
Chapter 3

“Good morning Mr Alexander, your mom has been calling”. “Lexi how many times have I told you answer the call, when are leaving for US”. “ Later today “ . I gave a nod for her to leave and she obeyed. Tiring

Facts about Mr Anderson

Alexander Anderson son of Mr Anderson the youngest CEO received 4awards in contrast to that. A young talented cold hearted man, which these qualities attract women and the heart of young women. He only loves two people in his life and listens to them, Mrs Anderson his mother and his girlfriend (rumour to be his fiancée)

7hours later

We arrived in US and heading to my house. This contract signing is a pain in the neck. I arrived at my house and was welcomed by my servants and.... “Where is my mother butler Wang” . “ sir she is very angry and upset so she is in her room and refused to come out” I ran straight to her room without branching anywhere. Knock knock “Mom are you in there”? “Yes I am, please leave here since you don’t regard me as your mother anymore”. “Come on mom, that’s not true” door opens “I called you so many times but each time I get connected it’s your secretary that’s always answering”. “Let’s sit first takes mom to sit. I have been very busy mom I had no time for myself, see I didn’t even shave. So, why did you call me”? “I have found a wife for you , she’s....” “ Mom don’t start with this topic, I have told you and I will keep on telling you I love Laila and I want to marry her”. “I won’t let you marry that whore please do it for me” “Mom, am sorry I won’t be able to do this I wa....” “ Am dying Alex, I have stomach cancer and it’s slowly killing me, do this for me Alex” . Those words shocked me that I felt the house breaking into two. “fine I will marry her who’s she” “ You’ll meet her tomorrow I have set a date and after two days you both will get married”. “ Alrighty mom” I left with a beaming smile deep down my heart broke hearing my mom is dying. I will have to do what we says no matter what .

Next day

“Alex are you ready”? mom said through through the other side of the door. “Yes am ready” I came out of my room dressed in a casual outfit ( blue jeans, white shirt, and a blue jean jacket). We got in the car and drove to the restaurant. “Mom you know, if anyone sees us they will think you are my girlfriend”. “ Alex come on be serious, I just want you to be happy”. She gave me a strong beaming smile. We arrived at the restaurant. “ Sam my love, sorry for keeping you waiting” my mom said as we were approaching a lady sitting down in a white gown, her bright red hair shining as it was beneath the bright sun ray from the window. “Alex, this is Sam. Sam , this is Alex”. “Hi” she said in a small voice. I nodded in response. “ I’ll leave you two to talk in the meantime get to know yourself okay” . Mom left. “So umm, my name which you already know is Sam, I uh- I wor-“ . “ You know what just keep quiet, why are you doing this, is it because of the money? I don’t fucking care but please reject this offer.” I stoop and left in anger.

2 hours later

“How was the date Alex”? Mom asked cooking in the kitchen. “ Before i answer that what are you do in the kitchen? You need to rest, now go and sleep”. “ Before i go to rest you, you and Sam Will be getting married three days from now, kisses his forehead good night now”

Do I really need to get married to this money monger . Ring ring ring “hello who-“ “hi baby” .