
Chapter 17

Chapter 17 I love money, but I don't cheat on my own people

Kaman was not used to the effect of the monocular night vision device, but he was reluctant to lose such an advanced thing. He turned up the night vision device, looked at Choga with dim eyes, and said, "Those people are veterans. Twelve people, I have only seen these equipment on the white ghosts, they really want to chase us, running is useless.

   There are two black mambas under that bush, and if they turn over their backpacks, there will be a surprise for them. "

Speaking of which, Kaman recognized the direction, pointed to a mound in the distance and said, "That's a good hiding place, boss, your marksmanship is very accurate, once you find them chasing you, you can shoot a few shots there, and then immediately Running eastward, you will encounter a water pool about one kilometer or so.

   I'll raid them from behind. At that time, we will meet up near the water pool. "

  Joga looked at Kaman in surprise, and said, "Why didn't the black mamba attack us?"

  Kaman was stunned for a moment, not understanding why his boss had a different focus...

After a few seconds of silence, he took out a sack made of linen from his pocket and handed it to Qiaojia, saying, "This is a herbal medicine for preventing snakes and insects. A witch doctor taught me to take it with me when I was walking on the grassland." It can avoid the attack of snakes and insects."

   After speaking, Kaman pointed to the bushes in the distance and said, "Go there, I'm going to find a place nearby."

Qiaojia didn't know what was going on. After he experienced strenuous exercise, his whole body calmed down. He waved his hand and took out a radio from his body and handed it to Kaman. After helping him put on the earphones, he said: " Thank you, you saved my life!

   There are twelve people on the other side. I killed one just now, and there are eleven left. Do you think I can kill them all? "

  Kaman looked at Choga suspiciously and said, "We don't have to take risks. I have a way to hold them back and kill them slowly on the grassland."

Choga shook his head and said, "No, we were betrayed. It should be the Siruk. At first he wanted to lure us into a war with the Italian arms dealer, but when he found that I was not interested, he informed the Italian. .

   This guy must have misunderstood my identity, so he is trying to use me to make things worse!

  We have no time to delay, we must kill them here, otherwise once someone notifies the peacekeeping force, more people will be involved because of me.

  It is not easy enough for those peacekeepers to persist in this unfortunate place!

  I love money, but I can't entrap my compatriots..."

  Kaman listened and said after a long silence: "If we want to stay and stop them, the situation will be very dangerous.

  Those people are not newbies. My raid can only kill two to three people at most, and then I have to retreat to the depths of the grassland. It will take at least 10 minutes for me to go around and find you.

  You will reveal your position as soon as you shoot, can you hold on for ten minutes? "

  Joga rubbed his dry fingers, nodded and said: "I can, and you don't have to come looking for me, you just cruise around them, and once they want to escape, you are responsible for solving them.

   So our question now is, how do we bring them here? "

  Kaman looked at Qiaojia's serious expression, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said, "You are the boss, but if you die, I will run away."

After hearing this, Qiaojia took out the 6 kilograms of gold sand that he received today and stuffed it into Kaman's bag, then patted him on the arm and said, "If I die, please help me put the one that betrayed me. Kirza the Siruk killed.

  If I don't die, one-third of it will be your bonus, and our contract will continue to be fulfilled. "

  Kaman froze for a moment, and said with a weird expression: "In order not to cause trouble for those peacekeepers, is it worth taking such a risk?"

   Qiaojia shook his head and said: "Then those young people took such a big risk to come to this unlucky place, is it worth it?

  Some things are hard for me to explain to you. I don't have any special identity. I'm in the business of beheading. I'm a bad guy. Bad guys shouldn't make good guys suffer. "

   Kaman nodded and said: "You are right, those guys in blue hats are good people. Once they are dispatched on a large scale, the Kading people will definitely make trouble."

   While speaking, Kaman patted his backpack and said, "I think you are a good boss now, and I just want to get a third of mine.

  You go to the bushes and stay, I will find a way to get them to the best position for you to shoot.

  We can change our style of play. Your marksmanship is very accurate, and you are responsible for covering me. "

   Speaking of which, Kaman didn't even give Qiao Jia a chance to refute, and slipped into the half-human tall grass like a ghost.

  The wind in the prairie rustled the grass and trees, completely covering up the sound of Kaman's actions.

Choja is now very glad that he hired this old guy. After he completely lost track of Kaman, he turned and ran for 5 minutes, finally boarded the mound that Kaman pointed out, and then lay in ambush in a bush down.

  The advantage of the mound is that it has a good view. The 10-meter-high mound is enough for Qiaojia to look down at the position of 800 to 900 meters. As long as he can resist the fear of flying bullets, this is the best shooting point.

The first time he climbed the mound, Qiaojia luckily found a dead wood with a diameter of 40 cm. He exhausted all his strength to move the dead wood to the edge of the mound, forming a crude position, and then took out That SVD leaned his HK416 against the dead wood.

He needs a longer range. Although the accuracy of the HK416 with a short barrel and a silencer has reached the theoretical limit, it is limited by the length of the bullet and the barrel, as well as the limitation of the quadruple mirror. The accurate range of this gun is only 400-450 meters.

  Beyond this distance, the flight trajectory of the bullet will fall and drift due to problems such as storage speed and wind deflection.

  The gun he used was too accurate at the start, and he didn't have the shooting feeling of ordinary soldiers with ordinary rifles and bullets.

   After all, when you have adjusted the gun sights and pointed where to shoot within 400 meters, it is estimated that few people will consider the problem of ballistics, but will try to improve their shooting accuracy and speed.

   Obviously, the SVD equipped with an electromagnetic acceleration barrel is more in line with his needs at this moment.

In fact, Qiaojia's HK416 is not that far away. If he wants, he can adjust the length of the barrel and change the charge of the bullet, so that the HK416 can accurately hit the target 600-800 meters away, but in doing so, he will lose the power of the assault rifle original intention.

  Multiple use of one gun is a false proposition in itself. This thing was originally set for targets within 300 meters, or even 200 meters.

  The full range of sights and the 4x quick flip lens installed on it have increased Choga's precise shooting distance to 400 meters.

  In order to pursue a greater range, the consequence of installing a high-power sight is that he will lose the ability to quickly search and shoot at a distance of about 200 to 300 meters, which is completely unnecessary for him.

  Because he himself is only used to the straight ballistic trajectory, and the shooting feeling that is crisp and never sloppy, if he wants to shoot far, he can simply change to another gun.

  (end of this chapter)