
18. Moment Of Truth

I may sound like a broken record, but thanks again to y'all for the feedback on my last chapter! It keeps me motivated to write/to give you a new chapter even in stressful times, so here we go! :)

18. Moment Of Truth

Through a gap between the curtains, the early morning sun made its way into their bedroom on Monday morning, the day Jay has been waiting for the last three weeks. Finally no more sneaking around, no more secrets, no more worries about Erin's and their baby's life. Although he still felt uncomfortable by the thought how Hank would react to these unexpected news, he was glad that they were finally going to inform him. In Jay's opinion he deserved to know not only because he was their boss but much more because he was the closest thing Erin had to a father. It was going to be hard enough already to explain him why they have kept her pregnancy under the covers for more than three weeks when it had been their duty to tell him as soon as possible. And with Erin being already more than 13 weeks pregnant they also couldn't use the little white lie that they just had found out. Jay literally already saw the drama coming. But this was how Erin had wanted it and he had agreed to it because he had known that she needed his support in every possible way and because her doctor hadn't seen a problem with her still working as usual.

Jay suppressed a loud sigh and yawned instead and rubbed his face with his hands, tried not to imagine any of Hank's possible reactions, hoped that he would simply understand why they've waited so long. He had to admit, it was quite a small hope.

″What's up?″ Erin's voice appeared next to him. Jay rolled over and saw how she glared at him, scanned him. He wondered how long she's been awake already without him recognizing it.

″Nothing,″ he lied. ″Didn't know you're up already,″ he then said and came closer to her to place a kiss on her forehead.

″Woke up some minutes ago,″ she said, still looking directly into his eyes, knowing he hadn't told her the truth. ″You seemed to think about something...″ she then added, giving him that kind of a meaningful glance he could interpret within seconds.

″Yeah, maybe...″ Jay said, rolled from his side to his back and stared to the ceiling. ″How are we going to play this today, Er?″ It was the one question, the one thing they have avoided to talk about for the last three weeks but now it was time to eventually mention it.

″Play what?″ she asked and he immediately turned around again but narrowed his eyes this time as he looked at her.

″Seriously?″ he asked in response and Erin couldn't tell whether his voice was hurt, disappointed, angry or all in one.

″I don't know,″ she answered with the lowest of voices and now she was the one who turned to her back and stared to the ceiling. ″Waiting for the right moment.″

″When is the right moment, Er? Today? Tomorrow? By the end of the week?″

″I will tell him as soon as I think it's the right moment, Jay.″

″So that means we're not going to tell him together?″ Jay asked, slightly raising his eyebrows.

″I don't know,″ she said again and Jay couldn't help but laugh. Sarcastically laugh.

″Is there even anything you know though?″

She turned her head around to him again and Jay could see how she had to swallow hard.

″No,″ she almost whispered and then cleared her throat so she was able to speak louder. ″No Jay, I don't know whether I tell him today or tomorrow, I don't know whether I better tell him in the bullpen or at home, I don't know whether we should do it together or whether it's better when I do it alone. I don't know a damn thing, sorry,″ she snapped, unwrapped herself from her blanket and stormed to the bathroom.

″Erin,″ Jay sighed and also got up, followed her towards the bathroom. Why was it so hard for them to have a normal conversation these days, without one of them freaking out. Why did every serious conversation they had eventually led to a fight? They both have been in a bad mood so often within the past few weeks and most likely this was the reason why the atmosphere between them was so tense.

Jay's bad mood came from the fact that it seemed like Erin still didn't really care about her pregnancy and ignored it whenever it was possible and he assumed her bad mood still had to do with her unplanned pregnancy in general, with her fear about becoming a mother. All he wished for was that she would finally accept the fact that they were going to have a baby, that she would start to be happy about it. But he knew they still had a long way to go until they were at this point.

″Erin,″ Jay said as he knocked on the bathroom door which was locked. ″Open the door.″

″Please open the door,″ he pleaded again after some moments of silence. It took a little more time but then she opened it and let him in.

″I'm sorry,″ he said immediately.

″I'm also...sorry for freaking out...again,″ she mumbled while looking down to the floor but Jay could see one single tear rolling down her cheek anyway.

″Come here,″ he said and pulled her into his embrace to hold her tight as he knew this was what she needed right now. She needed him to show her that he was there for her even in difficult situations like this one.

