
Ascension of the Dark Seraph

Author Note: Not for those who want fast development from the start but if you want good characters, then this is your novel! Chapter 1 to 22 will be focused on the MC's descent to villainous but once it kicks off, you won't be disappointed! ——— Crossers invaded the world and thrust Humanity into an interworld conflict. Humanity's instinct for survival was stimulated—rekindling the ancestral bloodline's legacy that lies dormant within them. Vampires, Elves, and even Demons were not mere figures of fantasy, but rather the true ancestors of Humanity in ages past. Thus, Hybrids were reintroduced to the world. Lucivar Asarafall, a man of humble origin—failed to awaken his bloodline. Despite his good deeds, his family loathed him. In his final trial, he swore to succeed but fate intervened, he was chosen as the monthly sacrifice for his city. In a near-death experience, his bloodline awakened, an Angel. A turning point in his life, but soon he realized that he was not the Angel he thought to be. In a world where the rulers were descendants of Dracula, the Dark Prince—or Chi Long, the Inferno King, the bloodline of malevolent beings from realms beyond mortal comprehension coursed through Lucivar's veins. While others became Hybrids, Lucivar became the messenger of Evil Gods, a False Angel. "Who cares about good or evil? If I kill someone wicked, it's a win, one less rival in my way. If I kill someone noble, it is still a win—the world would've consumed them sooner or later. So why not let it happen by my hand? After all, I'm more practical. I became stronger and you get a painless death, win-win"

Mrboogey13 · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Secretly a Powerhouse

Lucivar didn't understand what was happening.

It was supposed to be a test and yet Thalia was attacked with lethal intent.

But he wasn't going to remain idle and watch as his opportunity was killed by this man.

Having to spend an essence bar to purchase this opportunity from Loki—he was not going to waste it. Lucivar stepped in and struck the ninja, helping Thalia from the final attack that was surely going to end her.

Both Thalia and the ninja were surprised, not expecting someone to meddle in.

A surprise that was caused by Lucivar's light presence.

"Brat!" the ninja exclaimed in anger, pointing his ether claws at Lucivar—while his other hand rubbed his throbbing chin. "Meddling in something that you don't know, could be dangerous, leave while I'm still playing nice"

Upon hearing this, Lucivar went to the side to grab a broom with its handle half-snapped.

He viewed the sharp broken end and said, "Sorry, I couldn't do that"