
Chapter 31

Chapter 31 is just crazy

  Compared to the disappointed Kaman, Choga was not surprised at all.

  He has been in North Africa for a while, and there are many legends about the old Ka who died for a long time.

  There are endless rumors about secret treasure troves and secret bases.

  Now this secret base proves that those rumors are not groundless, but have a factual basis.

  Nice chose to give this base to herself so simply. The first thing she wanted was revenge, but the most important thing was that she simply didn't have the ability to handle the equipment here.

  Of course Choga didn't, because it would cost as much money to repair those nearly scrapped gadgets as to buy new ones. Of course, he would be able to take his time, but this unlucky place is not suitable, and those things are too eye-catching.

  Compared to those nearly useless tanks and armored vehicles, Choga saw useful things from a few armored vehicles.

   There are 'automatic weapon stations' installed on several armored vehicles, which are considered advanced even now.

  Choga absolutely dare not take out the armored vehicle and sell it, but he can still remove the automatic weapon station and the supporting fire control system and install it on a pickup truck or a large off-road vehicle.

   He doesn't know if this thing can be sold, but it is definitely a weapon for land warfare if you use it for yourself.

   One person drives, and the other fires 50 grenades or hundreds of large-caliber bullets at the enemy like playing a game. This is still the mainstream Afika in AK47, and it is already a cross-age fighting method.

   Moreover, Choga also has a secret that no one else knows, and that is the 'universal toolbox'.

  This magical processing center needs to absorb substances from the outside world as raw materials, and then become suitable materials through synthesis.

  In the past, Qiaojia would go to the garbage dump in Khartoum and wander around the abandoned sites of various vehicles to find suitable raw materials from those places.

  It is no longer needed now, this time it will definitely fill up the raw material warehouse at one time, and it cannot be sold anyway, and it is a waste of these high-quality raw materials to stay here.

   Moreover, Choga can also obtain detailed drawings of tanks and armored vehicles through scanning. As long as he wants, he can reproduce the parts by himself and assemble a brand new land combat weapon.

   But these are not in a hurry. Doing these things in front of Nice and Kaman is a bit too shocking. Anyway, these things can't escape, and there will be opportunities to digest them in the future.

  Compared with these land warfare weapons parked in the open air, Choga is more interested in the things stored in the warehouse.

  As an arms dealer, it's not right that you can't even produce 500 AKs, and it's too wasteful to always use your own universal toolbox to make AKs.

   Qiaojia, who is greedy, still doesn't know what he has mastered, but he didn't know what a "hot potato" was until he opened the door of a warehouse and entered it.

  The interior of the warehouse built along the mountain wall is extremely huge, and it is divided into several areas.

The largest of them is the warehouse for storing light weapons of the squad, which contains a large number of AK74 automatic rifles, PKM machine guns, RPG-7, AT-4 anti-tank missiles, SAM-24 air defense missiles, mortars of various calibers, recoil guns, and dozens of well-preserved large military trucks.

Qiaojia has no time to count the specific number of weapons, but it is only a rough estimate. It can also be known that the light weapons stored here are enough to arm thousands of people, and in this unlucky place of Afika, having these weapons means that basically no one dares to mess with you. up.

   These are fairly normal. Russian-made light weapons are everywhere in the world, and you can see them almost as long as you are on the battlefield. It shouldn't be a big problem to sell them, but the latter things are a bit outrageous.

  Passing through several warehouses, Joga, led by Niss, entered a gigantic hangar composed of several hangars strung together.

   There are 6 Mi-24 "Hind" armed helicopters, 8 Mi-8 "Hippo" transport helicopters parked here, and the most outrageous thing is that there are 2 beautiful-looking Super Tucano propeller fighter jets.

  The warehouse is equipped with a full set of maintenance tools and two fuel trucks.

   If these are still normal, then when Qiaojia and the others walked through the warehouse to the ammunition depot, he realized how terrifying the things here are.

  Heavy machine guns, rockets, etc. are all standard configurations. What scares Qiaojia the most is that there are actually 16 Russian-made aviation cluster bombs and 80 aviation thermobaric bombs here.

   This thing is a big killer for anyone, and the price is ridiculously high.

What Niss said is indeed true. If Choja is a guy from the special forces and can fly a 'Hind', that Kinderwick is not a guy at all. Finding his position is just a few rounds of rockets. There is no need to fight head-on.

  It's a pity that Choga can't fly a helicopter, and even if he can, the Hind needs two people to perform its combat functions.

  In front of the in-line cockpit is the position of the fire controller. The Hind without a fire controller is a fairly good transport helicopter.

It can also be seen from this that Nice has no idea about this kind of advanced stuff, otherwise she wouldn't even mention Mi-24, because this stuff can only be passed by for a team like Qiao Jia and the others. addiction.

  Wandering in awe in the huge hangar for a long time, Choga made up his mind to sign up to learn how to fly a plane this time when he goes back, learning both helicopters and airplanes.

   Qiaojia thought that sooner or later these big toys would be released, even if they were not sold, it would be better to keep them for his own use.

  'Hind' is too eye-catching, but Mi-8'Hippo' is too useful.

  Give it a new paint job, spend money on procedures, and open an aircraft leasing company like Sai Limu, and you can use this thing in a legitimate way.

  Actually, Choga likes the two toucans the most, because he can barely fly such a small plane. After all, even a man wants to try a fighter jet.

  It's a pity that this kind of pure fighter jet is too eye-catching in Afica, without reliable channel procedures, even if it is transformed into a trainer plane, it will easily attract the attention of the outside world.

  Based on the notion of not coming in vain, Choga sat in the cockpits of the 'Hind' and 'Toucan' for a while, felt the charm of modern weapons, and finally jumped off the plane reluctantly.

   Bid farewell to the hangar and entered the core of the base, and then Choga saw a thick iron door sprayed with the logo of biochemical weapons that made the calf twist.

  Seeing Kaman rubbing his hands and holding the wheel on the gate, Choga hurriedly waved his hands and shouted: "Don't, don't, don't, the things inside are too dangerous.

  FUCK, no wonder no one in the world sympathizes with Ka Dazuo, this guy is simply crazy, he actually stored chemical weapons in a secret base.

   No wonder people outside think about these bases, they must not just for money. "

  (end of this chapter)