
chapter 1

Who says you have to win to be a winner?

That was the attitude that was being felt by Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne. Both of them had entered a competition in Kalos: Ash had challenged the Kalos League, and Serena had strived to become the Kalos Queen. Both had trained hard, fought harder and given it everything they had. And they had gone far.

But while they had gone far in their respective challenges, they had both fallen just a bit short. Ash had gotten farther than ever before in a league, but he had come up against a smart and skilled trainer in the final round. Ash had brought everything he knew to the battle, but in the end his final pokemon had fallen. Ash had congratulated the trainer on his win and walked off, depressed but still determined.

Serena had faired much the same. She had made it the finals of the pokemon showcase, winning all the keys she needed to enter the final competition, only to come up against a skilled opponent who had bested her. Serena had put on a brave face and given her respects to the winner, before she walked off with her head held high.

Both Ash and Serena had been down and depressed at their losses. But when they were at their lowest, they found comfort in each other. Ash was there as a shoulder for Serena when she remembered how close she had come and Serena was there to cheer for Ash when he resumed training. The two of them drew strength from each other, growing even closer all the while.

All too soon, it was time for them all to part ways. Clemont and Bonnie said their goodbyes and returned to their home. Before leaving, Bonnie had nudged Serena and pointed at Ash, quietly whispering "tell him how you feel!" before rushing off to follow Clemont, a hand near her mouth to stifle her giggles. Serena had turned a brilliant shade of pink at her words and when she resumed walking with Ash she kept her face turned away, hoping he wouldn't notice.

When they arrived at Serena's house, she didn't know what to do. Serena stammered, fidgeted, shifted around and looked everywhere but at Ash. Finally Ash had pulled her into a hug, holding her close to him. Serena was shocked at first, but she had folded in Ash's arms. After a moment she had pulled back and, with a deep breath, confessed her love for Ash. Expecting the worst, she was overjoyed when Ash had told her his feeling were mutual. A wide smile on her face, Serena had leaned forwards and kissed Ash. Ash had returned her kiss and invited her back to Kanto, to see what it was like in his home region. When Serena's mom gave her the ok, Serena was happy to come along.

It's been three years since the end of the Kalos League and showcase. Ash and Serena have remained a couple, one traveling to the other's region for visits whenever possible. Ash was eager to see more of Kalos outside of the cities and their gyms, while Serena loved the natural beauty of Kanto. And to their joy, they found out that their pokemon, Greninja and Delphox, also had feelings for each other and had begun dating. Human and pokemon couples always looked forwards to seeing each other, no matter what region they were in. And they always had a good time, together.

So again, who says you have to win to be a winner??


It was a sunny afternoon in the summer. The sun was shining, there were a few clouds to break up the sunlight and Pidgey flew calmly across the blue sky. People and pokemon alike enjoyed the summer, especially the children. No school and no homework meant even more time to play or train alongside their pokemon friends.

The beauty of the day was lost on Ash, though. Mostly because he wasn't awake enough to see it. Ash lounged in the shade of a tree in a park in a portside city of Kanto. With his jacket pillowing his head and his hat pulled down over his eyes, Ash lay on the grass, not quite asleep but certainly dozing. A puff of pollen blew near his nose on a faint breeze and Ash sharply exhaled, blowing it away before settling again.

Ash was waiting for the ferry from Kalos. He had asked Serena if she could come and stay for a few days. Ash hadn't said more, but he was insistent that it was important. Serena had agreed and arranged to come by ferry. She loved to stand on the deck and watch all the water type pokemon swim by. Ash loved it too, but he had realized a long time ago that while a plane ticket may be more expensive, it usually arrived on time. Unlike the Kalos ferry, which was now two hours late and going on three.

As Ash dozed at the base of the tree, his Greninja dozed on a branch above his head. Back against the trunk and one leg dangling, Greninja waited for the ferry as well. Even though he had no idea what was so important to Ash about this visit, Greninja was not about to pass up a chance to see Delphox. And he would get his chance to see her as soon as the ferry arrived.

Both Ash and Greninja were beginning to fall asleep completely as time went on. They didn't notice any of the other people and pokemon that passed them, heading down to the docks. They didn't notice that many of them were chatting easily amongst themselves as they headed that way. They might have missed the ferry completely as it steamed in towards the docks. Except for one thing….



