
Ascending the Nine Heavens

Formerly named Reaching for Heaven. A man from Earth is reincarnated in a strange new world. Waking up one day in the body of a ten year old orphan. This is a harsh world were orphans are either left to starve, used at canon fodder, or as child soldiers. Zhao Zheng wants to protect the other orphans in this new world. But he only has mediocre talent and a skill that is considered useless by everyone. Can he protect everything he holds dear and reach the heavens?

MarlowC · 東方
2 Chs


The Qin Dynasty had once ruled over all the heavens. They brought peace to an era of strife. Stability to the State of Chin. The days of the Warring States had finally passed. But fortune had turned to disaster.

The emperor grew sicker and sicker. It was a slow acting sickness that made all he thought to be true folly. It was a sickness of the mind. What once was thought to be insanity was sanity. He slaughtered the citizens, enslaved nobility, and sought to control heavens will.

The Emperor had offended to many people. The Eight Sacred Houses and Four Almighty Sects banded together with Han Bang leading the nobles and Ji Nantian leading the sects. Han Bang and Ji Nantian fought the Qin Emperor together and eventually they lost. A peasant by the name of Liu Bang decided to help Han Bang and Ji Nantian. Then together they sealed the Emperor and his Gray Army away. The crown prince and other key members of the royal family were imprisoned. Eventually, Liu Bang married the Fifth Daughter of the Qin Emperor. Forming the Han Dynasty and starting the beginning of an all new era. Much to the surprise of the world.

And here is how the story continues....


Zhao Zheng sat in silence on a rock. Thinking intensely while in the lotus position. While removing ones thoughts was the point of meditation. Zhao Zheng could not stop thinking. Everything was like a dream. He took a deep breath in and out. Trying to calm himself.

"Okay there has to be a reasonable explanation. I'm just dreaming," said Zhao Zheng.

Two days ago he was just an ordinary twenty-four year old on Earth. Sure, he had a profession that most people lacked the courage to do. But he became on of the best in his industry He was a career door-to-door salesman. But contrary to popular belief he wasn't an extrovert.

He just decided to sell products he loved and took acting and motivational classes to overcome his fears. He started in this profession not by choice but by necessity. His father had died in a car accident when he was eighteen. Leaving only him, his mom, and three siblings.

His mom was a house wife with no professional experience. All she knew how to do was take care of her kids. His dad failed to plan his estate properly. And only had an $80,000 life insurance policy.

The funeral alone cost $15,000. Leaving only $65,000 for the family to live on. Which was significantly less than his father's $120,000 salary. In short, they had to sell all the family assets to stretch the money to last 2 years.

While cooped up with his siblings in a small apartment Zhao Zheng had decided to become a door-to-door salesman. Because it was the best way to make alot of money without years of training. He struggled for six months until he got his first sale. Eventually, he would became the top salesperson. Repected by both his coworkers and customers alike. But all that glory had ended now.

One day he woke up in this strange place in the body of a child also named Zhao Zheng. Having no idea how he got here. Now, he was was in an orphanage in a strange world much like the ones in the Wuxia novels. Except while strength was important it wasn't everything. You still had to have a brain or else how would you function in society. It seemed like that part was just a stupid myth.

"Big Bro Zheng",

"Big Bro Zheng",

Shouted a group of children.

"Yes", said Zhao Zheng

"Let's play, let's play", said an eager little boy.

His name is Lu Chun. One of the orphans at the orphanage. Apparently all the kids here looked up to Zhao Zheng. The former owner of this body who was just ten years old. He was beaten to death by a group of city guards for stopping them from cutting off the hands of one of the starving orphans.

The orphan who stole name is Wu Mei. She was only a hungry and sickly five year old girl. But it mattered not to the city guards. Unfortunately, her medicine was expensive and there wasnt enough food around to properly feed and hydrate her without the others starving. This orphanage had no adults in it and with just the support of just the previous Big Bro Zhao it was no wonder they almost starved.

All of the staff at this orphanage were drafted to help the Five Great Sects in there war with the Foreign Western Sects. Even if they had had no fighting capabilities. They were forced to act as alchemist, cooks, farmers, etc. Leaving the kids in the orphanage to fend for themselves.

