
134. Consent From Berenice

Today's royal dinner consists of several menus. There were two grilled chickens, a vegetable salad, a few slices of roast beef, and also rice.

Dinner this time was warm. Because Ariadne wanted to have dinner with Alice and Elie. The two women joined the dinner at the wide royal dining table.

Berenice sat to Ariadne's left. Of course Ariadne also paid a lot of attention to her mother-in-law.

After getting food for Avery, Ariadne got food for Berenice. Dinner this time really tasted better.

While Arthur was on the small push-up bed that was placed beside Ariadne's right. The baby was silent and was playing with the little doll he was holding. Ariadne feels lucky to have a baby who doesn't cry easily.

Arthur was very calm because Alice always used Arthur to be in bed. Arthur was rarely carried for long. The baby was only picked up when he was hungry and Ariadne had to nurse him.