
As a Lucifer in DxD

Every DxD fan knows that there is only one pure blooded living Lucifer that is Rizevim livian lucifer but what if he had a brother who was a 18yr old high schooler in his previous life and by some chance of fate he became Cain livian lucifer. Follow cain as he becomes the strongest in DxD while enjoying life and giving hell to his enemies. This my first fanfic I am writing with preparation so give it a go. Thanks. Created a discord server join if you want the high quality enhanced pics or if you wanna ask some question about the fic. https://discord.gg/9bHCngP74Y

Vegeta_Kakarot · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

Back in Hell

Third Person PoV

Cain was still lying in the bed he had fallen asleep last night. Currently he was sleeping while Brynhildr was standing next to him.

Her eyes were glued to his abs and well defined muscles.

'If he had a body like this, then it isn't far off for him to be strong.'

Cain opened his eyes to find an unknown ceiling.

"The amount of times I have woken up to a different ceiling has once again grown."

Brynhildr didn't understand at first but then her mind clicked and she blushed a little bit but then, put her hand on his shoulder and spoke.

"If you would be kind enough to get up from MY bed, lord Lucifer then we can proceed further with today's agenda."

"That is?"

"Me going along with you."

"Ah, yes we had to do that. The Royal Mead really lives up to his name. Make sure to remind me to bring something like that when Thor visits Hell."

"Is that an order?"

"No, if you remember then tell me. The chances are I will remember it though."

Brynhildr nodded her head at that and went out of the room. Leaving Cain to get ready.

Cain got ready and met up with the newest yet to be his peerage member standing along with Thor and Heimdall at the focus of Bifrost.

'Nice I get to see the famed weapon in action, although it is used as traveling equipment now.'

Giddy about how he will get to see a very ancient and powerful weapon in action Cain's pace doubled.

Seeing that Thor was confused but kept it to himself. Heimdall had closed his eyes while he faced the massive structure which served as a controller for Bifrost.

Cain had no doubt that the all seeing man had known about his excitement. But he was now on friendly terms with the Norse, so it was not a problem for him to show his emotions a bit.

Just as he neared his destination, Thor opened his arms and hugged him. He was sure that would have killed even a strong God, but he was a lot stronger than a normal God.

He reciprocated the hug with his own, putting equal power in it. Thor laughed and let him go.

"The Allfather wishes you a happy journey Cain! As for the future, invite me when you have made a little Bryn."

And whether on his merry way not saying much. But Brynhildr was a blushing mess and was muttering something about, Thor being a muscle headed dumbass.

'They do act like a brother and sister, as much as it is possible in godly terms anyway.'

Cain stood in front of the cannon and waited for Brynhildr to come and stand by his side.

Heimdall opened his eyes and said.

"I can't fire the Bifrost into Hell."

"It's under lockdown currently, due to security reasons."

After thinking for sometime he said.

"Send us to an abandoned church in Europe."

Heimdall and Brynhildr both looked weirdely at him but didn't say anything.

And then a rainbow flashed infront of Cain and he then found himself at his designated place. With only the burnt markings at the ground to prove that Bifrost was used.

Brynhildr, someone who has used the Bifrost quite a few time still didn't understand how it worked.

But Cain was quite surprised.

'That thing could rip apart the barriers surrounding Hell.'

This was one of the reasons why Cain is so paranoid, going as far as to lock down space around Hell.

Hell is new, it dosen't have the history and powerful weapons like, Bifrost. And in one ride he was unable to gleam anything useful from it.

Not to mention every old pantheon had something like Bifrost. Be it the sword of Olympus or the tree of life.

'But who made this, Ymir? Bohr? or Bury?'

Cain put these thoughts at the back of his mind and looked at Brynhildr who was looking at him.

"We are going to use the Evil piece here."

The Valkyrie tilted her cutely and asked


"Multiple reasons. I can't take you inside Hell as it it is locked, and unfortunately I do not control that. So I need to make you a peerage member so that you can go inside.

Also I need to talk with the angels and what better way to bring them other than a satanic ritual performed by the devil himself."

"Why? Can't you be civil and just talk to them like you did to us?"

Cain looked at her dead serious In the eye and said in a sagely voice

"They are angels, I am a devil. Of course it gotta be a evil ritual. That is the way."

She nodded her head and ignored his babbling.

Cain took out the box of evil pieces and conjured a table out of thin air, he made her lay down on it and put the rook piece on her chest.

"I, Cain Livan Lucifer, hereby order you,

Heed me Valkyrie Brynhildr, bring your soul under me in this world and become my rook.

You shall become my rook and rejoice in your newfound life."

The rook piece went inside her chest and the Valkyrie became the devil's servant.

She stood up and checked her body to see if any outward changes in her appearance were visible.

"It doesn't change that, only the soul and energy. Now go and fetch me a soul."


Cain sighed as she didn't get the reference but regardless said

"Go and bring me a human, alive for the ritual."

"Can I say no?"

"Yes, but I would be pleased if you didn't."

"Does it need to be a Virgin, young pure maiden?"

Cain looked at her in questionable way and said

"That was oddly specific but no, any human will do. Bring who ever you see fit to die here. Also make sure that no one sees you."

With that the newly born devil went to fulfil the demands of her master.

Cain was standing inside the church on top of a circle dug into the ground of the church.