The loud sound of the ferry's horn woke Ash up with a yell. He sat up hurriedly, only to have all the air knocked from him as his startled Greninja fell from the branch above. Flat onto Ash's stomach.

Ash heaved Greninja off him, rubbing his stomach area as he gulped air. Greninja jumped to his feet, brushing himself off while trying his best to look innocent. Ash glared at Greninja for a moment, then his eyes saw the ferry docking at the port.

"The ferry! It's here! That means so are Serena and Delphox!!" Ash said, leaping upright and shrugging his jacket back on. He took one step towards the docks, then stopped and turned back towards Greninja. "And you need to cut way down on those poke puffs." He said, rubbing his stomach. "You shouldn't be that heavy."

Greninja put a webbed hand to his stomach, thinking about the water-type friendly poke puffs Delphox always helped Serena bake for him. Hmmm. He may be right. Greninja said to himself, thinking of all the poke puffs eaten. Then he noticed that Ash had already headed off towards the docks. Greninja shrugged and leaped, following Ash to the docks by leaping easily from streetlight to streetlight.


On the deck of the ferry, Serena stood watching the port get closer and closer. Delphox stood beside her, ears pricked to the sounds of the city. A breeze blew across the ship, blowing both girl's hair. Serena reached up to tuck her hair back again, while Delphox shook her head from side-to-side, her fur settling back quickly.

"We're back in Kanto again." Serena said happily. She looked up at the sky, watching a group of Spearow fly by. "I love this region in the summer."

"Phox." Dephox said, nodding in agreement. Her nose twitched as a scent came to her from the port and she turned to look. "Phox, delphox!!" she said excitedly, pointing towards land.

Following Delphox's pointing paw, Serena looked towards land. Shading her eyes, she saw what had Delphox's attention. "It's Ash and Greninja!" she cried happily. Serena grabbed her overnight bag from where it sat next to her and raced off down the deck. "Come on, let's go! We'll be getting off soon." Delphox followed her trainer towards the gangplank that would soon be lowered onto the docks, eager to see Greninja as well.


Ash skidded to a halt on the docks as the ferry stopped and dropped anchor. Greninja leapt from the final streetlight and landed beside Ash, watching as the ship settled and the gangplank was lowered. At the top of the plank Serena waited, fidgeting anxiously and as soon as it settled she was off, charging down the gangplank to Ash. Delphox was moments behind her trainer, fur streaming out behind her.

"Serena!" Ash called. Almost as soon as Serena set foot off the gangplank, Ash was there, sweeping her up into his arms. Serena dropped her bag, her arms going around Ash as he twirled her once before setting her down, holding her close to him.

"Oh Ash." Serena said, holding him tightly. "I've missed you."

Ash eased back a step from her, raising an eyebrow. "You do remember that you came here for Christmas, right? And that I came to see you during spring? It hasn't really been that long."

Serena smiled innocently. "It always seems like a long time." she said. Serena stepped close and gently kissed Ash, then hugged him again. "No matter how long we've been apart."

Ash nervously cleared his throat, his face flushing red. "Well….yeah." he admitted grudgingly, returning the hug.

Greninja hugged Delphox as she came to him, her arms around him as well. She's right you know. Delphox said, stepping back a pace. It does seem like a long time.

Greninja smirked. Well, like humans say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. He said teasingly.

Delphox rolled her eyes. Funny. Very funny. She said dryly.

Serena stepped away from Ash and lifted her overnight bag onto her shoulders. "I packed some clothes and things for a few days." She said, adjusting the straps on her bag. She looked at Ash with a puzzled look on her face. "But you never did say why you were so insistent on me coming here to see you right at this time."

Ash smiled, taking Serena's hand and walking back off the docks with her. "It's nothing that you need to worry about right now." He said. "Come on. It's a nice day for a walk back to Pallet Town."

Serena fell in step with Ash as they walked back into town, but she was puzzled. Ash was a straightforward, what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. It wasn't like him to be secretive. Even as she admired the sights, sounds and smells of Kanto, Serena couldn't help but wonder just what was going on with her boyfriend.

