
spiritual invocation

Spirits are species that have lived in the spirit world, a reality that no human has ever entered, it is said that spirits were born with the creation of the world. Young spirits are the most common, an old I hope are very rare only prodigies have one, and let alone king spirits, only in ancient books information about them is shown and it is also rumored that the first kings had ancient spirits.

Asber in his room looks at the clothes brought to him from the Winstor academy, "I'm going to look like a clown" says asber, while looking at a white shirt with golden lines, black pants and black shoes, going to Sofia's room he says "are we going to a funeral?" laughing he looks at the lovely Sofia with the same white shirt with golden lines, a short black skirt and the same black shoes "I think I have fallen in love" says asber making Sofia blush.

Hernan, looks proudly at his granddaughter Sofia as they leave the cabin with asber and head to the academy in the capital blees.

After crossing the huge forest of Belmon they arrive in the capital, which is more beautiful than ever, all the streets of the capital are full of people, and many stores are open.

Arriving at the Winstor Academy, they enter through a golden barred door "what elegance" says Asber. A woman in a tower accompanied by a white cat observes Asber "Who are you?" she asks curiously, but as she continues to watch she realizes that Asber is also watching her.

The two young people walk through the corridors without knowing what to do, when suddenly a voice calls Sofia's attention, when she turns around she meets the teacher cler "welcome, Mrs. Sofia" greeting Sofia and ignoring Asber, cler takes them to a classroom where there are a few students "welcome all students, I am cler and from today I will be your teacher" comments cler, while she takes her time and explains the rules.

"At the moment you are all in class D, it is the lowest class, to move up a class you have to challenge students from higher classes" says Cler. a young dwarf with dark skin and black hair stands up enthusiastically saying "suppose I challenge one from class A and beat him, could I move up a class?" all the students were curious about that question "sure, that's assuming you can win".

"I have never seen anyone let alone a commoner beat one of class A" says a young man with white skin and yellow hair, but the most curious thing was that his right foot was made of iron "shut up andrew, a commoner as you say has smashed your foot in the inscriptions" speaks a very pretty girl with long black hair and black eyes.

"shut up noble andrew and noble alexa" shouts the teacher from her desk.

"as today is your first day of classes we will talk about the invocations of spirits, as far as we know the elves are the ones who have the greatest capacity over the spirits, although clearly the other races can also invoke, they can be classified into young, old and kings" inside the arm of the teacher Cler, a purple snake runs along her arm "this is my spirit, it is a young one, although very powerful".

Cler speaks as she gets up from her desk and leaves the room, the other students follow her along with Asber and Sofia, they all walk for a while until they reach a huge room where in the center there is a table with a colorful artifact "this is the spirit summoning room, take a seat".

Cler stands right next to the table with the artifact "I will call one by one to approach the artifact, I will start with Alexandra Baskerville" shouts Cler loudly, while from a chair rises a girl with long black hair that passes right next to Asber, Alexa approaches the artifact, takes a needle and pricks her finger, from her finger comes out a drop of blood that falls into the artifact.

The artifact moves repeatedly and changes color a lot, after a while a smoke comes out of the artifact, and from it a little green fairy, "congratulations miss alexa, you have summoned a young spirit" says cler seeing the little fairy on alexa's shoulder.

"andrew Rogger" shouts cler, while a yellow haired young man gets up with difficulty from his chair, he walks with a crutch until he reaches the artifact, with the needle he drops his drop of blood, but nothing happens, a few minutes later you can see andrew's finger with multiple needle wounds "sorry, I guess no spirit wants you" says cler. Andrew angrily throws the artifact and runs with difficulty towards the exit, Cler seeing the artifact on the ground screams in suffering and says "you better run damned, if you damage the artifact don't even think about going back to the academy".

Asber observes everything, while feeling sorry for andrew, cler lifts, cleans and arranges the artifact looking if it still works "student rober" says cler, seeing how a dwarf goes to the artifact "you know how is the procedure, so try it" comments cler, rober drops his drop of blood, and from the artifact comes out a small creature made of rock "very good, another young spirit" sighs cler, and sees how rober goes to his seat.

"pupil Sofia" shouts cler excitedly, Sofia approaches the artifact and looks at it closely, picking up the needle she drops a drop of blood, but nothing happens. Sofia desperately drops another drop of blood, but the artifact still does not respond "Sorry, sit back down Sofia" sadly leaving the place and returning to her seat.

Looking at Sofia who returned with teary eyes "give me your hand" says asber, Sofia without understanding passes him her hand, while asber draws a star shaped rune on his hand that instantly disappears "tell him you want to try again" says asber, while he dries Sofia's eyes.

Cler watches as Sofia returns "master cler, let me try again" cler without thinking twice accepts, throwing again his drop of blood, equally nothing happens, but seconds later the artifact moves repeatedly, and from it comes out a small white bird with yellow lines and around it small thunders, cler impressed and almost unable to speak "an old spirit" all surprised listen to cler and see the bird fly over Sofia, but in one of the back seats alexa looks with hatred and jealousy to Sofia.

The other students pass by and summon their spirits, finally, "student asber" asber approaches the artifact and feels something familiar, he spills his drop of blood on the artifact, and out of it comes a black cat with purple eyes, cler inspecting the spirit, but not knowing what it is says "a young spirit".

Asber retires to his seat, while the black cat follows him "very nice cat" says Sofia petting the cat.

Finishing the classes everyone leaves the summoning room, Asber retires from the others and arrives to the academy courtyard, in it he takes a seat, while he observes the other students, "what are you doing here bastet" says Asber with a cold voice while the cat observes him "sorry my king, many of us didn't know what to do when you died, some allied themselves with the lords, others decided to leave to live their lives and others are just waiting for your return my king", Asber sighs while looking towards the sky "it's ok, thank you for being faithful to me" Asber answers when he sees the cat sitting on his legs "come with me, we will go to the training camp".