″I don't want us to freak out about everything all the time but yet it happens all the time.″

″I don't want that either and maybe we're both a bit huffy at the moment,″ he said and softly grabbed her chin so she had to look him in the eyes. ″Listen, tell Hank in the way you think it is the right way, okay? If you want me to be with you, I'll be there, if not, then not. I know this is not easy for you but we have to tell him. It's about time.″

″Yeah...I know.″


Monday passed and Erin didn't tell Hank. Jay decided to accept it and to give her another day, to patiently wait until she was ready. Maybe she had a plan, maybe she wanted to tell him at his house in the evening. All private. Without anyone else being there. But she stayed at home all evening and so Jay assumed she had obviously picked Tuesday for the moment of truth. He didn't mention anything about it again but after Tuesday had passed and she still hasn't told Hank about her pregnancy Jay started to wonder whether she was ever going to tell him or whether it was on him to drop the bomb. Something he didn't want to do. It wasn't on him to tell Hank. At least not on him alone. It was Erin's call to make. With or without him attending her.

Wednesday morning came and after two low days with only paper work to do the unit finally got a new case. Hank pinned some photos of their targets on the board and Jay immediately knew that this case was going to be a dangerous one.

″This is Carlos Lopez, big fish in the Mexican cartel. One of my CI's told me he's getting a load of dope tonight but we still don't have all the information we need. This,″ Hank said and pointed the photo of another Mexican, ″is Julio Rodriguez. He's selling the dope for him. Thanks to my CI we have his location and two of us are going to do an undercover buy in the doorway and we arrest him then, everybody understood?″

All of them nodded. Jay looked to Erin who also nodded and tried to give her a glance that signalised her that the moment has come. The past two days he had only accepted her silence and hadn't said anything to her because they had only had paperwork to do anyway. Because he had hoped there wasn't a need for him to remind her about their deal again. But now things were completely different. This was going to get dangerous and there was no way Jay would accept her going out with them again. Not even for this one time anymore.

″Alright, Ruzek and Erin, you two are going to do the undercover buy, the rest of us, we back them up,″ Hank said and let Jay's attention change from his girlfriend to his boss with these words.

He looked from Hank to Erin, who seemed like not knowing what to do but didn't say anything either. She opened her mouth for a second but then closed it again and in that moment Jay decided for himself that this was enough. At this point he didn't have the feeling that Erin was ever going to tell Hank unless it would become obvious in some short weeks. Or unless he would stop keeping his mouth shut.

″Over my dead body,″ Jay called with a determined voice and immediately all eyes were on him.

″Excuse me?″ Hank asked, raising his eyebrows while looking at the young detective. From the corner of his eyes Jay could see how Erin slightly shook her head but he didn't care anymore. She's had her chance and hasn't done anything.

″You heard me. Erin's not going to do the undercover buy,″ he said and could see the questionmarks appear in his team member's faces. To everyone's surprise, Hank didn't ask about Jay's reasons but started to clap.

″Congratulations Halstead, I honestly started to wonder what it takes you to finally open your mouth and whether you will ever stand up to your girl or whether you don't have the balls to say something and just simply let her do her thing,″ he said all dry and Jay had to swallow hard, felt hot and cold at the same time. Hank Voight knew about their little secret. And obviously he's known for a while already.

The atmosphere in the bullpen was as tense as never before and all of the other team members just shared confused glances with each other and looked from Jay to Erin to Hank. The latter standing there and scanning his two detectives with a gaze on his face none of them could interpret. Erin and Jay standing there like some stones, not moving, not breathing, not saying a word, not looking at each other.

″Alright,″ Hank then said after some more time of unbearable silence. ″Ruzek and Antonio will do it. The rest of you, gear up, we'll roll out in ten. And you,″ he then said and pointed to Erin. ″In my office. Now.″

Everyone nodded, but of course all of them were still curious about the things that just had happened, tried to figure out what this was about while some of them of course already had a vague idea.

″Sarge,″ Jay said, trying to save the situation in any possible way although he knew it was too late for that now. In addition, he didn't want to leave Erin alone with Hank now.

″I said, gear up,″ he called with a voice that tolerated contradiction.

″Come on,″ Alvin said and laid his hand on Jay's shoulder to guide him towards the stairs. ″This is not your conversation now, kid.″

″You know, too?″ Jay asked quietly and looked at his older colleague.