As Greninja and Delphox followed their trainers, Delphox glanced at Greninja. I don't suppose you want to tell me what Ash is up to. She said.

Greninja raised his hands. I was actually hoping you might have an idea. He answered. Whatever is on Ash's mind, he hasn't told me, or any of his other pokemon. Not even Pikachu.

Delphox looked at Ash as he turned to point something out to Serena. Whatever it is, it must be important. She said. Greninja nodded vigorously beside her as both couples headed through town on their way to Ash's home.


At the Ketchum house, all was quiet. Delilah was in the kitchen doing some baking, while Pikachu snoozed on the front porch rail. Both of them knew that the ferry could run late from time to time, so they were not surprised that Ash had yet to return. If he wasn't back with Serena by nightfall, then they would be worried.

Mimey came out onto the porch, shaking out a feather duster over the side. As the puffs of dust floated around, one drifted near the snoozing Pikachu.

"Ka-chooo!!" Pikachu sneezed, leaping upright onto his paws from the sneeze.

Bless you. Mimey said, looking over. And sorry. I'd hoped that shaking this out on the opposite side from you wouldn't bother you.

Pikachu waved a paw, the other rubbing his nose. It's ok. He said, stretching. I probably shouldn't be sleeping away a nice day like this anyway. Should be out getting some sun and some exercise.

Mimey watched as Pikachu hopped off the rail and then off the porch. On the path in front of the house, he ran back and forth a bit, then stopped and stretched again. Maybe I should go visit the Professor's lab. He said, looking thoughtful. See if anyone is up for a practice battle. Got to do something to keep myself in-

Pikachu suddenly stopped, his ears pricked and twitching. Then he turned and, with a happy yell, charged off up the path. Mimey leaned over the rail, wondering what was going on, then saw what Pikachu was running towards. Later than expected, but still here. Mimey thought. He smiled. Well, better go tell the mom. Mimey turned and walked back into the house, leaving Pikachu to greet their guests.


Ash and Serena had just come into sight of the Ketchum house, Greninja and Delphox trailing behind them. Ash had just mentioned about how his mom had likely been baking something to welcome them, when a familiar sound came from out front of the house.


Ash and Serena looked to see Pikachu running happily towards them. Ash laughed and stepped forwards to meet Pikachu, who hopped up into Ash's arms before jumping to his shoulder. Pikachu stayed there for only a moment before noticing Serena, and then he happily jumped into her arms.

Serena laughed as she cuddled Pikachu. "Nice to see you again too, Pikachu." She said. "Did you miss me?" When Pikachu nodded, Serena laughed again. "Yeah, I missed you and Ash too." She said, stroking Pikachu's tail.

"Chaaaa!" Pikachu squealed, his ears wiggling.

Serena carried Pikachu as she and the others resumed walking. Greninja and Delphox walked beside Serena so they could talk to him too. Arriving out front of the house, Ash stepped forwards to open the door, when it opened before his hand even touched it.

"Ash! Good, you're back." Delilah said, happily hugging her son. Noticing Serena, Delilah let Ash go and stepped forwards to hug Serena too. "Serena, dear. Nice to see you again."

Serena let Pikachu hop to the ground as she returned Delilah's hug. "Really, now whose acting like I wasn't here just a few short months ago?" She said, smiling sideways at Ash.

Ash smirked. "Remember, I was always off on a journey somewhere." He said. "Mom likes it when people are around to see her."

"And you chose a lovely time to visit." Delilah said, letting Serena go. "Pallet Town is beautiful during the summer time." She stepped back and motioned them both inside. "But as for right now, I'm sure you and your pokemon are tired from traveling. Please, come inside and relax."

"It sure would be nice to sit with the fan blowing for a bit." Ash said, stepping towards the house.

"Actually, Ash." Serena said. When Ash stopped and turned back to look at her, Serena motioned to Delphox, who stepped up beside her. "Do you have a moment for a quick battle?' Serena asked.

"You want to battle me?!" Ash asked, not sure he was hearing her right.

Serena nodded. "Just a quick match, against you and Greninja." She said. She raised a hand to indicate Delphox. "I was practicing with Delphox the other day before I caught the ferry here, and we learned a new technique we want to try."

