

When Moon Goddess created mates for each of her child. She never thought she will see the day, When two of her children will defy fates,challenging her own rules making the impossible turn up into possible. When Scarlett met her mate Jake, She thought she has the world wrapped up in her palm, her love for him was unconditional. The one person who loved her and she loved him. Met for the better good, But what happens when she comes across the harsh truth, that love is not that simple. And being mates is not always easy, Sometimes even the fates make mistakes. And sometimes just sometimes the mistakes can leads us deeper into the depth of Darkness. Darkness Where someone awaits Her Arrival.

Koyel_K · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Scarlett 's POV:

As I walked down I could hear the humming of the Fridge. The slow talks, The Light splitter splatter of the pan frying the bacon. I could smell the scent of Bacon fat and The eggs being fried. The soft conversation turned more clearer as I heard my Dad Talking to his Beta. I wonder where mum went?

" Do they have to go today? It wasn't supposed to happen so soon. We still have 2 months of training left. I need to train scar some more she isn't ready." I can hear my Dad's voice. Which was like a comforting blanket. I always find voices comforting. It tells you a lot about a human or in our case wolf. I know he thinks I am not ready and it's given as I have been a bit out of sorts lately. But I need this more than anything. To go out and fight my own battles.

" 'He' wants them today otherwise he won't accept anyone. All the other packs are sending in their best candidate as well. We need to hurry to secure places for Scar and Adel along with the rest. It's a rare opportunity. And I don't want to miss the chance."

I could hear uncle Damon Cleaning the plates and talking with my dad. Uncle Damon was the Beta of our Back. Our Pack is called the Blood Hound pack, I know it's a bit macabre but The name and the image doesn't really match. We were one of the most peace loving pack out there, My Great Grand Father was the vicious one. He was the one everyone feared. But my Dad is the total opposite.

" It's okay We can send 5 of them right? So is Adrian going with Adel? " Adel and Adrian were twins and also the children of uncle Damon. They lost their mother when they were five, Since then mum is taking care of them. I guess mum went to their house. 

"He wanted to but was rejected by the Beta of their Pack, We couldn't object. The test was fair enough. And you know how Adrian is, He has no tough bone in his body. He is more of a peace forever Kind of Kid."

Uncle Damon chuckled. It was endearing to see while the other packs frowned upon mates of the same gender. Our Pack was completely open minded about it. Adrian was actually Adam's mate. And Adam was surprisingly selected along with me and Adel to go to the Night Crawler Pack. Alpha Xavier's Pack.

The Night Crawlers are Kind of the King Pack, or you can say killer pack. They are famous for their training and their Tactical and Battle strategy. Every Year they select one candidate among 100's train under their Beta. But this year it was more rare. As this year's rumours suggest We get to train under Alpha Xavier himself.  

But those are just rumours. No one has seen their Alpha yet. But He is Famous for all the wrong things and then some.

It is said that the Alpha of Night Crawlers pack lost his mate and went mad. He loved her so much that he and his wolf went mental. And no one has seen him after his mate's Death. We heard stories though, about how Alpha Xavier destroyed packs after pack in his rage. Before vanishing from the face of the earth.

But Anyway not the point... He...

"Little Moon...? What are you doing there come down quick... Breakfast is getting cold." My Dad's voice broke my chain of Thoughts.

"Coming..." I quickly went down and grabbed a plate before filling it with bacon and more bacon. No eggs for me it makes me puke.

"No toast? " I asked while stuffing my face with bacon.

"You know one of these days you got to try the egg Scar." I could hear the laughter in uncle Damon's voice. It was our ritual to tease each other around. I always have my bacon on toast. No eggs for me. And he thinks bacon with toast is an insult to the bacon.

"You try the Green Tea with me I will try the eggs." I said with a straight face. I could feel him scrunch his nose before I saw it and burst out laughing. Uncle Damon Hates absolutely hates Green Tea.

"Medicine of The Weak" he said ,

" If I wanted to die I would rather have a rogue bite my neck off then swallow that shit."  He grimaced.

" So Little Moon, I have something to tell you. Something different. " My Dad was going straight to the point but I cut him off..

" I know, I know.. We have to leave for the Night Crawler pack today.. They changed the date.  I will pack and we will leave in a few hours." I said while chewing on a bacon strip.

"Actually your mum already packed your bag. You have to leave  as soon as you're done with breakfast. They close the gates at six in the evening. You have to reach it before that. The gates won't open till the next full moon." Dad said, And Looked side ways at uncle Damon. I could feel them talking through the mind link.

" Well that doesn't really make sense, Why close the gate it's like wild open jungles and Deep forest  and mountains surrounding the whole place." I said a bit irritated.

I wanted to take a run. And My hair was all tangled up and It was still messily tied up in a bun. My wolf was itching to go out, And Everyone is busy with the arrangements I would have been able to run alone for a while.

" Their Pack Their law... can't really question it as to why and what it's done for. You are there to learn. And After your training you five will be the Elite Warrior of This pack. And One among all the packs will be given the chance to be an apprentice to the Night Crawler Alpha. It really is a huge deal Little Moony. I hope you get to train under Beta Clyde." Dad smiled with pride. 

He rubbed circles on my hand trying to soothe me. Yes it was a big deal. But isn't anyone even the slightest bit curious why the rumours were circulating about the Alpha? Why is suddenly so active and why he wants an apprentice now. If we take the rumours, The Alpha is around 150 years old or older. Must be an old cranky dude. I do hope we gt the Beta too. I seriously dont want to deal with another psychopath.

" I know Dad. I will try my best you know I will." After my Incident  I worked hard and Trained my hardest. I became the warrior I am today. I am yet to go to the high ranks. But I am sure more capable and more stronger than any of the females in our pack. 

After having the Breakfast and Meeting my mom and lots of hugs later we were finally packed and Ready to leave.

"You call me if you need anything, Absolutely anything honey." My mum said, Before squeezing the life out of me.

" Yes mum, Its not like they will kill us or anything they are not rougues. Just tough bunch of Wolves." I said with a faint smile.

My Dad hugged my mum from the side. As I climbed in Ready to move on, I hope this won't be as hard as people say it is.

Uncle Damon was coming along with us till Night Crawler pack for the basic Introduction and Meet and the selection process only 7 packs will be able to stay there after that the Greetings with the Beta and Gamma, after that he will return if we get selected. If not we will all be back at home by tomorrow.

I bid my farewell and Looked at my home one last time before jumping in the jeep and traveling towards a place I know was no good. But still there was hope.


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