
Chapter 2

The stranger returned from the bathroom after having a shower.

He lays down on the bed and attempts to sleep . Manning who was asleep thinks that Noan had came to the room, she hugs the stranger and sleeps on his chest.

"Coquettish girl, so you have planned to welcome me this way huh?! " the stranger said to the beauty sleeping next to him.

He wakes Manning up. "Noan.... my dear Noan" Manning mutters. The stranger tries to force himself on Manning, Manning bites the stranger and screams. She is not able to overcome her hangover and thus is not able to see the stranger's face. "It's too late for you to say no to me you little wildcat" the stranger said. And with that he claimed Manning.


Next day, in the morning

Manning wakes up to the ringing intercom in the room

"Hello" Manning said

"errr.. may I ask if you're Ms. Du in room 8018?"the receptionist said

"Yes, why?" Manning replied

"You.. um, how was your night? " the receptionist asked.

Hello beautiful humans (well that sounded chessy, didn't it? any ways) how are you?

I'm really sorry for not updating. I had written the chapters but didn't know if you would like the first chapter, so I decided not to post them

but here I am taking the risk. I hope you like the chapters, please give a feedback because I'm new at this (I know I'm all over the place, I'm sorry for that)

thank you. I love y'all.

bookwork_for_lyfcreators' thoughts