″Well, now I do,″ he shrugged.

″But then you know that this is my conversation, too.″

″Let the two of them talk first, it's better like this, believe me, so come on,″ he said again and increased the pressure of his hand on Jay's back to guide him into the right direction. Jay turned his head around again to catch a view of Hank's office, saw him and Erin standing in there, and then sighed and followed his colleague.


Erin stood in Hank's office, had her arms crossed in defence in front of her chest and still wasn't able to accept the things that just had happened. That Hank has known about her pregnancy. This had to be a nightmare. There was no way he could already know about this other than someone had told him. For a moment she thought that maybe Jay had told him as he was tired of her not breaking the news but then she remembered that his facial expression by Hank's words had been as shocked as her own.

″Do you maybe wanna tell me something, Erin?″ Hank's penetrative voice let her startle from her thoughts.

″How long do you know already?″ she asked him quietly and didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

″A little more than a week but shouldn't this be a question I ask you?″ Erin looked at him for a split second and then immediately lowered her head again, ignored his remark.

″How?″ she just simply asked.

″Erin do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm the boss of the Intelligence Unit for no reason?″ he asked rhetorical and his raspy voice sent chills down Erin's spine.

″Last week, when we had to do all these busts I realized how Halstead always looked at you being all worried, how the two of you always exchanged these glances while I told you our plans. How he tried to protect you even more than he usually does. This was when I had the first suspicion but I thought: no, they would tell me because they know it's their duty to tell me. Because Erin would tell me. By last Thursday I figured out you don't drink coffee anymore. And then I watched you at Platt's wedding and you didn't drink any alcohol there. It then wasn't that difficult anymore to put one and one together. So the question is, how long do YOU know already?″ he asked and his voice was harsh, as harsh as it hasn't been since she had come into the bullpen after severing all ties with the unit and had voluntered to do the drop that saved Jay's life.

″Four weeks...″

″Four weeks?″ he echoed. ″So I assume you're around eleven to twelve weeks now?″

″Uhm...″ she spluttered and bit her lower lip. ″Fourteen tomorrow.″

″Fourteen?″ he called and twinkled at her in disbelief. ″When did you and Halstead plan on informing me Erin? Never?″

″We wanted to tell you this week, honestly.″

″This week? After fourteen weeks into your pregnancy? I was your duty to tell me Erin. It was Halstead's duty to tell me as you were obviously not able to do so,″ he said and his voice was still rising.

″It's not Jay's fault,″ she defended Jay immediately. ″He wanted to tell you...but I wanted to wait and begged him to keep it a secret.″

″Why Erin?″ he asked and Erin was so concentrated on not starting to cry that she didn't hear that his voice was not only mad but also extremely hurt by this question.

″Because I was not ready to let go, not ready to sit behind a desk. I didn't want this to happen, to get pregnant...″ she almost whispered.

″Erin, the moment you found out you're pregnant and then decided you want to have this baby you became a mother. And as a mother it is your first priority to keep this baby safe and not being so selfish to still go out on the streets because YOU are not ready to let go.″

″My doctor cleared me for duty. She said it is fine as long as my vest fits and my vest still fits,″ Erin said and now her voice was also rising as she had the urgent need to defend herself.

″I don't care what your doctor said because your doctor can't decide whether something is too dangerous or not. It was not her decision to make. Some of the busts we did during the last weeks were simply too dangerous for someone who's pregnant. Do you even know how many times in the last four weeks something could have gone wrong?″

″But nothing happened, did it?″ she snapped.

″It doesn't matter whether something happened or not. You put yourself and with you your baby in danger almost every day! You're a mother now, start to act like one!″ he called and glared at her for a moment. ″You're off the clock for the rest of the day.″

″What? No. I can work here.″

″I said you're off the clock,″ he repeated his order, his voice still being cold and harsh. ″I don't want to see you around here today anymore.″

″Fine,″ Erin snapped and stormed out of his office by slamming the door.

