
As Long As You Are With Me

The familiar arms hugged Somya from behind, claiming her waist. "Hey, naughty! What are you doing?" she gently rebuked him while concentrating on her cooking. "Why didn't you wake me up yourself, instead a servant had to do it?" he complained with a hoarse voice. "You know that it's Sam's birthday today. I still have things to prepare for," she explained. Mr. Varun Kashyap, who had always been an early bird, suddenly started sleeping till late. Because he loved to hear the sweet singing of his dear wife and her stirring him up with a sweet kiss every morning. But today, he woke up angrily because if he was not careful enough, he might have ended up kissing the servant. All thanks to his wife's important work, which was just taking care of that Little Fella. "You only care for him. You don't care for me anymore," he complained and hid his face in her hair, wailing like a cute abandoned puppy. The innocent act melted Somya's heart, and she turned to console him. "No hubby...Mmmm..." but before she could utter anything, he lifted her chin to force a deep and passionate kiss as punishment. "Cough!" They were interrupted by someone's coughing, and Somya caught her mother-in-law standing on the doorstep. Seeing her mother-in-law standing in front of her, Somya felt like she could die of embarrassment. 'How come my mother-in-law finds me doing such an act. Somya, you are done for! All thanks to this nice innuendo! huh!' She started glared at her husband after her mother took her leave. Somya lunged towards him to smack his shoulder. But in the attempt, the flour on her hands ruined his shirt and they both tumbled on the floor, on top of each other. Varun, being a smart Devil, grabbed the chance to lick Somya at all his favorite places. Hardly suppressing her moan, Somya reprimanded him by hitting his shoulder. "Seriously! Who the hell licks raw dough? It isn't something sweet or tasty." "Oh, honey! It's so sweet because you touched it. Let's continue what we were doing earlier." He attacked her lips with his, silencing her again. ******************************** In a dark room, under the reflection of moonlight, a man was standing in his black cloak. He had golden eyes and was staring at the full moon in the sky. Hearing footsteps from behind, he turned to see Rahul standing there. "I...locked her!" Rahul showed a key to him. Looking at the key, Varun's eyes shone deep golden color before he closed them. After few moments, when his eyes returned to normal, he responded, "Good. Later no matter what happens, don't let her out." "But will you be fine, by yourself? Let me join you. Somya isn't going to wake up anytime soon anyways." "No need. Just take care of her for me," Varun replied in his chilly voice. "Aren't we cheating on her by doing this? If anything happened to you, I won't be able to stand her curses," Rahul tried to stop him. "I don't want my yesterday to affect our tomorrow. I had her room spelled. She won't be able to hear the charmer's voice unless you open the gates for her," Varun then started moving towards the door. Rahul sighed but didn't stop him. "Rahul, you won't be getting the chance to hear her curses. They're only for me to hear," he heard him say. Note: This story revolves around a Forbidden Indian Folklore. A Mysterious Fantasy Romance coming ahead! It's a slow-burn book, so please be patient readers!

72 Chs

Her Beauty!

"Okay, so should I tell her that you are busy, or should I tell her you are busy with a girl. I think the latter one will help us more." Rahul tried to blackmail his brother even if he knows he can't, but he still tried his luck.

Since Varun was in a good mood today, he decided to satisfy his brother's cravings, and he told her,

"I am busy helping her."

Rahul immediately understood that he is talking about 'Miss Chatterbox,' but he still didn't get the answer he wanted to know.

"Helping with what?"

"Helping in breaking off her engagement," he replied so nonchalantly that Rahul can't help but think, 'Is it something a regular person do? Why does his brother sound as if he is very used to doing this.'

Only now did he realize the crucial point, 'SHE IS GETTING ENGAGED! To someone else! Who is not his brother! Then what is his brother going to do!? No doubt, Varun is so indifferent about breaking her engagement. Isn't it natural for a love rival to clear his path!' Rahul nodded on his thoughts and glanced at the infamous Iceberg of the City with admiration. He never expected that his brother is capable in this field as well!

Rahul would probably faint from shock if someone told him the number of times his brother had intentionally made Somya blush. It is going to happen soon!

The next day, in the evening,

Varun came to pick her up at her office as he promised. He parked his car a little far from her office because he doesn't want people to misunderstand them. He was about to call her when he saw a yellow figure emerging from the front gate of her office.

Only one glimpse, that's all needed for him to get bewitched by her charms. She was wearing a yellow saree today, and her long hairs were open and floating in the air. He can't see her face clearly due to the distance, but he can tell she must be smiling like she always does.

Her colleagues were walking behind her. They all were wearing something attractive, but none of them pleased his eyes the way she did. Only now did he remember that she told him about a celebration party at her bank.

When she tried to fix her saree by raising it a little, he gets a view of her cute navel peeking out. Today, she was looking like a dessert to him.

Suddenly Somya found the man for whom her eyes were searching for some time. She waved her hand at him and quickly yet gracefully strode in his direction.

Varun quickly pulled out his sunglasses and wore them so that she won't find him checking out at her. He didn't felt it wrong to gaze at her so deeply as if she is his own possession. It's not that he is a pervert, it's just that she is so beautiful that he can't help himself.

Growing up in London, he had seen a good number of beautiful girls. But none of them can be compared to this traditional doll, especially since he knew that this person is as pure and impressive from inside as she is from outside.

She had stared at him many times, so he justified himself that it's reasonable for him to gawk at her a little.

"Come out," Somya said, leaning on his window.

He raised an eyebrow but still did as she said.

"I just remembered it yesterday that I had asked Ansh to come here today. Fortunately, he remembered about it and is looking forward to picking me up in front of my colleagues. He will definitely try to approach you today, as he was already over the edge yesterday. At that time, we will put the final nail in the coffin."

"Hmm," Varun hummed in acknowledgment.

"So, how am I looking today?"

"Sexy? Gorgeous? Hot?" she asked excitedly, turning her waist left and right to show him her every profile.

Varun finally gets to look at her from near, and he found her even more appealing now. A cute yellow bindi* was adoring her forehead while she had a little lipstick on her lips with dark kajal in her eyes.

Paired with her sweet smile, she was out to make boys lose their hearts.

Varun chuckled at her question and replied, "Hmm," with a smile.

"Hmm, what? At least praise me properly. Did I ever showed stinginess while praising you?!" She said and stomped her foot, pouting.

Varun didn't try to console her because he found her little gesture cute.

He was about to tease her more when he spotted a black car parking near them.

"Ansh is here. Let's go."

~When I first met you,

I honestly didn't know

You were gonna be this important to me~

Bindi: 'Bindu' is considered the point at which creation begins and may become unity. The word 'bindi' is derived from it. It is a colored dot worn between the eyebrows. This point has tremendous significance in the ancient healing arts. According to yoga, this point is known as the 'Ajna chakra,' the 6th most powerful chakra in the human body and it encompasses the head, eyes, brain, pineal gland, and pituitary gland.

Namaste everyone,

Sorry for my delay. I got into a little accident yesterday so I was resting. I planned to celebrate our 50th chapter's release by releasing few more chapters with it but unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that yesterday. But no worries, I'll try doing it today.

Thank you guys for being with us till this 50th chapter and I really hope to see you here at the 500th chapter of our book as well. We are growing day by day and I really appreciate your support. I hope you will keep supporting us. Please share this book with others and vote every day for us.


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