"Phox." Delphox barked in agreement.

Ash shrugged. "Well, if you just want to try something new, sure we can battle. The backyard will do just fine." He looked over at Greninja. "If Greninja is all right with it."

"Gre." Greninja said, nodding once.

"Ok then, you two." Ash said to Serena and Delphox. "Let's see what you've come up with.'


A few minutes later in the backyard, Ash and Serena faced each other from opposite sides. Greninja and Delphox stood between then, Delphox swaying lightly on her feet, Greninja poised and waiting for the first move.

I won't go easy on you. Greninja said, shifting his balance. Even though you are my girlfriend.

Delphox smirked. I wasn't going to go easy on you, either. She said as she spun her branch easily from paw-to-paw. So don't worry.

"You ready, Serena?" Ash called.

"Ready and waiting." Serena said.

"Have a great match, both of you!' Delilah called from the back steps where she and Pikachu sat to watch.

"Pika!" Pikachu added.

Both of them nodded their thanks, then re-focused on each other. "Ok Ash." Serena called. "You've got the first attack."

Ash smiled. "And we'll use it." He answered. He raised a hand, pointing. "Greninja, water pulse!"

Greninja had been still moments before but now he reacted instantly, his hands whirling with water. Greninja threw the water pulse straight for Delphox, but Serena was ready.

"Use flamethrower!" Serena called.

Delphox pointed her branch and flames roared from the end. When the flamethrower met the water pulse, both cancelled each other out in a burst of steam.

"Ok then, try this." Ash said. "Greninja, aerial ace!"

Greninja's hands glowed white with energy and he leapt, landing only to leap again as he closed the distance to Delphox in a zig-zag pattern.

"Nice try Ash." Serena called with a smile. "But we know this trick. Delphox, track Greninja's movements!"

Delphox stood still, only her eyes moving as she tracked Greninja leap his way around and about her. Watching him move, quickly and lightly on his feet, she remembered this strategy from back in the Kalos league. A moment later, her eyes locked on Greninja.

"Phox." She said calmly, her grip tightening on her branch.

"Good. Brace yourself and deflect it!' Serena said.

As Greninja spun in one final twist before leaping straight for Delphox, she braced her paws on the ground and took a two-pawed grip on her branch. When Greninja's glowing hands came together, they connected with Delphox's branch instead of her body. Greninja strained against the hard wood for a moment, then Delphox shoved, forcing Greninja back from her.

Greninja bounced back in several acrobatic leaps, landing lightly on his feet again. You blocked one of my fastest attacks. He said. He smiled. Good move, Delphox.

Delphox smiled back. Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. She said confidently.

"Good move Serena." Ash called. "But we're far from done." He pointed straight up. "Greninja, jump high!"

Greninja took two steps forward before launching himself into the air. As he went higher, Ash called from below. "Now, water shuriken!"

At the height of his jump, Greninja's hands whirled, water compressing itself into his throwing stars. Greninja spun his body around, using the momentum to add extra force to the throw of his move. The sharp-edged water stars spun through the air, down towards Delphox.

"Stop it Delphox, with flame burst!" Serena called.

Delphox spun her branch, flames glowing on each end. Pointing up, Delphox unleashed the fire, the move spreading out to connect with all the water shurikens. As water and fire collided, the result was another cloud of steam.

Ash watched Greninja still falling back to the ground. He knew his opening would be there: when Greninja landed, its speed would allow it to tear through the steam with aerial ace. And this time, Delphox would not be able to block it.

But all of Ash's plans came crashing down when he heard Serena shout the command from the other side of the steam cloud:


The steam cloud blew apart as Delphox launched herself through it, leaping through the air towards Greninja as the claws on her paws and feet glowed white.

What the… was all Greninja had time to think before Delphox brought her right paw swinging up, connecting solidly with Greninja's chin in an uppercut. As Greninja's head went back from the force of the scratch, Delphox spun her body in the air, the extended claws on her left foot connecting with Greninja's body, sending him thudding back to the ground.

"Gre! Nin! Jaaa!" Greninja croaked as his body thudded painfully against the ground three times, before sliding to a halt not far from Ash's feet.

