
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Ch27: More teammates.

Archaes was pacing through the dimly lit corridors of the Sanctuary, frustration etched across his face. Recruiting Elara had not turned out as he'd hoped. Her unpredictable nature and wild antics had only made others more hesitant to join their squad. He had thought that having a formidable fighter like her would attract more recruits, but it seemed her craziness outweighed her skills in the eyes of many.

"There's got to be someone else out there," he muttered to himself. "Someone who doesn't fit in but has the potential to be great."

He continued his search, his mind racing with thoughts of potential recruits and strategies to convince them. Suddenly, he felt a prickle of awareness, a sense that he was being watched. He stopped in his tracks and shouted, "Reveal yourself!"

From the shadows, a figure emerged. The man was towering and muscular yet lean, his presence both intimidating and enigmatic. His deep black hair framed a face with piercing crimson eyes that seemed to look straight through Archaes. The stranger's attire consisted of a tattered, hooded cloak that absorbed the surrounding light, making him appear as a shadow incarnate. Beneath the cloak, he wore black leather armor that seemed to meld into the darkness.

The man stepped forward, his movements fluid and silent. "I am Draven," he introduced himself, his voice a deep, resonant whisper that seemed to echo in the empty corridor.

Archaes studied him, trying to gauge his intentions. "Why were you following me?" he asked, keeping his tone calm but ready for anything.

Draven's eyes glinted with something unreadable. "I've been watching you, Archaes. Watching how you recruited Elara, how you handle yourself. You seek those who are different, those who don't fit the mold."

"Yes," Archaes replied cautiously. "But why does that interest you?"

A faint smile tugged at Draven's lips. "Because I am one of those odd ones you seek. I've been an outcast all my life, but I have skills that could be valuable to your squad."

"And what skills are those?" Archaes asked, curiosity piqued despite his wariness.

Draven pulled back his hood, revealing more of his face. "I am a master of shadows, a tracker and a scout. My abilities allow me to move unseen and strike without warning. I can gather information, infiltrate enemy lines, and provide support where it's least expected."

Archaes considered this. Draven's abilities could indeed be invaluable, especially given the challenges they were likely to face. "Why do you want to join my squad, specifically?" he asked.

Draven's smile widened slightly. "Because you are different too, Archaes. You see potential where others see only chaos. And I believe that with you, I might find a place where my skills are not just tolerated, but truly valued."

Archaes nodded slowly, feeling a sense of recognition. "Alright, Draven. You're in. But understand this: we're not just a team. We're a unit that relies on each other's strengths. Can you work with Elara and me, despite the... challenges?"

Draven's crimson eyes sparkled with amusement. "I thrive on challenges, Archaes. And I think we'll make a formidable team."

With a new recruit by his side, Archaes felt a renewed sense of hope. Draven's presence was both a boon and a mystery, but he sensed that this shadowy figure would be a valuable ally in the trials ahead. As they walked back to the training grounds together, Archaes couldn't help but feel that his squad was beginning to take shape in ways he hadn't anticipated.

"We'll need to find more like you, Draven," Archaes said, thinking aloud. "People who don't fit the usual mold but have something unique to offer."

Draven nodded. "They're out there. We just have to know where to look."

As they passed through the bustling corridors of the Sanctuary, Archaes felt a surge of determination. With Elara's fierce combat skills and Draven's mastery of shadows, they were slowly assembling a team that could handle a challenge.

Archaes felt a sense of satisfaction with the addition of Draven to his squad, but he knew they still needed more members to form a well-rounded team. He decided to visit the archivist to see if he could access student records. The archive was a dusty, dimly lit room filled with ancient tomes and stacks of parchment, the air thick with the scent of old paper and ink.

"Excuse me," Archaes addressed the elderly archivist who was hunched over a desk, meticulously cataloging documents. "I'm looking for potential recruits for my squad. Could I see the records of the students?"

The archivist peered at him over his spectacles, scrutinizing him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me."

The archivist led Archaes to a large cabinet filled with files. "These are the records you seek. Handle them with care."

Archaes nodded gratefully and began sifting through the records. Among them, he found one interesting candidate: a half-elf named Elowen, who had a background in healing and herbalism. He made a note of her and decided to seek her out later.

Meanwhile, Draven returned with news about a dwarf. "There's a dwarf named Borin," he said, his voice low and secretive as usual. "Nothing particularly interesting about his combat skills, but he's been expelled from every squad he joined."

"Why?" Archaes asked, intrigued.

"Rumor has it, his specialty is making explosives," Draven replied with a smirk.

Archaes nodded thoughtfully. "Alright. Bring him to me tomorrow. I'll go speak with the half-elf today."

Archaes located Elowen in one of the herb gardens on the outskirts of the Sanctuary. She was slender and graceful, with white hair and deep green eyes that sparkled with intelligence. She wore simple clothes and moved with a quiet confidence.

"Elowen?" Archaes called out as he approached.

She looked up from the herbs she was tending and smiled warmly. "Yes, that's me. How can I help you?"

"I'm Archaes, a squad leader. I've been looking through student records, and your skills in healing and herbalism caught my eye. I'd like to invite you to join my squad."

Elowen's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "I've heard about your squad. You have Elara, the sword-wielding maniac, and Draven, the shadowy figure, don't you?"

"Yes," Archaes replied, smiling. "We may be an unconventional group, but I believe we can achieve great things. Your healing skills would be invaluable to us."

Elowen considered for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'll join you. But only if you promise to keep Elara's madness in check."

"I'll do my best," Archaes promised, feeling a surge of relief.

The next day, Draven brought Borin to meet Archaes. The dwarf was stout and muscular, with a thick beard and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He wore practical, sturdy clothing and had a variety of tools hanging from his belt.

"Archaes, this is Borin," Draven introduced.

Borin crossed his arms and looked Archaes up and down. "So, you're the one who thinks he can manage what no one else could?"

"I've heard you've been expelled from five squads," Archaes said, getting straight to the point. "Why?"

Borin grinned widely. "Because they couldn't handle my explosions. They're not just dangerous, they're unpredictable. But in the right hands, they can be the difference between victory and defeat."

Archaes raised an eyebrow. "And you think you can control them?"

"Of course," Borin replied confidently. "With the right leader, that is."

Archaes considered this. "Alright, Borin. Welcome to the squad. But understand this: safety is a priority. We can't afford unnecessary risks."

"Understood, boss," Borin said with a nod. "I'll keep the explosions under control."

With Elowen and Borin now part of the team, Archaes felt more confident in their chances. They were an unconventional group, each member bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table. As they trained and prepared for the challenges ahead, Archaes knew that they were slowly becoming a cohesive unit, ready to face whatever dangers lay in wait.

As they continued their preparations, Archaes couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the future held.