
As An Eight Year Old, I Went Into Financial Management Behind My Parents Back

At a police station in Manhattan, Mr. Lin and his wife filed a police report with sullen faces. “Officer, all the money in my bank account is gone! All 300,000 dollars!” The sheriff’s facial expression turned solemn as he thought of the possibility of them encountering a scam. They investigated the case in all seriousness. An hour later, the police were speechless when they figured out what happened. The money was actually used by Lin Feng, the young child of the Lin couple, to invest in stocks. What shocked everyone the most was that these 300,000-dollar worth of NASDAQ stocks rose frantically overnight. In seven days, the stock value had increased to 500,000 dollars. The news of an eight-year-old child stealing his parents’ savings to invest in stocks went viral. As Lin Feng sat at home staring at the computer screen and checking the stock market, the sound of the Venture Capital System rang in his mind. [Ding! Congratulations. The stock of Exxon Mobil Corporation rose drastically.] [Ding! Congratulations. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose.] Lin Feng, the eight-year-old genius of Wall Street, had something that was troubling him. What should he do with his loads of money? Should he start a company for his father to pass the time?

Teenage Sheldon · 都市
40 Chs

Missing Savings

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Manhattan Police Department.

As Manhattan had an extremely low crime rate, the police department used to be relaxed and quiet.

Mike, the police officer on duty, had just filled himself with a cup of warm cocoa and was about to enjoy the comfortable and relaxing afternoon when a couple suddenly barged into the police station.

"Officer, please help us! The money we have in the Bank is gone!"

Helen collapsed onto her husband, Fred, her eyes swollen from crying.

Meanwhile, the usually tidy and neat Fred, was unshaven and his bloodshot eyes were filled with fatigue.

"Officer, we're here to report the theft. Someone stole the 300,000 yuan savings from our bank card."


Mike exclaimed in astonishment. In the next second, he looked very serious.

"Please wait a moment. I'll take down some information first."

Perhaps it was Mike's calm attitude that made Helen's flustered heart settle down. Suddenly, she threw herself at the counter, as if she had clutched a lifesaving straw.

"Comrade officer, this 300,000 yuan is our lifetime savings! Please help us get it back! If we don't have this money, I… I…"

Before she could finish, Helen began to wail again.

Fred, who was beside her, quickly hugged his wife who was about to faint from crying. He looked at Mike, her voice filled with humility, and pleading for help.

"Officer, I beg you. Even if we can't get them all back, even if it's 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, it's fine. This is all of our assets."

"I understand, sir."

Looking at the couple holding on together, Mike's face was full of sympathy.

"But this case involves a large sum of money. I need to report it to the chief."

"Of course!"

Fred nodded repeatedly. Now, as long as he can get the money back, even if he has to report the case to the president, he wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

Seeing Fred nod, Mike quickly registered their identities.

After doing the basic work, Mike rushed to Chief Frank's office as quickly as possible.


At the Chief's office.

As the chief of the Manhattan Police Department, Frank had always been proud of the fact that he could lower the crime rate.

Coincidentally, there were reporters coming to interview him today, so Frank had come to the office very early to make preparations.

By the time Mike arrived, Frank was talking to the reporter about the crime rate.

"Chief Frank, what do you think of the current crime rate in Manhattan? Will you continue to maintain such a low crime rate in the future?"

Facing the reporter's questions, Frank remained calm and composed.

"It's my duty to safeguard Manhattan. From now on…"

Frank was halfway through his sentence when Mike barged in.

"Sir, someone reported a theft. Preliminary findings show that it's an online fraud. The amount involved is as high as 300,000 yuan!"


Frank's face changed instantly.

He had just made a solemn promise to the reporters, but he was slapped hard right now.

Sensing the reporter's surprised gaze on him, Frank was angry and embarrassed, and his expression instantly darkened.

"What an arrogant thief! How dare you hit my Manhattan resident!"

As he spoke, Frank turned to look at the reporter. Seriousness flashed across his face.

"Comrade Reporter, we happen to be holding a large-scale online fraud campaign recently. Do you have time to work with us to solve the case?"

Although this sudden case embarrassed Frank, from another perspective, it gave him a chance to prove his ability.

The reporter was also wondering how he could obtain this explosive news. He turned around and saw Frank extending an olive branch to him. He hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"I'm free, of course I'm free!"

If he reported such a big case, he would not have to worry about this month's performance!

Seeing that the reporter had agreed, Frank didn't hesitate and rushed to the front hall.

Under the comfort of the other officers, Helen and Fred calmed down a little.

But when she saw Frank approaching, Helen couldn't help but take a few excited steps forward.

"Chief, please help us!"

"Madam, don't worry. I'll definitely do my best to help you find that thief!"

Nodding at Mike, Frank reassured Helen before striding off to the conference room.

After the reporter received the police officer's approval, he hurriedly turned on the camera and started the live broadcast.

In order to attract more people to watch, the reporter even specially gave it a gimmick-filled name.

"300,000 yuan in savings has disappeared! Who is behind this?"

With such an eye-catching title and the presence of the official Manhattan Police Department, a large number of people surged into the live broadcast.

However, most people did not understand.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the audience, the reporter quickly explained.

"Good afternoon, everyone. This live broadcast is held to assist the police in solving the case. 300,000 yuan in a family's bank account has disappeared. The police officer suspects that it's an Internet fraud. If any enthusiastic viewer knows any clues related to the case , you're encouraged to call the hotline."

With that, the reporter turned the camera to Fred and his wife.

After seeing the haggardness on their faces, many people began to curse.

"These people who engage in online scams should go to hell quickly! They only know how to snatch the life-saving money of poor citizens!"

"I hope you can find those scammers quickly! This is 300,000 yuan! If I lose 300,000 yuan, I'll want to jump off a building."

There was also sympathy for Fred.

"By the way, can we donate money to them? Losing so much money, they probably won't be able to survive now."

Everyone spoke one after another. Before anyone knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Frank was also extremely efficient. He quickly found the problem.

But the moment he got the results, the expression on Frank's face changed instantly. He looked at Fred and his wife with a strange expression.

"Do you have a son named Lance?"

Fred didn't understand, but he nodded. "Yes, sir."

"I think I understand what's going on." Frank's expression was subtle as he stared at Fred with sympathy in his eyes.

"The results of my investigation show that your son took all the savings on your card."

"What? How is this possible?"

Fred and his wife were instantly dumbfounded. Even everyone online was in an uproar.

Seeing their disbelief, Fred sighed and called everyone to go to the school to look for his son.

When they found Lance, he had just finished a class.

Lance was a little confused when he was suddenly surrounded by so many people.

But before he could even ask, the reporter spoke first.

"Little kid, which game did you play with all the money in your parents' card?"

Everyone naturally assumed that Lance must have gambled the money away.

But after hearing the reporter's question, Lance frowned.

"I didn't put the money into a game. All that money has been invested for wealth management."