
Sigilist Pt. II

The art of sigil crafting is a delicate balance of Arcane and Spiritual energy that has been practiced for eons longer than the wind serpent continent could recollect.

From Binders who use sigils for sealing and restraining, to Enchanters who engrave weapons and armor with powerful sigils, to Arrayists who weave chains of sigils for defense and attack, to War Dancers who construct sigils quickly and efficiently for battle - each path offers a different approach to sigil crafting.

The path of Binders is a highly specialized field within the Sigilist occupation, focusing on the art of sealing and restraining. Binders are tasked with creating intricate sigils that can bind and seal even the most powerful of entities.

Their work is essential in maintaining order and preventing chaos from spreading throughout the realm. Binders use their knowledge of Arcane and Spiritual energy to craft sigils that can immobilize creatures, prevent them from using their powers, or even banish them to other planes of existence

Enchanters are the artists of the Sigilist occupation, imbuing weapons, armor, and other items with powerful sigils that enhance their effectiveness in battle. Their craft requires a delicate balance of Arcane and Spiritual energy, which they control with masterful precision.

Through their work, Enchanters turn ordinary objects into extraordinary ones, infusing them with magical properties that can make all the difference in a fight. From swords that glow with an ethereal light to shields that repel even the strongest blows, Enchanters are capable of creating wonders that defy explanation.

The Arrayist is a master of sigil weaving, able to create intricate chains of sigils that form powerful magical formations. These formations can be used for both defense and attack, making Arrayists an essential part of any Sigilist team.

To create these formations, Arrayists must have an intimate understanding of the properties of each sigil and how they interact with one another. They must also possess a keen eye for detail, as even the slightest mistake can cause the entire formation to fail.

The War Dancer is the ultimate embodiment of the Sigilist occupation, possessing both the skill and creativity to construct powerful sigils in the heat of battle. Their movements are fluid and graceful, allowing them to weave intricate patterns of Arcane and Spiritual energy with ease.

In the midst of combat, a War Dancer can quickly analyze the situation and construct sigils that provide an immediate advantage. Whether it's a defensive barrier or an offensive attack, their sigils are always precise and effective. They are truly masters of their craft.

In this instance, Ziyuan chose Enchantments. At the most basic level, it was common to construct sigils with a combination of refined material complimented by arcane and spiritual energy.

After preparing the materials into concentrated fluids, he wiped his sweat and gathered his strength again before calling forth a set of armor, a sword, and a dagger.

He took a deep breath and prepared himself to expend his spiritual and arcane energy to the end. Above profit, the quality of the work was all there was for a Sigilist no matter the path. There was distinct pride in being able to create what few on the continent could.

Ziyuan displayed the first foreign hand movement that even the most talented Sigilist wouldn't recognize. Only after he met his master and traveled the world did Ziyuan discover the statue of the Thousand Hand Deva in a destroyed temple ruin.

Like many continents around the world, the Wind Serpent was cut off from the legacies of the ancient gods. Stifling the current power of the people in the world.

From what they could grasp from the discovery of the Thousand Hand Deva, the statue was created with the purpose of preserving the teachings of the ruined temple. The art of sigils and the Spiritual training method are its two most prominent legacies. With this, Ziyuan and his master advanced their sigil arts to new heights. Still, the mastery of the techniques was a distant dream to them. Something Ziyuan planned to correct in this lifetime.

As the spiritual and arcane energy rippled across the room, an ethereal form of two more arms and hands appeared on Ziyuan. The arms swayed and the hands and fingers moved like a divine weaver. Before him, the refined liquids were pulled apart and twisted. They danced around one another, mingling and merging forming rivers in the sky with dazzling radiance.

Finally, the flow stopped and rivers of liquid formed three vibrant sigils in the air. Pressing his hands together, the sigils stamped their targets and the armaments hummed with joy and power.

As his energy settled and a calm exhale was emitted, Ziyuan looked over his work with a conflicted gaze.

"If it wasn't for my achievement in Caligraphy, I wouldn't have achieved this level with my strength," Ziyuan muttered in a moment of self-criticism.

Shaking his head, he picked up the sword and inspected the flow of energy within the sigils, and nodded partially pleased with the boost of power.

"Thirty percent increase of power just from energy flow. If the materials were only slightly better..." Ziyuan fought the impulse to crush the enchantment.

He then waved the sword around and gently touched the tip of the blade to the desk as he activated the sigil. The blade cried and the desk was cut into three pieces. He then twist his wrist, pulled back, then thrust forth.

On contact, the desk became nine pieces of scrap. However, Ziyuan couldn't overlook the tremble of the enchantment on the sword.

'Threefold activation seems to be its limit. Still, the Thrice Threaded Sigil is perfection.' he hummed internally before trying the Concealment sigil on the dagger and the Diffusion sigil on the armor.


A time had passed since Ziyuan finished his sigil creations. After he centered himself and stabilized the Thousand Hand Deva method, he felt a significant increase of spiritual energy in his sea of consciousness, like a small star had made a home in the void that was his mind.

"Shit.." he suddenly cursed.

Looking at the window and the timepiece on the sill, he remembered why he began to enchant in the first place.

Quickly dressing and cleaning the room of his things, he rushed out and tossed a pouch of coins on the innkeeper's desk before he hit the door.

"Merchant Alliance Auction House" he spoke while looking around the darkened city.

