
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Ch7: Forging and Casting.

It had been a month since Archeas arrived in the city of Inca. His life had settled into a routine: waking up before sunrise, heading to Harlan's smithy, and returning to his inn in the evening. He still didn't know how to forge or cast, but he was steadily learning the basics of blacksmithing by helping with the cleaning, sharpening, and working the bellows.

Despite the hard work, his salary was less than what he earned as a sewer cleaner in Crolas. Harlan paid him 20 brass coins per week, justifying the low pay by including skill teaching in the apprenticeship. Combined with his occasional pickpocketing, Archeas managed to keep his total savings at 1280 brass coins.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day at the smithy, Archeas trudged back to The Weary Traveler. He was covered in soot, and his muscles ached from the repetitive labor. As he entered the inn, the innkeeper gave him a curt nod.

"Another long day, eh?" the innkeeper remarked.

"Yeah," Archeas replied, dropping into a chair in the corner. "But I'm learning a lot."

He counted out his earnings for the week, adding them to his stash of coins hidden beneath a loose floorboard in his room. "At this rate, it'll take forever to save enough to move on," he thought, frustration bubbling up. "But I need these skills if I want to make something of myself."

That night, Archeas lay in bed, his mind racing. The city of Inca was a world of opportunities, but it also had its challenges. He had to balance his legitimate work with his old habits of thievery to make ends meet.

The next morning, Archeas was up before dawn again. As he walked to the smithy, he thought about the future. "If I can just get good enough at this, maybe I can find better work or even start my own forge someday."

When he arrived at the smithy, Harlan greeted him with a grunt. "Morning, lad. Today, you'll be sharpening the new batch of swords. Pay close attention to the edges—smooth and even."

"Yes, sir," Archeas said, rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. The repetitive motion of sharpening swords gave him time to think. His fingers moved expertly over the blades, guided by the muscle memory he was developing.

As the sun set and Archeas prepared to leave for the day, Harlan stopped him. "You've been doing good work, lad. Keep it up, and I might start showing you the basics of forging."

"Really?" Archeas asked, excitement lighting up his tired eyes. "Thank you, Harlan."

"Don't thank me yet," Harlan said with a chuckle. "It's hard work, and you've got a long way to go. But I see potential in you."

Archeas walked back to the inn, a small smile on his face. His life in Inca was hard, but it was also filled with possibilities. He was learning valuable skills, and each day brought him closer to his goals.

"One step at a time," he thought, clutching the ring on his finger. "I'll make something of myself yet."

As he lay down to sleep, the exhaustion of the day was tempered by a sense of determination.

Another week passed, and the day Archeas had been waiting for finally arrived. As he entered the smithy that morning, Harlan was waiting for him with a broad grin on his face.

"Today's the day, lad," Harlan announced, clapping a heavy hand on Archeas's shoulder. "We're going to start with the basics of forging and casting. You've shown dedication, and it's time you learned the real craft."

Archeas's heart leapt with excitement. "Thank you, Harlan. I won't let you down."

Harlan led Archeas to the heart of the forge, where the heat was intense and the air was filled with the sound of hammers on metal. He began with an explanation. "Forging is shaping hot metal with tools and force. Casting is pouring molten metal into molds to create specific shapes. We'll start with simple objects today."

Archeas listened intently, absorbing every word. Harlan showed him the different tools: the tongs, the hammer, and the anvil. He demonstrated how to heat the metal in the furnace until it was red-hot, then guided Archeas's hands as he hammered it into shape.

"Feel the metal," Harlan instructed. "It has its own life. You need to work with it, not against it."

Archeas focused, his senses heightened by the heat and the rhythmic clang of the hammer. Slowly, he began to understand the subtle changes in the metal, the way it responded to each strike. It was hard work, but also deeply satisfying.

Next, Harlan introduced him to casting. "This is a mold," he said, showing Archeas a two-part metal form. "We pour molten metal into it, let it cool, and then open it to reveal the shape."

Archeas watched as Harlan demonstrated, pouring the glowing liquid metal into the mold with practiced precision. When it had cooled, they opened it to reveal a perfectly shaped horseshoe.

"Now, it's your turn," Harlan said, stepping back.

Archeas took a deep breath and steadied his hands. He poured the molten metal carefully, watching it flow into the mold. The process was nerve-wracking, but exhilarating. When the metal had cooled, he opened the mold to reveal his first cast object—a simple, yet perfectly formed knife blade.

"Not bad for a first try," Harlan said, inspecting the blade. "You've got a knack for this, lad."

"Thank you," Archeas said, pride swelling in his chest. "I'm eager to learn more."

"That you will," Harlan replied. "But remember, this is just the beginning. There's a lot more to learn, and it takes time. Patience and persistence are your best tools."

As the day went on, Archeas continued to practice, feeling more and more confident with each attempt. The forge had become a place of discovery and growth for him, and he was determined to master the craft.

That evening, as he walked back to the inn, Archeas felt a profound sense of accomplishment. The ring on his finger seemed to glow faintly in the twilight, a reminder of the mysteries he still sought to unravel.

"I'm on my way," he thought, a smile spreading across his face. "This is just the beginning."

Back in his room, Archeas lay down to sleep, his body tired but his mind buzzing with excitement. He was forging a new path, one that held promise and potential. And with each passing day, he felt himself growing stronger and more capable, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.