

Female lead: Scarlett Diego: She's pretty, cute, beautiful and with a shape that can make any man go crazy. She's the type of girl who is anxious and insecure about her beauty, so she tends to use makeup and a baggy dress to appear less noticeable. she was forced into a business marriage? to a playboy who did not believe in love. Male lead: Ryan Logan: The hottest bachelor billionaire in California, He is hot, he got this amazing look that makes women go crazy about him. His perfect figure makes girls give him their bodies anytime he wants them. He's young, He's rich, and also a playboy, He is a type who doesn't believe in the word "LOVE" "Love? I don't need it. "That is what he always says But what happened when he has forced into business with a lady who is exactly opposite to him? What happened when they both have a nightstand and the wife left she became pregnant. What happened when he later finds out he can't do without her? Did you think it will be easy for him to get his woman back? Find out

Lateefat_dauda · 都市
14 Chs



After lunch, the Logan family drove back to their mansion in silence.

Mr Byran Logan was very upset with his son's behaviours back in Diego's mansion. So he was really angry which make driving back home more awkward than usual.

The couple went in first. Ryan sighed as he got out of the car and followed his parent in silence. Mr Bryan Logan face Ryan in anger immediately after he stepped into the living room.

"Ryan, what is the meaning of the madness you perfume back in Diego's mansion? Can't you behave well for once? how can you talk to that girl in that manner?" Mr Logan asked in anger.

"But I did nothing bad, Dad, I was only speaking my mind. "Ryan said calmly.

"Just hear yourself out, Ryan!! I saw the girl leave the table in fury and you are telling me rubbish!!" Mr Logan yelled in anger.

"I was only trying to start a conversation with her but she call me a brainless manwh0le and then, she left in a fury not like I send her away. "Ryan said clenching his fist behind his back, although it was not visible enough to his father's sight.

"Why don't you make it up with her? "His mother asked with a wide smile.

"How?" He asked, looking around in fury, he was beginning to get pissed off and her mother supporting his father was choking.

"Take her on a date tomorrow. "His mother grinned.

"Are you serious now, Mum? "He asked unbelievably.

"Yes, take her on a date if you don't want me to freeze your account. "Mr Logan said with finality in his voice.

"Gosh!! I hate this!!" He exclaims in anger.

"I have already tested Jayden, you should go and pick her up by four tomorrow. "Mr Logan said and walk away.

##### ##### #### ##### IN THE EVENING / LATCO CLUB HOUSE####

"It is so annoying, I can't believe I will be getting married to a fat church rat in two weeks' time. "Ryan said toying with the glass of liquor in his hand.

"Wow, so will be getting married soon. I can't believe you will get married before me. "Alex said smirking evilly.

"I hate the sound I swear!! I can't marry that girl Alex!! she's too ugly. "Ryan said with gritted teeth.

"Then, tell them you don't like the girl, and you will get married when you are ready. "Alex advised him.

"Alex don't you understand that mummy like the girl already, and am sure she will never change her mind? "Ryan replied.

"That is bad. "Alex muttered

"She is the one that suggested I should go on a date with that girl. "Ryan said and drank all the liquor in the glass and pure another in his glass.

"You say early that the girl hates you, right?" Alex asked and Ryan nodded.

"Why don't you brainwash her maybe she could talk to her parent to put end to this business married thing, am sure if she agrees with you this married won't work out. "Alex said.

"That is a great idea, Alex!! I will settle things with her tomorrow. "Ryan smirk

#### ##### NEXT DAY / DIEGO'S MANSION ##### ###### ##### ######

A Ferrari car parked in front of the mansion.

A man dressed in a black suit hopped out of the car and hurried to the back seat, he open the back seat door, and Ryan hopped out of the car with a flirty smile curled up on his face.

He into the mansion as maids keep on fainting at his sight. He enter the sitting and saw Scarlett who is also coming down. She walked toward him and he left out a flirty smile which she return with a frown.

"Hey. "He greets.

"Hi. "She replied calmly.

They both walked out of the mansion and the driver open the car door for them before he drove off.


"Since you are not interested in this business married thing, why don't you cut it off and stop acting like an angry bird? "Ryan said starting the conversation.

"Like I have a choice. "Scarlett hiss and look through the window.

" They are your parent, you can just speak to them. "Ryan said.

"I know you are not interested as well, why don't you ask your parent and stop asking me to do the impossible task?" Scarlett said calmly.

'Gosh!! I can't believe I will be stuck with this annoying woman for the rest of my life. "Ryan thought.

They got to a classy restaurant and settle down in an empty chair.

Soon a waiter came to them to get their order.

"Welcome to the five-star restaurant, please what could you like to order? "The waitress said flirting with Ryan.

"Scarlett was about to make an order when Ryan talk.

"Two plates of fish and chips are okay. "He replied giving the female waiter a flirty smile, she blush foolishly and Scarlet hissed.

"Spicy chicken wrap and --- --- ---"Scarlett was saying but Ryan interrupt her.

"Bring what I order. "He said with an annoying smirk. The lady left to get our order and Scarlett face him.

"What is the meaning of that, why did you stop me from making my order?" Scarlett asked trying to control her anger.

"Miss, Diego, I order what I feel is right for you, so don't make it a big duel. "He replied with no emotions in his eyes.

Scarlett was about to reply to him when the waiter came with the order and served them.

"Enjoy your meal. "She said and started walking swaying her hips sexily.

Ryan's eyes followed her every step and he did not know when he started following her behind.

He followed her to a female restroom senselessly.

The female waiter stopped and pushed him to the wall immediately and press her body closer to him, and being the playboy he is, his hand went under her dress and started pressing her backside.


Scarlett feels so confused and bored at the same time. She can't believe Ryan leave her alone in the restaurant without a word after ordering for her.

She hates Ryan Logan with everything, she heard that he is arrogant and bossy. She promises herself not to allow him to boss her around, she can not be treated badly by her parent and still let her annoying husband does the same.

"I will not allow any man to control my life, I won't let him treat me like trash. "She muttered, waiting for Ryan to show up so she can leave.

After waiting for an hour, she feel the urge to use the bathroom, so she asked a waiter who direct her to the female restroom.

She walked toward the female restroom and started hearing some unholy sounds.

She opens the door lightly and found Ryan making out in the restroom with the female waiter early.

She can't believe, he leaves her alone inside just to make out with a waiter.

"I am tired of this!! just get me out of here. "She shouted angrily and Ryan ignore her and continue his business with the female waiter.

"You are so annoying. "She muttered and walked out of the restroom.