Hank watched her walking down the stairs and then disappear. He needed a moment for himself before rolling out with his team in some minutes. Despite that he was fairly angry about her childish and selfish behavior, the fact that Erin, the girl he has always loved like a daughter, hadn't told him about her pregnancy for four weeks hurt him beyond limits and right now he didn't know how to go on from here and how to treat her in the future. It wasn't only her irresponsible behavior what he was most angry and disappointed about. He wouldn't have put her behind a desk immediately if she had told him earlier. He even wouldn't have prevented her from all their busts for as long as she was able to close her vest. Only from the really dangerous ones. What preyed on his mind was the fact that she's obviously been scared to tell him. Of course he was anything but excited about her pregnancy but not telling him at all? That hurt. A lot. He had always thought he was as much a father for her as she was a daughter for him but apparently he's been wrong...


″Halstead you're riding with me today,″ Hank called as he joined his crew which made the final preparations.

The sound of his boss's voice let Jay startle and shiver all at once. So they were back to Halstead. Not Jay anymore.

″Okay,″ Jay only nodded in response and tried to play cool and also tried to interpret Hank's gaze during the split second he looked at him. Angry, hurt, annoyed, disappointed, contemptous, all in one. Jay already had the feeling that this drive to their location was going to be an endless long and uncomfortable one.

His bad feeling got confirmed when they were in the car some minutes later. Lots of unspoken things were in the air, so the atmosphere was tense and icy, all in all beyond all bearing. Jay didn't dare to say something. He knew that Hank already had some words on the tip of his tongue he didn't spit out yet and it was too late for him to apologize for anything anyway.

″When I told you I want you to have her back 24 hours a day I didn't mean to knock her up after six months into your relationship,″ Hank said into the silence.

″I didn't...knock her up,″ Jay answered and kept his gaze focused on the street, tried to look anywhere but Hank.

″So you're not the father?″ Hank asked and quite contrary to the young detective he looked at Jay with a piercing glance.

″What?″ Jay frowned and turned his head to the man in the driver's seat for the first time. ″Of course I am. I just meant...I didn't knock her up...it just happened.″

″It just happened?″ Hank echoed. ″I didn't know you guys needed the birds and the bees talk before allowing your relationship,″ he snarled at him.

″Sometimes you can't plan the things that happen in life and we for sure didn't plan that,″ Jay said and tried to stay calm.

″Would've surprised me if you did. Because we both know that Erin is not ready to be a mother. Just her actions and the way she dealt with her pregnancy so far make it obvious. But apparently you're not ready to be a father either as you weren't able to tell me, too″ he snapped.

″It wasn't my call to make,″ Jay said and now his voice was also rising.

″It was your duty to tell me, Halstead!″

″It wasn't my call to make!″ he repeated his statement. ″It was Erin's decision to wait and I supported her because she needed my support more than anything else. She wasn't ready.″

″She risked her baby's life. Your baby's life Halstead. I really thought you would do everything to protect that baby. Even if that meant you tell me although she wasn't ready or was scared to tell me or whatever her damn reasons were,″ Hank said gruffly and with the latter words Jay knew that Hank was mainly hurt and disappointed. And he could honestly understand him.

″What would've been the worth of it? Of me telling you against her will? Destroying all the trust we've built up during the last months? No...there's no way I would've done that,″ he said and shook his head. ″I know we didn't do the right thing but telling you behind her back would also have been the wrong thing. She trusts me and she needed me having her back.″

″So tell me: what you did today didn't destroy the trust?″ he asked and didn't hide a sarcastic undertone in his voice.

″Hopefully not,″ Jay sighed. ″From the very beginning we decided to tell you after Platt's wedding. She's had her chance the last two days and didn't say anything but instead wanted to do the undercover buy so I had to do something.″

″So suddenly it was your call to make?″ Hank asked and raised his eyebrows.

″No it wasn't. But it was the right thing to do at this point. Believe me, there was no day where I wasn't worried during the last few weeks, especially when we did the really dangerous stuff...it was the hardest time of my life,″ he answered in all honesty and looked directly into Hank's eyes, stood up to his glance, hoped that his honest words would maybe somehow have influence on his boss.

″That's exactly why you should've told me. Why you should've made Erin telling me,″ Hank snapped.

Jay just sighed, swallowed all the things down that still were on the tip of his tongue and then turned his head around to stare out of the window. This was a senseless conversation. Hank was hurt and maybe he was even right with some points so nothing he was going to say would change anything. They had screwed this up and now they had to deal with the aftermath.


