
As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse

A mere otaku who, like Kasuga Arata, was transported to the world of Seraph of the End after answering a strange survey

Akasaki_Ryujin · アニメ·コミックス
93 Chs

Chapter 44 : Great Soul Ritual ll

Hearing the system notification, Arata paid little heed to his surroundings. He shut his eyes, absorbing the intricate knowledge of the Great Soul Ritual. 

 This stood as his mission's coveted reward, the very purpose of his presence in this realm, all aimed at grasping the intricacies of the Maya's life-affirming rite. 

 Over two decades had elapsed since Maya's tragic demise. Throughout this time, Arata relentlessly sought a means to resurrect her, and now, finally, he held it in his grasp. 

 The knowledge regarding the Great Soul Ritual proved an immense and intricate trove. However, thanks to the system's exhaustive explanations, Arata swiftly comprehended its nuances. 

 Moments later, Arata reopened his eyes, his mastery of the Great Soul Ritual unequivocal. He could confidently assert that no one comprehended this rite as deeply as he did. 

 As Arata absorbed this arcane wisdom, bystanders gazed in disbelief at the devastation wrought by the Black Flame Tornado. 

 Despite not unleashing his full might, Arata had reduced mountains to rubble. It left them questioning if they existed in a waking dream. 

 Even Escanor, renowned as the mightiest holy knight, might have struggled to accomplish such feats without expending every ounce of his power. 

 "Ban, it's time to honor my promise to you," Arata declared, snapping everyone from their reverie. 

 With the Great Soul Ritual's power at his command, Arata held the unwavering belief that he could resurrect Elaine, especially given that Melascula's curse still lingered. 

 Suddenly, an altar materialized before them. Arata meticulously arranged various items upon it. 

 Silence fell upon the onlookers as they dared not interrupt this evidently vital ritual. 

 Only one person comprehended Arata's intentions—Ban. He understood that Arata toiled for Elaine's revival. 

 As Arata completed the altar's preparations, he nodded in satisfaction. 

 "All that remains is to place the concerned individual upon the altar and commence the ritual," Arata stated, moving toward Ban while producing a vial of azure elixir. 

 This blue concoction, none other than the Full Potions from the Tokyo Raven World, possessed the ability to mend all wounds and injuries as long as one yet drew breath. It could even regrow severed limbs. 

 "Until your recovery, your beloved will persist in life, unburdened by magic or spells," Arata reassured, employing his magic to gently place Elaine upon the altar. 

 "Thank you," Ban whispered weakly, profound gratitude shining in his eyes as he downed the Full Potions without hesitation. 

 As Ban expressed his gratitude, Arata offered a faint smile. He carefully positioned Elaine on the altar and initiated the process of her revival. 


 Arata clasped his hands together, channeling prodigious spiritual energy while intoning an incantation in an ancient, incomprehensible tongue. 

 As he embarked upon the ritual, two figures materialized beside him, poised to safeguard him against potential assailants. 

 These figures comprised two young women—one with alabaster hair and crimson eyes, adorned with fox ears and nine tails. Her voluptuous form and exquisite features commanded attention. The other sported vibrant red hair, green eyes, and though equally stunning, her figure had not yet reached full maturity. 

 Shiro and Takiko, these guardian sentinels emanated an aura of enigmatic spiritual might, despite their lack of magical prowess. 

 As the spectators marveled at their presence, a gentle, sacred light illuminated the sky above the altar. 

 The moment this radiance materialized, an intricate web of ebony, desiccated threads encircled Elaine, slowly transitioning to a vibrant, rejuvenated white. 

 Arata observed these threads, then intensified his spiritual output and quickened his incantations. 

 The celestial light grew more brilliant, steadily transmuting the dark threads into vibrant strands teeming with vitality. Elaine's presence solidified with every passing second. 

 Ban, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks, witnessed his beloved's revival and the fulfillment of his heartfelt promise. 

 *One hour later* 

 The heavenly light receded, and with it, the once-ebony threads transformed into pure, vital strands. 

 Elaine sat upon the altar, marveling at her newfound vitality, having shed the cold, foreboding shroud of death. 

 Upon realizing her miraculous return to life, she couldn't resist embracing Ban, tears of happiness welling in her eyes. 

 Witnessing this heartwarming reunion, the onlookers momentarily forgot about Arata, who had vanished along with Shiro and Takiko. 

 Upon witnessing Elaine's resurrection, Arata's eagerness grew, desiring to return to the Owari no Seraph World and revive Maya at long last. 

 After more than two decades, the prospect of reuniting with his sister filled him with joy, yet also trepidation. 

 For he carried the weight of guilt, knowing that his actions inadvertently led to Maya's demise at the hands of the vampires. He wondered how she'd receive him now, knowing the choices he'd made, the friends he'd deceived and exploited. 

 Arata shook these thoughts aside, for his immediate priority lay in resurrecting Maya. Contemplation could come later. 

 "System, transport me back to the Owari no Seraph World," Arata commanded, his excitement palpable. 

 [Ding, a portal to the Owari no Seraph World will open. Please wait.] 

 Upon the system's affirmation, a familiar portal materialized before Arata, leading him back to the turbulent and blood-soaked realm he had departed over fifteen years ago, now armed with formidable power to shape its destiny.


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