
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch24:The Voyage

Archaes received instructions to reach the coastal city of Nif by the end of the month, and he knew that every moment counted. With his funds dwindling, he spent 55 of his remaining 70 silver coins on essential supplies: new forge mitts, a sturdy leather apron, a pair of tongs, crucial alchemical ingredients, glass vials, and several pounds of high-quality metals. His purchases complete, he departed from the capital with a determined heart, setting his sights on Nif and the adventures that awaited him.

During the journey to Nif, Archaes dedicated his time to forging weapons and practicing enchantments. The rhythmic clang of hammer on metal was a comforting sound, a reminder of the skills he had honed through sheer perseverance. He also delved into his alchemical experiments, striving to create every concoction from the ancient book that he could manage. Each successful brew and forged weapon brought a sense of accomplishment, but it was the new abilities he had developed thanks to Marla and Cyril's teachings that excited him the most.

One of these abilities, which he named State Shift, allowed him to turn any kind of liquid into vapor. This newfound skill opened up countless possibilities in both combat and alchemy.

The other ability, Weapon Elemental, enabled him to manifest mana outside his body through weapons. However, he quickly learned that this came with a drawback: if the weapon was not properly enchanted, it would degrade and eventually crumble to pieces.

By the time Archaes reached Nif, he had used most of his metal supplies, but his efforts had not been in vain. Out of the many weapons he had forged and enchanted, three stood out: a spear with the ability to heat its tip enough to penetrate solid iron, a whip imbued with the wind attribute, and a dagger with enhanced cutting power capable of slicing through wood.

Despite the failures and the weapons that had crumbled to dust, these three remained, proof of his growing skill and determination.

Upon arrival in Nif, Archaes went through the necessary checks to confirm his status as a recruit. He was then led to an inn where he would stay for the remaining four days before the expedition's departure. The inn was modest but comfortable, providing a place for him to rest and gather his thoughts before the journey ahead.

On the day of departure, Archaes joined hundreds of other recruits from all three races at the coastal sands of Nif. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, a mix of excitement and nervous energy permeating the air. Glorious tents surrounded a massive platform, and the royalty, nobility, and influential figures from all over the world were already present, their finery shining in the morning sun.

As Archaes and the other recruits stood before the platform, the rulers of all the races took their places, resplendent in their regal attire. Their presence commanded attention and respect, and the crowd fell silent in anticipation of their words.

One by one, important figures stepped forward to deliver speeches about the expedition and the immense value it held for the world. They spoke of glory, discovery, and the potential to change the course of history. Yet, amidst the grand promises and eloquent words, not a single mention was made of the true dangers that lay ahead. Archaes listened intently, his eyes scanning the faces of those who spoke, trying to discern the truth behind their polished words.

The climax of the ceremony came when each race presented its three chancellors, the individuals who would head the entire voyage and lead the staff. When Cyril's name was announced, Archaes felt a surge of frustration. Seeing his old mentor standing among the chancellors was a bitter reminder of the betrayal he had narrowly escaped. He clenched his fists, vowing to remain vigilant and not let his guard down.

Following another round of grandiose speeches, a massive structure was unveiled by the chancellors. The crowd gasped in awe as the covering was removed to reveal.

The Sanctuary, a colossal fortress the size of a small country. It was equipped with all the necessities required for the voyage: living quarters, training grounds, huge grain storage facilities, alchemical labs, forges, and more. The scale and grandeur of The Sanctuary were overwhelming, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in its creation.

As the chancellors explained the features of The Sanctuary, Archaes couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity and resources that had gone into its construction. It was a mobile stronghold, designed to support the expedition through any challenges they might face. The sense of unity and purpose among the crowd was palpable, and even Archaes felt a flicker of hope amidst his skepticism.

The ceremony concluded with an oath ceremony, where all the recruits, from nobles to commoners and from elves to dwarves to humans, pledged their loyalty and dedication to the mission. Archaes stood among them, his heart pounding with a mix of emotions. He repeated the words of the oath, but his mind was already strategizing, planning his next moves and how he would navigate the treacherous path ahead.

Finally, amid the cheers of the crowd, The Sanctuary began its departure. The massive structure moved slowly but steadily, its engines humming with power. Archaes stood at the edge of the platform, watching the city of Nif gradually recede into the distance. The reality of the journey ahead was sinking in, and he knew that he needed to stay focused and prepared for whatever challenges lay in wait.

Once inside The Sanctuary, Archaes found his assigned quarters and began organizing his belongings. The atmosphere inside the fortress was one of controlled chaos, with recruits and staff bustling about, making final preparations. Despite the noise and activity, Archaes felt a sense of calm wash over him. This was the beginning of a new chapter, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Over the next few days, he continued to refine his skills and prepare for the unknown. He practiced with his enchanted weapons, ensuring that he was familiar with their abilities and limitations. He also spent time in the alchemical labs, experimenting with new concoctions and refining his existing formulas. Each day brought new challenges, but Archaes faced them with a sense of purpose and determination.

On the final night before their official departure, Archaes sat in his quarters, reflecting on the journey that had brought him here. He thought about the betrayal he had narrowly escaped, the lessons he had learned, and the skills he had honed. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to face it with unwavering resolve.

As the dawn broke on the day of their departure, The Sanctuary began its voyage in earnest. The recruits, staff, and chancellors were all in their assigned positions, ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Archaes stood at the edge of the fortress, looking out at the vast expanse of ocean before them. This was the moment he had been preparing for, and he felt a surge of determination.

With a final glance at the receding coastline, Archaes turned his focus forward. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but he was ready to face them. Armed with his skills, his wits, and his resolve, he was determined to uncover the secrets of the Ancients and forge his own destiny. The adventure had just begun, and Archaes was ready to seize it with both hands.