Jay came to Erin's place late in the night. Not only because of their current case but also because he'd been unsure whether Erin would want to see him. For a minute he had assumed that she was maybe mad at him for more or less revealing their secret in front of the whole team. But then he'd come to the conclusion that it was more on him to be mad at her for bringing him or better them into this situation. If she had talked to Hank on Monday or Tuesday, as they had agreed, things would at least be a bit different now. In the end Hank had known about it anyway but it still would've been better if they had told him in personal and not in the way it had happened now.

He was not surprised to find Erin awake when he opened the door of her apartment. She sat on the couch and watched TV, seemed to be more or less interested in the things that flickered on the screen. She turned her head around to him, looked at him with tired eyes for a moment and then focused her gaze on the TV again. Jay took his shoes off, put his light summer jacket up on the wardrobe and then joined Erin on the couch.

″Did you get him?″ she asked him after a moment of silence.

″We have Rodriguez and he unwillingly gave us some information about the load. But Lopez wasn't there. Let others do the dirty work for him,″ Jay sighed. ″We have them now though,″ he shrugged.

″Any idea where he could be?″

″Not yet. But Voight will find out. Someone will be cooperative I guess.″

″Yeah, I think so...″ she said pensively and turned her head around to him for the first time since they've started this conversation. She looked tired and Jay could tell from her eyes that she had cried. But they were able to talk with each other more or less normal after all and this was something Jay hadn't expected, least of all after they have literally freaked out about almost everything within the last two weeks.

″Talking about Hank...″ Jay started to bring this conversation into the right direction.

″I'm surprised he didn't kill you,″ she interrupted him.

″Not yet,″ he answered and wasn't sure whether she really wanted to joke about it or just tried to avoid to talk about the things they needed to talk about.

″I'm sure he wanted to kill me though.″

″Yeah...maybe...but for other reasons, Er,″ he said and gave her a meaningful glance. She turned her head away from him to the TV and for a minute the only voices in the living room came from the movie that played on the TV.

″On a scale from one to ten, what do you think: how mad is he?″ she finally asked.

″Twenty...probably,″ he shrugged. ″But he's not mad Erin. He's hurt.″

″He isn't,″ she said and shook her head. ″He's mad that I didn't tell him earlier and he's angry and disappointed because I let you knock me up.″

″Do you really think that?″ Jay asked and raised his eyebrows. ″He's hurt because he deserved to know in a different way than he got to know about it now. He's hurt because he deserved to know earlier because he loves you like a daughter. He's hurt because you were scared to tell him. And yes, maybe he is mad that we didn't tell him earlier as it was our duty.″

She didn't answer anything. Jay just watched her inhaling deeply and then saw some tears rolling down her cheeks.

″See, just another proof for who I am,″ she said with a cracky voice that had a sarcastic undertone. ″I hurt people who mean something to me, who care about me. I make wrong decisions all the time and hurt others with it,″ she quietly sobbed as more tears fell from her eyes.

″Erin I didn't mean that,″ Jay said as he remembered that she had told him exactly these words some short weeks ago.

″But you're right,″ she answered and her sobs got more intense. ″I made wrong decisions after Nadia's death and hurt you and Hank and everybody else who cares about me. I made a wrong decision thinking it was best to not have this baby and hurt you with it. And now I made a wrong decision again because I was scared that he would be disappointed of me when that's what he is now anyway. I can't do anything right, because I'm a bad person,″ she said and looked at him.

Jay got closer to her and then wrapped his arms around her body. First it seemed like she didn't want him to comfort her but then she buried her head in his chest and let him hold her tight.

″I know I said that before but I'll say it again: you're not a bad person,″ he said and placed a kiss on her hair. ″And the last decision we made together.″

″We didn't,″ she said and lifted her head, her hazel-green eyes meeting his blue ones. ″I made this decision and you agreed to it because that's who YOU are, Jay. And I'm sorry for that.″

″There's nothing you have to be sorry for. We're in this together, do you remember?″ he asked and wiped her tears away with his hand. Erin glared at him for a moment. How was it possible that someone was that kind of understanding?

″There's a lot to be sorry for and you know that. I was selfish with the decisions I made, didn't think about the consequences for you...and for our baby. I'm also sorry for the way things passed off today, that you had to say something because I wasn't able to,″ she said and swallowed down the lump in her throat before she continued speaking with a voice that was just a whisper.