There was originally fifteen of them including Zhao Zheng's little brother; Zhao Chen. Five had died of sickness. Leaving only ten out of the original five.

Then one day, the Thunder Shaking Sect the most powerful of the Five Great Sects had came. To be more specific Elder Su Chan of the Thunder Shaking Sect had paid them a visit.

Zhao Zheng could remember his words clearly through the memories of the previous Zhao Zheng.

"The rest of you are just mortals. They are destined to be great cultivators. Just forget you knew them and be happy they can leave this pitiful life. The rest of you will have to live or die based on your own survival skills."

These words had infuriated Zhao Zheng. How could an adult leave helpless children to fend for themselves. The previous Zhao Zheng could do nothing but watch as Elder Su Chan took his brother and four friends. Now there was just five of them left.

Zhao Zheng was determined to get stronger and make Su Chen pay for his misdeeds. Unfortunately, this was a common sight in this society. There was little sympathy for kids with no parents. They would end up as either cannon fodder, soldiers, or just left to survive on their own devices.

The original owner of the orphanage was a 9th Level Qi Condinsation expert. But he was killed in one move by Di Zuo of the Three Blazing Inferno's Sect. Di Zuo wanted workers for the war and forced every one to go by threatening to kill the orphans one-by-one. This was how the orphaned ended up in their current predicament.

But luckily the previous Zhao Zheng did have a talent for the healing arts and was able to find a teacher two days ago. Unfortunately, this would also be the last day of his life.

The current Zhao Zheng personally had no interest in the healing arts. But it was a good way to make a living. All he wanted to do was punish the wicked Su Chan and Di Zuo.

In this world people cultivated "Qi" and what profession you can choose depended on your body type. Not everybody had the talent to be a martial artist.

Hence why Elder Su Chan took the previous Zhao Zheng's little brother. Zhao Chen had a the Supreme Destroyer Body. Which was the strongest type of body in the Fighter class. In fact all of the kids who had high-tier Spiritual Bodies were taken.

While Zhao Zheng who had a healer body was left behind. Out of the Six Great Body types five of them were valued. Fighters could become great martial artists or soldiers.

Creators could become great alchemist, blacksmiths, or doctors. Coders could become good formation or talisman masters. Shamans could become monks, priests, or enchanters. And Magi could become magicians, sorcerers, and wizards.

Lastly, there was Healers which were considered the most useless body type. Because they could only heal themselves and not others. Plus, the stronger the body type was the less their affinity was in another area. For example, the Healing and Magi body types were different from others.

You were born into your body category. You couldn't choose it. The Healing categories were: Minor Healer, Extreme Regenerator, and Celestial Reconstructor. Minor Healers could regenerate bodily injuries, blood, and limbs; but not organs. Extreme Regenerators could regenarate everthing a Minor Healer could but could also regenarate organs.

While Celestial Reconstructors could regenerate from a drop of blood. Zhao Zheng is a Celestial Reconstructor. Essentially, while this sounded quite bad ass. Pretty much all a Celestial Rescontructor could do was comeback to life but couldn't use "Qi" to fight with martial arts or spells. They had no offensive abilities at all.

All other types of healers could at least do so. But with very minor talent. The Celestial Reconstructor was the only one out every body type and category that could not cultivate any minor talents. Although they were quite rare.

They were considered the trash of this strange world. The strangest part about this was that the original Zhao Zheng was a Minor Healer or how else could he be beaten to death. However, once he the Zhao Zheng from earth took over his body he discovered he was now a Celestial Healer. Zhao Zheng didnt know whether to laugh or cry.

He received one of the most bad ass powers but had no offensive skills what so ever. It looks like things would be tough for him in this world. Remembering Lu Chun wanted to play. He decided just to forget his problems for now.

"Alright Lu Chun, let's go play," said Zhao Zheng smiling. No longer with any signs of anxiety.

I've had the flu for a while that's why there hasn't been any updates but I'll add two new chapters over the weekend.

MarlowCcreators' thoughts