
arrange married wangxian

This is my first wangxian FF . The idea and story is all mine . If you are like me who loves yizhan and wangxian then this fiction is for you guys. This is an arranged marriage wangxian ff if you like it add it in your reading list. The story starts when yungmeng jiang clan and Gusu lan clan engaged a arranged marriage between their sons , Wei wuxian and lan wangji. Two person like stranger live under the same roof and continued to live together but Wei , who is unaware of lan zhan's true feelings has already decided to break free from this marriage but end up falling in love with him. will they able to confess their feelings ? or Wei will continue to find ways of getting rid of this marriage and his husband ? but like every other story there is always an evil person who comes in between the main character's love story and in their life there are many. The story contain love , hatred, revenge, drama, romance .. यह मेरा पहला वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है विचार और कहानी सब मेरी है यदि आप मेरे जैसे हैं जो यिज़ान और वांग्ज़ियान से प्यार करते हैं तो यह कल्पना आप लोगों के लिए है यह एक व्यवस्थित विवाह वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है यदि आप इसे पसंद करते हैं तो इसे अपनी पठन सूची में जोड़ें कहानी तब शुरू होता है जब युंगमेंग जियांग कबीले और गुसु लैन कबीले ने अपने बेटों वेई वूक्सियन और लैन वांगजी के बीच एक अरेंज मैरिज की। अजनबी जैसे दो व्यक्ति एक ही छत के नीचे रहते हैं और साथ रहना जारी रखते हैं लेकिन वेई जो लैन ज़ान की सच्ची भावनाओं से अनजान हैं, उन्होंने पहले ही टूटने का फैसला कर लिया इस शादी से मुक्त लेकिन अंत में उससे प्यार हो जाता है, क्या वे अपनी भावनाओं को कबूल कर पाएंगे? या वेई इस शादी और अपने पति से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके ढूंढते रहेंगे? लेकिन हर दूसरी कहानी की तरह हमेशा एक दुष्ट व्यक्ति होता है जो मुख्य पात्र की प्रेम कहानी के बीच में आता है और उनके जीवन में कई कहानी होती है जिसमें प्रेम घृणा प्रतिशोध नाटक रोमांस होता है।

kimsimin555 · ファンタジー
29 Chs

chapter 24 - mission fuddy duddy 28

Happy reading! (oo)

➪ Wei Ying pov

Waking up early in the morning has always been a battle to me. It's not because of the last night activity. It has always been hard for me to follow the lan's timetable. No matter how early i sleeps I would still end up waking late.

But tomorrow is different i already informed lady Wang to wake me up early in the morning. Afterall this is going to be my first date haha ( awkward laugh) i mean first time lan zhan showing me Gusu. I don't want to ruin it because of me waking up late I mean it's not like he always show me places.

I would not have get this chance If it wasn't for last night ahhhh it's embarassing I know it was an accident but I still can't get over the fact he saw me naked.

I seriously wanted to dig the ground and bury myself ..I don't know why I can't stop smiling remembering this incident i should feel embarassed but a part of me is smiling stupidity. Is it because of the fact that only lan Zhan saw me naked?

because of my carelessness, I didn't closed the door and anyone could have came inside imagine nie huaisaing or wang lingjiao inside I wouldn't get the courage to look at them again.

so this must be the reason I m not upset cause it happened to be lan Zhan who saw me naked and not anyone else.

I don't remember at which time I felt asleep. I woke up from the knocks and it was lady wang. I thanked her and went to take a bath and I m sure if I continue taking bath in this cold water I would end up getting sick.

"Lady wang, the weather in gusu is getting colder. Next time warm the water for me if I continue bathing in this temperature of water I will definitely get sick

sure young master " she replied

lady wang, am I looking pretty?" I asked her. Im sitting on the chair infront of dressing table's mirror.

"yes young master... May I ask you why you are getting ready early in the morning. It's strange to see you waking up early in morning" she said and laugh a little at the end.

It's true though and I remember I didn't informed her the reason behind this.

"Today I m going out with lan zhan. " I announce and smiled looking at my own reflection onn the mirror I want to look the best.

This is the first time I will see gusu people with lan Zhan and I want to look presentable, I want them all to know yunmeng people are also born handsome and have a higher taste.

I snap out of my thoughts when heard someone's knocks on door. The door was already open so I ask him to enter, he is a junior,

"Young master, madam lan has called you in meeting hall " He spoke. I nod before leaving and lady wang followed me.

I reached there and was welcomed by my mother's mesmerizing smile. Everytime she smile it feels so warm. She is so much like my own mother I wish if I could see again. I greeted her and she caress my face lovingly.

Mother you called ?"

just then a disciple entered,

"Madam, lady wen and young master wen Ning has arrived " he informed us. After that night I requested mother for this matter. Im so happy they accepted our invitation.

" let them in " she spoke to the discipline.

madam lan . master Wei " they greeted us and I went to pat wen Ning 's shoulder.

"Im glad you accepted our invitation" ,he nodded.

we talked for a while then mother instructed lady wang to show them their room and they left.