″I know you just wanted to protect me today as well as I know that your intention of telling Hank so early was always about protecting me from any danger,″ she said and inhaled deeply again. ″And I'm sorry that I made it so hard for you to protect me...us,″ she added and looked down to her stomach, placed her hand on it.

Jay needed a moment to handle the things she just had said as he couldn't believe that these words actually had come from her lips. Whatever Hank had told her during their conversation today, it obviously has had a huge effect on her, had let her think about all the things she's done so far. Maybe she has needed it to kind of wake up.

″I have to admit, every time we had to go in somewhere, it was the hardest time of my life. I was so scared that I can't protect you enough, that something happens no matter how careful we are and how much I protect you. But we made it and all that matters to me is that you'll be safe from now on,″ he said. ″The both of you,″ he then added and placed his hand on top of hers.

″I know,″ she answered in response, gave him a weak smile and then curled onto his side again, placed her head on his chest.

″Hank invited me for his birthday while were in New Buffalo,″ Jay said some moments later.

″Did he?″

″Yeah. But I think we might be disinvited now,″ he shrugged.

″I'm sorry,″ she said immediately.

″Erin, don't do that again. It happened and we can't undo it now, so we have to accept it. Things will change again. Give him time and then talk to him somewhen. And for now stop worrying please and let's go to bed, you need to sleep,″ he said while once again his eyes showed how worried he was about her well-being.

″Yeah,″ she yawned. ″This day was a lot more stressful than all the busts we did lately.″

″I believe that,″ he winked, got up from the couch and also pulled her up.

″Thank you...for everything today,″ she said quietly as she stood in front of him and placed a soft, thankful kiss on his lips.

″Always,″ he answered, giving her a weak smile, and then guided her to the bedroom so that they could sleep for the remaining four hours of the night.


They weren't exactly scared when they had to go to work on the following morning but yet they were kinda strained because they didn't know whether Hank would say anything else. Didn't know how he would treat them and how the rest of the team would react to the news that weren't really new anymore. It wasn't official yet but they all were clever enough to know what was going on.

″Here they are,″ Adam said as they walked up the stairs to the bullpen, Jay holding Erin's hand tightly to give her some security.

″Guess there's something we can congratulate you guys to, huh?″ Antonio smiled to them and all of their other team members had quite bright smiles on their faces, too. None of them seemed to be mad that they haven't told them yet and Jay felt how Erin got more relaxed by their reaction. He was sure that it was on him to say something but to his surprise she began to speak.

″Yes...uhm...so,″ she spluttered and felt how Jay immediately squeezed her hand. She glanced at him for a second, saw how he twinkled at her and then looked into the smiling faces of her team members again.

″There's a little Halstead on the way,″ she said after taking a deep breath and felt how her cheeks blushed.

″Yay yay yay yay yay,″ Adam and Kevin laughed while Alvin was the first one who hugged Erin.

″Congrats kid,″ he said and kissed her forehead. ″Having kids is the best thing. They drive you nuts...but it's the best thing anyway,″ he grinned.

″Well, we'll see,″ Erin sighed.

″I'm always there for you, Erin. Whenever you need some advice or whatever else, just tell me.″

″Thank you, Alvin,″ she smiled and hugged him again.

″Congrats bro, good job,″ Adam laughed next to her as he congratulated Jay.

They were hugged and congratulated by everyone from their unit and they both felt kind of lighthearted afterwards. Their secret wasn't a secret any longer and all of their team members were happy for them. Although the original moment of truth had gone wrong in every possible way, this moment now with their friends, their family, made up for it. The only thing that mostly made Erin's heart heavy was how she had messed up regarding the man she used to love like a father.

This man was sitting in his office and watched how everyone congratulated the young couple. He wasn't able to be happy yet and he knew Erin wasn't completely happy about it yet either. And neither was he able to forgive Erin so soon. She had hurt him, had kind of broken his heart, his trust and he wasn't sure whether this damage could get repaired, whether things would ever be again like they've been before. This wound was deep and it would take a while to heal, maybe it never would...

Thanks for reading, hope you can 'live' with the way things have turned out. I thought a lot about whether Hank knows already or not but there were some conversations I wanted them to have...and I like to add a little 'drama' sometimes, sorry :D

Please leave a review and tell me what you think!