allows them to exist in the living world. It is nearly impossible to kill them by damaging their material bodies. They will merely materialize at the source of their tether. Normally a place steeped in meaning is where they keep this link, a secure and private place. Thus his family home in the Udon Jungle is where you should start."

"Why is his parent's death important?" Harim asked.

"It is what spawned his path to darkness. Before the tragedy, the Blackthorne family was a respected household. They were loving parents and generous citizens."

"How do you know this?" Julius asked.

"It is written here by monks that came before me."

"I'm confused, I stabbed Cragxan. He seemed to feel pain and I could visibly see the damage when I attacked him," Rothox said.

"They do feel pain and their physical bodies are mortal and can die but their essence will bring them back to their source."

"Like, their soul?" Alissa asked.

"In a way. They no longer have a soul, but the dark magic that grants them their immortality keeps their life essence alive. Breaking that connection before attacking the body is the only way that a vampire can be killed."

"Didn't we kill vampires in the sewers?" Alissa said.

"There is a difference between their spawn and a true vampire. A spawn is created through a bite and they are mortal, and can die as you or I, however a true vampire had made a covenant with a powerful entity which gives them their immortality and other powers."

"So destroy the tether, then the body….sounds easy enough," Rothox said.

Master Tensang focused his wise eyes on him. "Even though Ottothal believes his home is safe and unknown to the rest of the world he will surely have it heavily guarded."

"Why can't the Faceless monks deal with it?" Rothox asked not breaking eye contact with the ancient monk.

"If you have noticed the Monastery is empty, all our monks are dealing with anomalies that have been popping up across Yulandi. I am the only one left to watch over the sanctuary. "

"What type of anomalies, Master?" Harim asked.

"We believe that Ottothal's master plan is underway; there have been sightings of demonic creatures. No portals have been found yet but there are certain demons, scouts, that have the ability to travel through the dimensions when the barrier between them has been weakened. Most have to wait for a strong and permanent connection between the two planes. According to history these first demons arrived a week before the armies did."

"How do we stop the portals?" Rothox asked.

"Stop Ottothal and you stop the portals. It is his magic, his connection to the demon's plane that allows them to come through. He is very ancient and powerful, he has had centuries to plan this and perfect his magic."

Harim bowed to his master, "Thank you, this was vital information. We shall head straight for the Udon Jungle." Master Tensang bowed back. When he picked his head up he caught Alissa's eyes staring at the book.

"You want some answers."

She nodded.

"Your parents?"

She shook her head.

"Someone else then?"

Rothox knew who. "Alissa, are you sure you want to know right now, sometimes not knowing is kinder on your heart."

"I have to know Rothox." She stepped to the book and flipped to the royal family of Viviar. She read, Queen Amalia deceased, with yesterday's date. She held back her tears and looked at Master Tensang. "How did you know?"

"I didn't… this book is of divine magic, it transcribes itself, a gift from a powerful friend to the Pingstatera. We add anecdotes and important information about their lives but the births and deaths appear on their own."

"I see." She turned away from the book, following Harim onto the column. Master Tensang closed the book and joined as the other two got on as well.

Harim thanked his Master again while the others got onto the skyship. Rothox watched as Tensang handed Harim a scroll from his robe and placed a hand on his student's shoulder. Rothox couldn't make out what was said before Master Tensang turned around leaving Harim on the cobblestone. Harim stared at the rolled scroll in his hand for a moment before climbing onto the skyship.

"What did he give you?" Rothox asked when Harim got onboard.

"He said it contained the whereabouts of my parents." Harim held the scroll.

"Are you going to open it?"

"No...not yet…after we defeat Ottothal, then maybe."

"When you do, let me join you in finding them if that is what you want."

Harim said nothing, he just smiled and looked out at the horizon. Rothox stood with him as he clutched the scroll tightly, staring at the disappearing Monastery as they flew off towards the Udon Jungle in search of Ottothal's home.