
92. Sergio's Rude Attitude

But Sergio smiled lightly. "So what's the problem? I've managed to establish my kingdom. Earthland Kingdom. I also have two gold and silver mining areas. They are all ordinary people who will obey my orders. You don't have to worry about me. And I'm here now because I'm here. want to get your promise. Immediately release my mother from the prison island."

Ariadne glared at Sergio. Why did Sergio dare to go against her and speak in such a firm and high tone?

Even though Ariadne has also been very good to Sergio. All the building materials to build Sergio's palace are building materials brought from the diamond empire. And many of Ariadne's bodyguards helped Sergio complete the building materials.

But why now Sergio even put just anyone into his palace? Why didn't Sergio think twice and decide things too soon?

So now, should Ariadne really free Meghan from prison island?

"What is this? Why are you talking to my wife in such a loud voice?" Avery asked.