
As Jugram Haschwalth Starting in Starwars

A self insert without bringing up the past life if at all with a large possibility of multiverse travel... A man is transmigrated as the third son of Valkorion Zakuul named Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul as he grows in power he rebels however it fails luckily he is to strong to kill and a worthy future vessel to his father so he is sealed away for future use or perhaps a backup plan? Authors note~~~This is my first attempt at a fanfic i really do not know how often i will update this however i have been making a crap ton of notes with some research to back them up for this so at the very least i should be able to finish the starwars arc before i get any form of writers block. I do not own any characters or worlds besides my OC`s and custom creations.

Left_Nut_Of_Madara · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Stats, Appearances, And Maybe More.

His looks and cloths will be the same if not a bit modernized but will be made with a mix of Beskar, bleached Zillow beast hide and normal cloth.

His sword will be made of a alloy of 35% Cortosis 60% Beskar and 5% Phirk to act as a alloying agent(no clue if this would mix in real life but in order to make Antarctic vibranium star wars style this is the best i could come up with) with a mini lightsaber system in the hilt that will be using a Ghost-fire Kyber crystal that wraps the blade perfectly giving an illusion that its a normal sword , Zillow beast hide to wrap the handle, and the sheath is made out of bleached Zillow beast hide with the same alloy.

In the comment section there will be the

appearance of Jugram, HK97, Elite Custom Skytroopers, And the Stealth Corvette. I'll add more as needed and im pretty sure all of them fall under fair use due to me finding them on google images. And here are the current stats of the MC keep in mind I'll add more to it as he uses more ability's think of it as him retraining some ability's he had in the past but lost the muscle memory for due to him not focusing on retaining them unlike -Force "B" Balance-, -The Force's "A" Almighty-, -Force Mind Corruption-, and finally -Force Mindslave-.

[Name: Jugram Haschwalth Zakuul]

[Power level: Continental< weakened to city level until recovered>]

[Force energy: 100,000 units<weakened to 10,000 until recovered> 1967/10000 - Regen 50 Per Second]

[Force Ability's:

-Force balance-

<Description: "B" the balance has been recreated by combining the force ability's force devour, force absorb and force transfer/dark transfer creating force balance making any wounds on the user transfer to the opponent while healing the user fully uses 500 units of force energy every time>

-The Forces Almighty-

<Description: "A" the almighty has been recreated by combining the force ability's force insight, force foresight, force sense, shadow vision, precognition(shatter-point, battle precondition), farsight and force visions to create the force Almighty that gives far better vision than normal by default and predicative reflexes due to the permanent three red pupils and shadow vision.

Future sight that allows sight 10 seconds into the future passively while draining force energy slowly: 25 units of force energy every 10 seconds.

Future jump an ability that allows him to change his future by jumping to a different future undoing even his death: 2000 units of force energy every use.

-Force Telekinesis-

<Description: a basic skill that allows for a wide range of uses.

Force push to create a telekinetic wave that pushes anything in front away depending on the amount of force desired and units of energy used: 1 of unit of force energy minimum up to 5000

Force choke blocks the wind pipe of the target causing the target to suffocate can be blocked by a powerful enough force user or completely crush the neck area of the target snapping it completely: 15 units of force energy every 5 seconds to force choke and up to 75 units of force energy to snap a target's neck area

Force telekinetic control to control and move an object(s) as the user wills: 5 units of force energy a second minimum up to 5000>

-Force mind corruption-

<Description allows the user to preform any mind control method while also making the target more susceptible to following the orders of the user willingly without any direct mind control>

-Force mindslave-

<description turns any organic target into a true slave that can hardly think for itself without direct supervision otherwise it will only be able to preform simple commands: uses 1 unit of force energy minimum up to 500>

If you guys have any ideas for the story let me know also whats the best thing, place, book to read about the Yuuzhan Vong because a little hint that will be the final boss for this arc so i want to get it right.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Left_Nut_Of_Madaracreators' thoughts