It was now the fourth hour past the dark half and the big golden moon hung high in the over the city. It's light just enough to keep the world a hue away from pitch black. Thankfully, the city was lit with Fairy Flames and Lanterns to celebrate the auspicious night of the Quinquennial Star Fall Auction.

With his bearing set, Ziyuan pushed off and traveled many streets and allies to arrive in the Twilight District.

The Twilight District was a place that was the heart of seated merchants and occupationists --Alchemists and Craftsmen, only rarely selling products of Sigilists.

Here one could find everything they wished to aid them on the journey of cultivation. Composed of buildings with spewing grandeur, live music, and a thick arcane aura produced by the large concentration of magical herbs, relics, elixirs, and so on.

But despite the scenic beauty and aromatic atmosphere, it was also the bloodiest place in Morningstar City and one couldn't be too careful.

Now standing before the grandest building, owned by the Merchant Alliance, Ziyuan ascended the fifty-step entrance dressed in all black and a mask that cloaked his power and presence, allowing him to appear mortal.

As he approached the House Guards, they weren't troubled as many guests were moving about in similar attire. As a buyer of coveted goods, the number one rule for self is security, and it started with anonymity.

"Distinguished guest, how may we be of assistance?" One guard asked and Ziyuan immediately felt the eyes of every guard present.

After generations of guards being slapped to death, they acquired a custom to accept all guests until they were determined to be troublemakers or threats to the Merchant Alliance assets. So despite the lack of identity, Ziyuan was treated well.

"I received an invitation." Ziyuan replied, "It isn't a membership card."

Ziyuan calmly revealed the Gold Card he received the day before and held it out for the guards. As the guards took the golden card they hesitated once they realized what they were holding. Giving each other a shared look, this moment of hesitation presented itself as an opportunity.

Their shock spurs Ziyuan, and in a leap of faith, more so a gamble, he commands, "I have Armaments I want to sell. Bring someone I can speak to before I'm seated."

"Armaments?" the two guards asked in disbelief.

"Don't you mean Relics?" one guard asked.

"I'm sure you know the difference," Ziyuan replied flatly, "Should I show you my badge or go to another auction house? Time is money. Money is resources, and resources are…"

"The essence of cultivation…"

"So fetch your fucking manager. And let's have a prosperous night." Ziyuan sang and his words seemed cool and moving despite his cursing.

As a guard scurried away, Ziyuan chuckled to himself. He then played with the gold card with a satisfied smile.

'Seems that odd girl is pretty special to throw something like this around.' Ziyuan thought, 'Still I should be mindful. Who knows who she actually is...'

All the while the news of the armaments spread like wildfire among the attendants. They whispered amongst themselves. While some wondered about the classification of the anticipated armament, others were explaining to their youths the difference between Relics and Armaments --One created by a craftsman and the latter enchanted by a Sigilists. Each weapon is above mortal abilities.

Sometime later, Ziyuan was ushered into the building and led to a private room amidst the gathering crowd. Thankfully he had enchanted his clothing in masks with layers of privacy sigils. To the people, he appeared important and mysterious. To those who were important, he appeared as an expert or rich man with enough financial backing to purchase armaments strong enough to block their senses.

"Sir, please." a guard spoke as he gestured for an open door.

Ziyuan stepped over the threshold and was greeted by a young man and an elderly woman. The woman had sand skin and a head of silver hair that looked like wire and fierce red eyes that appeared saturated with vitality. Not even the youth beside her could compare.

"Sir, please join us." the young man spoke.

Ziyuan moved calmly and his spiritual power pulsed. When the room was verified clean, Ziyuan took a seat in the chair without worry.

"You must really be from the Tower of Seals." the elder woman spoke without making eye contact.

She didn't appear haughty but more so secure in her position.

"Whoever said I was from the Tower?" Ziyuan asked, "I only have armaments to sell."

The woman's hands trembled and she looked at Ziyuan with sharp eyes. His words were double-sided and extremely controversial.

'That spiritual pulse was definitely dense and refined. Could he be an alchemist instead' she asked herself, 'Or....No, they won't ever allow something like that.'

The woman cleared her thought before asking, "You presented a gold card. May I see it?"

A moment passed and the woman sighed. "That little brat may actually have a ray of hope."

Her murmurings vexed Ziyuan but he refrained from probing.

"How about we take a step back." said the woman, "I am Ishita Bawa, Chief appraiser of the Morningstar branch."

"You can call me 'the Artist'" said Ziyaun, "We should get to business. I have three Armaments. As for the class, you can determine them yourself."

Ishita thought of the odd and almost mortal moniker for a brief moment then signaled for Ziyuan to show his wares. After all, she also had other things to tend to. But those affairs became distant memories as the Sword, Armor, and dagger appeared before them

Ishita's mouth hung open as she pushed herself to her feet. She inched closer to get a better few.

"The calligraphy…" she gasped, "It can't be a sigil, but the aura…"

"Elder Ishita…." the young man spoke.

"Be quiet." she hissed

"The fluidity in the strokes…no not strokes. This master didn't use a brush or pen. Spirit Drawing!"

Ishita nearly jumped back and stared at Ziyuan in shock. The shock then turned to slight fear.

"My apologies. I failed to recognize a Master of the War Dance." Ishita lost that superiority in her voice and became truly humbled.