
As A Vampire Lord, I Just Want To Build My Kingdom

# SORCERER When Lin De woke up, he learned that he had become the lord of vampires. He was surrounded by strong enemies. The werewolves in the Markal Forest had been eyeing his land. The legendary Demon Hunter had been wandering near him, planning to use his head to collect the church’s bounty. What was even worse was that his subordinates were all simple-minded bats that loved fighting. However, Lin De also activated the “Magical Kingdom Building System” that allowed him to become stronger by developing technologies. “You have developed 200 acres of undeveloped land. You have been rewarded with the blueprint for Magic Cannon.” “You have gathered 3000 kilograms of Magic Mirrors. You have been rewarded with the Blood-etched Ring and the Vampire Advancement Potion.” “You have built a wall. You have been rewarded with the Demonic Barrier and the blueprint for Magic Tower.” When the werewolves, vampire hunters, and the church arrived at Lin De’s land, they were stunned by more than 2000 Magic Cannons and 20 Magic Towers. The land was different from what they had thought.

Fallen Mountain · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Unreliable Subordinates

翻訳者: Henyee Translations 編集者: Henyee Translations

After understanding his situation, Lind couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The timing of his transmigration did not seem to be very suitable.

Although the original Lind escaped from Vander's pursuit, it also let Vander know that there was an injured and weak vampire nearby. According to the information obtained by the Blood Bats that Lind released, Vander was currently gathering troops in Blackwater Town, ready to hunt down his head again at any time to exchange for the bounty.

More importantly, based on his memories, the demon hunters in Blackwater Town were not the only danger that Lind had to face.

The vampires were not alone in the depths of Makar Forest.

In addition to vampires, a werewolf tribe also lived here.

Moreover, the werewolf tribe had been appearing frequently around the territory recently, showing signs of invasion.

In Lind's fused memories, although werewolves and vampires were both targets of the believers of light, their relationship was not harmonious. Once the two sides met, it was inevitable that there would be another intense conflict.

However, the current Lind had no strength at all. He couldn't even use the most basic Blood Magic.

Whether it was the werewolf tribe in the north or the demon hunters in Blackwater Town in the south, they were all extremely troublesome existences to Lind.

There was probably no other vampire lords who had fallen to such a state.

Lind came out of the coffin helplessly and stepped on the ground of the ancient castle.

He walked to a huge full-length mirror in the corner of the room and looked at his appearance in the mirror. He had light golden hair, a tall aquiline nose, regular facial features, and deep eyes. However, because he had consumed a large amount of blood when escaping from Vander, his entire face was abnormally pale without any color. He looked a little sickly.

As for the reason why he had transmigrated, Lind had already guessed it. It was probably because he had worked overtime last night, which resulted in a sudden death. There were too many cases like this in modern society. The protagonists were usually hardworking coders, engineers, designers, and so on.

Forget it, no matter what his current situation was, at least this was a chance for him to live. Moreover, his starting point was not too low. He was more or less a person of high status.

"Let's gather my subordinates first and count how many useful people there are in the territory."

Lind quickly calmed down and began to think about his way out. Whether he had to fight the demon hunters of Blackwater Town or the werewolves in Makar Forest, he had to first take stock of his forces and have a rough understanding of his strength before he could make any arrangement.

Logically speaking, as a lord, he should know how many useful people there were in his territory.

Unfortunately, because Lind never managed things, he knew nothing about the general situation in his territory.

This made Lind sigh. "As a lord, you've failed terribly."

After thinking for a while, Lind rang the bell beside his hand.

Before long, an old man with white hair and a weak body appeared in front of him.

He was wearing a pitch-black tuxedo, but at this moment, it was covered in dust that looked like spiderwebs. The old man's eyes were also gray, and there was no color in his face. It was impossible to tell that he was a vampire.

"My master, what can I do for you?"

The old man bowed to Lind and asked humbly.

When he bent down, the bones in his entire body creaked.

It was very scary, as if his body would fall apart in the next second.

As if to verify Lind's conjecture, a cracking sound suddenly came from the old man's back. His lumbar spine had been dislocated.

The old man grabbed his back and twisted it. With another crack, his dislocated spine returned to its original position.

"It's an old problem. I'm getting old, and I've been suffering from osteoporosis."

The old man said apologetically to Lind.

Seeing this, Lind couldn't help but have a deep suspicion.

Could the people under him really be relied on?

He coughed twice as his brain began to recall.

It had been too long since he had paid attention to the matters in his territory. Lind had almost forgotten this old man's name.

Was his name Vladimir or Malixor?

Since he really couldn't remember, Lind could only choose a name at random and say, "Vladimir, call everyone in our territory over."

Fortunately, Lind seemed to have guessed correctly.

The old man nodded.

"Yes, sir!"

Then, he half-knelt to Lind and turned into countless bats, disappearing in front of Lind.

An hour later, Vladimir appeared in front of Lind again.

Behind him were five vampires who didn't look very smart.

They were still looking around at the decorations around the room when they reached Lind.

When they saw Lind's sleeping coffin, they whispered to each other.

"His lordship's coffin is huge."

"Must be nice to sleep in."

Although they had lowered their voices, because only the two of them were talking in the room, everyone could hear them clearly.

Sweat appeared on Lind's forehead.

Vladimir even scolded in a low voice, "Marco Polo, Sadamir, be more serious!"

After hearing Vladimir's scolding, the two of them shut their mouths.

Vladimir led the five of them to Lind and bowed.

"My respected master, I have completed the mission you gave me."

Lind frowned and looked at the five vampires in front of him. "Are these all the people in our territory?"

These five were obviously low-level vampires. What could five low-level vampires do?

Could they resist the demon hunters in Blackwater Town, or could they deal with the werewolf tribe in Makar Forest?

He was a lord after all. There shouldn't be so few people under him, right?

In the end, Vladimir nodded, then shook his head. "There should be six more this morning."

"What about the other one?"

Lind took a deep breath to calm himself.

The old vampire spread his hands and said, "I don't know. Maybe he has already left. As you know, many of us have left one after another. Of course, I am absolutely loyal to you. I will never leave this place."

As soon as the old vampire finished speaking, a bat covered in wounds and blood flapped its wings and appeared in front of Lind.

In the next second, the bat landed on the ground and transformed into a human.

Obviously, this was the sixth vampire in the territory that Vladimir had mentioned.