
Arriving In Another World

In The World Of Feymarch, Countless Demons and Monsters Are Wreaking Havoc Everywhere. But There's A Place Where These Monsters And Demons Can't Touch, And That Is 'The Sacred Land' Sages, Demons, Monsters, and Immortals Are Slowly Appearing In The World, But 'The Sacred Land' Is Still The Same As Ever- Unmoving ........ Hello, this is my first time writing Novel and I hope you like it and if you found any problem in my Novel, please tell me in the comment. I want this novel to be worth reading so I'll try my best to improve in writing Since this is my first time writing, it may has some flaw. I want my novel to be enjoyable to every readers and I'll try my best to make this novel really good. I has a wild imagination so, This novel may be bad. Well, please enjoy your reading and please tell me the flaw of my novel so that I could make it less flaw for the next chapter. That's all for now, I'll be always updating

MinAlyah · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Credia Empire, in Capital.

Emil's clone was walking on a street with a lollipop on her, while she was walking, some people kept glancing at her but she did not mind.

Right now, she was walking towards in one of the grandest hotel is this Capital.

This hotel was high and the building was beautiful.

This day, Emil was trying all the food of the largest restaurant while not forgetting her mission- To gather information about this world.

And now it's the last place where she will eat, The largest hotel.

This hotel was famous throughout Ayala, even though the Credia Empire was second to the strongest Empire, it was comparable to the strongest Empire in Ayala.

Of course if was famous in other continent too, because this hotel was truly live up to it's name of being famous all around the world.

This hotel was called M&N Hotel, no one knows what's the meaning of M&N but they didn't bother about it, after all it was just a name.

And the reason for this hotel to be so famous was because of it's beautiful building and it's things inside.

The hotel has 12 floors and each floor has wide range that can accommodate at least a thousand or so people.

The first floor of this hotel is a reception hall, but not only the reception hall, there's also dining area.

At the second floor is full of food place, there's also bar, a playground and a practice field.

At the third floor is entertainment and at the fifth floor was a place where people could relax, at the sixth floor was where people stay in their room up to seventh floor. And at the eight floor was another reception, this floor above was for VIP only.

Also, every floor has a good service and their things was expensive that even rich people can't afford.

No one knows what's the origin of the owner of this hotel is, maybe only the people from the Palace knows.

At this moment, Emil finally arrive at the first floor of this hotel and was sitting at the sofa, watching the people come and go.

Then suddenly, a young woman approach her and sit beside her.

Emil didn't look at the girl or talk because she doesn't want to but the girl was looking at her with a smile.

"Miss, are you an elf? It's my first time seeing an elf with white hair and blue eyes" Said the young woman beside her.

Emil look at the young woman, it was a beautiful young woman with a curl blonde hair, she has brown eyes and her dress was like that of a princess, clearly she's a rich young woman.

But Emil just look at the young girl before ignoring her again.

The young girl was stunned by this and found it interesting that Emil seems to not recognize her.

Well Emil really doesn't recognize this young woman beside her, it was their first meeting so how could Emil recognize her?

This young woman seems to be rich and famous so it's her true identity:

She was Angela Avelogne, daughter of an aristocratic family in the nearby Empire. She was famous for being genius at using magic, even the powerful family at the other kingdom wants to recruit their family.

Not only that, Angela often attend a party so that she could befriend other young women, and that's how she earned her reputation.

She also has a lot of pursuer but she ignored them all, she even announce that she will step in a relationship when she was 19 so that no one could bother her and it works.

And now, Angela Avelogne was actually being ignored by Emil and it made her want to be friends with Emil.

Emil just watched the people walking and while she was watching them, she was also looking at the other decorations hanging at the side and while she was looking at them, her eyes was flickering every second and information about them was stored in her memory.

After a while, Emil finally closed her eyes then opened it again before standing up and walk to the receptionist.

Angela saw this and followed her.

The two walk at the receptionist and make the procedure to get their card so that they were able to go to the other floor.

After a while, Emil got her card and walk to the second floor while Angela was waiting for her to finish, "Miss, can you make it faster?", Then she look at Emil who was walking away.

2 minutes later, she finally got her card and follow Emil to the second floor through the so-called 'traveling door' that can take them to the upper floor.


In the Magical Land where Emil's true body was, no this land was called 'Magical Land' by the natives of this world and Emil thout it through and decided to temporarily call this land a Magical Land.

At this moment, Emil was in a meditating room of her castle, practicing her shooting.

Emil was carrying a bow and an arrow.

This bow and arrow was ordinary to look at but don't underestimate them, this bow and arrow was actually made of a more ferocious beast from the void where Emil was fighting a thousand years ago.

If other people look at this bow and arrow, they wouldn't see what's especial about it but if people from the outside world saw this, they were gonna be put in shock.

But Emil just hold it as if it was just and ordinary bow and arrow.

After a while, she started her practice in shooting. Every arrow she shot has a destructive power but when it finally pierce the wall of this meditating room, it only make a vibration and nothing else.

Still if it hit a world, surely the world would be destroyed in smithereens.

Emil continue practicing until midnight before finally stopping.

She put back the bow and arrow at the side before going back in the middle and meditate.

"Master Emil, the young man was awake" A voice resound in the meditating room and it made Emil stopped her meditated state.

She stood up and left the room then she into the hallway before arriving at a circle place where in every direction has a way and it can make one feels like they were in a maze but Emil completely ignored in and walk in in one of the way.

She walk another hallway and this hallway has a lot of door at the side, then she stop in one of the door and step into it.

"AHHH! W- who are you?" The moment she step in, a loud shout greet her and a flying things was thrown at the side.

Emil look at the room that was in a mess then look at the young man who was in a bed, clutching at the quilt of the bed.

This young man was Han who just woke up.

At this moment, two person was looking at each other. One was a human while the other was a person that look like elf.