The circle had a pentagram imbued inside of it. The points of the pentagram which touched the circle were slightly wider.

Just then Brynhildr came inside with a middle aged shabby looking man and threw him in the middle of the circle.

The man was still in shock.

"Why this specific man may I ask?"


"Fair enough."

"Don't I get a say in it Mr?"

"Lucifer, Satan, Devil whatever you wish. That lady is also a devil but a former Valkyrie."

"Haha very funny, now why don't you tell me your correct name."

Cain sighed and sat up and with a wave of his hand slashed off the left arm of the guy. The man didn't even register the pain till a few moments later.


"Why are you screaming? Just tell yourself that this is a hallucination. Human brain is very strong."

The man continued to sob for sometime before he managed to control his breathing and his adrenaline kicked in.

But till then the ritual circle on the ground was full of his blood. Cain used his darklight to fill in the larger circles at the corner of the star and then spoke in ancient devil language.

Some scary ass words later the man bursts into a pool of blood, colouring the church crimson.

The other two present shielded themselves and then walked away.

"What will this do?"

"This will slowly suck up the life force of the people of this town, and kill them. If no one stops this in a week the other animals will slowly become monsters of Hell losing their mind and attack the humans."

"Why go this far?"

"If I don't then the church will not report it to the angels and the Archangels will not come. I have left enough energy in the church so that only a being at that level can handle it, not to mention I have also left a bit of darklight inside."

"And what if they come? How will you know? Also why will they agree to your terms if you call them like this?"

"The church is a bunch of rabid dogs who hunt everything supernatural. Regardless of good or bad, except a few. Also heaven is weak currently and Hell is strong. But I also need a few souls to test some things."

"Weak? I think Yahweh is strong enough."

"Between you and me, Big G is quite dead, not completely but also not alive enough to fight anyone."

Brynhildr's mind clicked and she said

"The Heavens System!"

"Yes and the True Longinus. Also I have put up a barrier here so that no one can see this except angels, also it stops all kinds of noise and smell."


"Just as we arrived."

"Why didn't I sense it? And is it so easy to put up a barrier like this?"

"Devil magic is very versatile, you just need imagination and reserves to sustain. Also you aren't an angel, as beautiful you are."

"Then how was I able to come back?"

She said quickly to avoid Cain from seeing her blush but didn't succeed.

"Figure it out yourself. Aren't Valkyries supposed to be quite good at barrier magic?"

"Fine I will."

"I will put up a similar one as this in Hell for you to study."


Brynhildr gave a sincere smile at that and Cain also responded with a smile of his own, although it was less noticeable than the one Brynhildr had on her face currently.

Cain then teleported back to hell with the albino valkyrie in tow.

After teleporting inside his study, Cain took Brynhildr along with him to introduce her with the rest of the castle residence.

"The artitecture here is quite good and old."

"As horrible my father was, he still had a bit of redeeming qualities although the bad qualities were too much."

"The allfather talked a bit about the Morningstar, he kicked the Allfather in the groin and slapped Freya in the face. Yelling something about how he is more beautiful."

"Sounds about right, if the book is anything to go by."

The conversation fell into a lull and they walked till they entered the hall.

Rayla was talking with Morgan about something. Seeing Cain come, she stopped her talking and looked at the new being and said

"Another one?"

"Indeed, meet the youngest queen of Valkyries, former Brynhildr. She is my latest peerage member, a rook."

"Oho! A Valkyrie now, I am sure by the time you are done we will have our own supernatural version of Noah's arc with every species."

"That is the plan, dear."

Rayla just sneered at him. Morgan stood up and went up to Brynhildr and said

"Morgan LeFay, the Fae Queen, also the bishop of my Lord."

"Brynhildr, the valkyrie queen, and as my Lord said, his rook."

Cain looked at the two of them awkwardly and then it clicked.

'Both of them are beings used to talking like this, they are famous people after all and trained in this stuff too.'

"Anyways, that is my wife Rayla, let's take you to Scathach."

Brynhildr had goosebumps hearing that.

Rayla, seeing this, walked closer to Cain and said in his ears.

"Isn't she excessively excited?"

"Valkyries have strange admiration for the famed godslayer. The meeting will be amusing to say the least."

"Then it seems imperative that I must see this, don't you think my love?"

Cain followed Rayla and said, playing along with her little charade. Used to such things by now.

"If you wish, my dear."

The two of them, followed by the Fae Queen, reached the battle ground where Scathach was training Medusa.

Currently the snake queen was in her normal form, with no snake-like features.

"She just got used to her powers and learnt how to control them. Due to her connection to Olympus and Zeus meddling she was unable to do this beforehand."

Cain spoke after seeing the look of confusion on Morgan's face.

Rayla spoke seeing the almost drooling face of Brynhildr

"What now?"

"Well I get first row seats to a very good show now."

AN:- Thus chapter was lying half complete for a month. I was riddled with mock tests this month almost 20 of them. Anyways the next chapter of this fic alongwith one another will come on 1st June.

Harry potter fic ideas( Experimental only for now.) I will lost the tropes and vote which you like

Gryfindor: Smart harry, Animagus harry, elemental magic, Greater good Dumbledore, multiple masteries.

Slytherin: Manipulative harry, Alchemist harry, Wrong boy who lived, Martial magic, Genuinely good Dumbledore.

These fics may or may not be realesed on 1st June.

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