"A Xian, you look happy and prettier too. Aren't you going to tell your mother what's the special ocassion ?" she asked me

mother, you too think it? I must look best today I m going out with lan Zhan."

so you are going out on a date with my son " she boldly said leaving him wordless.

I don't know what to respond. luckily on time nie huaisaing came. oh he is staying in gusu.

"morning Madam lan " he wished


"on my way I met Zewu jun, he ask me to call you ." ,she smiled and left.

Cloud Recesses's garden

(Third p o v)

"Now tell me how can I make lan Zhan believe this marriage isn't going to be successful "wei Ying asked nie huaisaing.

"Wei gongzi, last night I was thinking on this matter. I have to help you afterall you are my childhood friend and I can't see you in-"

"cut the crap" Wei Ying spoke in middle . Nie huaisaing pouted and let out a hmph sound.

so as I was saying I came up with a mind-blowing idea."

" and what is that mind blowing plan ?"

"ignore hanguang jun"


"yes ignore hanguang jun "

"Why ? and what will happen if I ignore him?"

"look let me explain, ignoring hanguang jun will make him understand that his life is fulfill without you. Take it like this, you will ignore hanguang jun and in this way he will understand that he is happy without you. He will get an idea that you two aren't made for eachother.

"That he is completed without you and also without you speaking will give that poor ear of his peace" At the last sentence wei Ying hit him on the head not to hard, just in a playful way.

"hmm make sense "wei Ying agreed.

"so this is our mission to make hanguang jun believe you both aren't compatible for eachother " nie announce

" so let's name this mission. I came up with a name "wei Ying said playfully

what is it?" nie asked curiously

Mission fuddy duddy 28" wei

Ying cheerfully announced.

"wow ! but wait what's 28 there?" nie asked confusingly

oh 28? lan zhan's age! hahaha ,he explained.

but wait I m going out with him today" oh ho wei gongzi you are on

a date with hanguang jun "nie

exclaimed in excitement.

"why you people are calling it date ? " Wei Ying mumbles with a light red face.

"you tell me how will I ignore him? I'm going on a da- I mean going out with him. then how do you expect me to not talk? "Wei Ying.

oh yes than also you have to be in your character. remember no matter what you have to ignore him. Not a word from your mouth ok?"

"but isn't it too harsh ? ignoring (sigh) we can think of something else "wei Ying tried to convince him but got rejected.

"no this is the best idea. You can do it! remember this is our mission fuddy duddy 28- attempt 1. c'mon cheer up wei gongzi you can do this!"

"yes I can do this it's not a big deal ! " Wei Ying said feeling confident.

look your date is coming pretend "nie whispered to him. Wei Ying who heard him calling lan Zhan his date originally wanted to hit him once more but decided not to when he spotted lan Zhan approaching him.

oh lan - ah" wei Ying was about to call lan zhan name loud but stopped when nie pinch him hard making him whine in pain.

"why did you pinch me?" he whispered to nie huaisaing

"remember you have to ignore hanguang jun stay in your character " nie reminded him before lan Zhan notice him.

"oh yes yes so what should I do? " Wei Ying asked whispering.

"pretend you didn't saw him. let me greet him. He is coming he is coming ", nie huaisaing.

oh hanguang jun "nie exclaimed

lan Zhan nodded and look at husband,who is looking a breathtaking beauty on the other hand, Wei Ying who is looking everywhere but lan Zhan.

"Wei Ying", lan Zhan.

wei Ying look at him lazily but didn't spoke anything.

"oh ho wei gongzi are you going out with hanguang jun? "Nie pretend to not know .

"hmm" wei Ying replied trying hard not to show his excitement.

"Wei Wuxian" a female voice

called him.

They turned and saw wen ging standing with a basket in her hand.

oh Wen Qing? are you going somewhere?"

yes I m going out to buy some medicinal herbs. Can you accompany me?" she asked with bright eyes almost impossible for Wei ying to deny.

Wei ying face palm himself in his mind. He would have gladly accepted her request but not today it's his first date with lan Zhan afterall. even though he is in a mission now but' a date is a date' anyway.

Wei transfer the message to nie huaisaing through his eyes and nie immediately understood.

"Ah lady wen what a coincidence Im also going to the same street. let me accompany you today. Wei gongzi is on a date today" nie directly spoke making lan Zhan to look at Wei Ying with wide eyes while wei Ying pass a 'fuck you' message through his eyes and in addition he glared at him.

wen qing who heard it clearly gripped the basket's handle tighter that if she apply a little more strength the basket's handle would break from the middle . she faked smile before turned towards wei Ying and said in a sweet voice,

so next time you have to accompany me"

" deal " he replied

Their short conversation was too much for lan Zhan he started walking pass them and wei Ying had to run to catch up with his speed. They walk together and nie huaisaing and wen qing followed them from behind.

Gusu streets

On the streets all the female cultivators, shopkeepers, even the woman in their mid 30s were staring at the Gusu beauty, lan Wangji.

To be stories by met me1 continued..

In next chapter someone is going to taste vinegar




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