"Greninja!" Ash yelled. He looked across the yard as Delphox landed lightly back on her paws. "What in the world was that!?" he called to Serena.

Serena smiled as she walked out to stand beside Delphox, before both of them walked over to Ash and Greninja. "Like I told you, we've seen Greninja use aerial ace many times." She said. "Delphox can't perform aerial ace like Greninja can, but she's fast and she can jump." Serena waved a hand towards Delphox. "What you just saw was aerial ace. The Delphox version."

"Well. Good move." Ash said. He glanced at Greninja, who was wobbly trying to sit up. "Very good move."

I'll second that. Greninja said as he managed to sit up, rubbing at his chin.

Delphox stepped forward and held out a paw. Greninja glanced up, then took her paw and let himself be pulled to his feet. Delphox bent slightly to look at Greninja's chin where she had scratched. With a smile, she pulled Greninja into a hug, lightly kissing his cheek.

I said I wouldn't go easy on you. Delphox said. Are you hurt?

Only my pride, Delphox. Only my pride. Greninja admitted.

Serena smiled. "I like that." She said. "They both battle their hardest, but at the end of the day they are still a loving couple"

Ash nodded. "Of course. And so are we." He said, holding out a hand to Serena.

Serena's smile widened. She took Ash's hand. "Of course." She said.

"A good battle, both of you." Delilah said as she came up to them, Pikachu trailing at her feet. "It's nice to see you both give it your all."

"Pika, pikachu!" Pikachu piped up.

"Now come on, all of you." Delilah said, shooing them towards the house. "Inside. I'll put out some iced tea and snacks."

As everyone trailed inside, Ash tugged Serena's hand, holding her back a moment. "Speaking of food, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." He said to Serena.

"What is it Ash?" Serena asked.

"An old friend of mine has come back home after some time away." Ash said. "Over in Pewter City, the next town over. He's a great cook, and when I mentioned you were coming for a visit, he offered his home and his skills in a dinner for two. You interested?"

"Oh Ash, that sounds lovely." Serena said. "When?"

"Evening after tomorrow." Ash said. "I'll call him today and let him know you're interested."

"Great." Serena said. "Should I lay out my good clothes? I did bring a set."

"Oh no, it's not formal." Ash said. "How you are is fine." He glanced towards the house as there came the clink of glasses being set down. "Now come on, let's head in. A cool drink would feel very nice on a day like this."

Serena followed Ash inside. As everyone sat down to enjoy the refreshments and each other's company, Ash glanced at the smiling Serena. He had a call to make to an old friend about a dinner, and looking at Greninja and Delphox together, he ought to tweak it slightly for them. He'd make sure to ask that when he called.

Ash's fingers fidgeted nervously on his glass of iced tea. Now that Serena was here, the dinner was only part of what he wanted to do. He had a plan for this visit, one he hadn't told anyone, not even Pikachu. He wanted it to be a surprise, but the thing that made him nervous was that so many things could go wrong. All he could do was hope nothing did.

Later that night, as Serena, Delilah and the pokemon enjoyed some television, Ash excused himself and walked to the other room to make a phone call. Lucky for him, he was answered on the third ring, and when he mentioned about including the pokemon in the dinner, it was a change gladly accepted.

"Oh that's a relief." Ash said into the phone. "I was worried you wouldn't be able to adjust on such short notice."

"No problem at all, Ash." Came the voice on the other end of the phone. "I can make pokemon food just as easily as people food. And both can be served at the dinner."

"Thank you. And thanks again for doing this for Serena and I." Ash said. "She was so happy when I told her about it."

"Happy to help. I look forward to cooking for you again. And for your girlfriend too." Said the speaker.

"Great. I'll see you the evening after tomorrow. Bye." Ash said.

"See you then. Bye."

Ash hung up the phone and breathed a relieved sigh. Looks like the dinner should go smoothly, he thought as he headed back to the living room and the television. So that's one thing taken care of.



The next day passed without incident, and then it was the day of the dinner. As everyone prepared to leave, Serena was looking forward to the meal and so was Delphox. Greninja hadn't planned a special dinner for him and Delphox, but was happy to join in when Ash had told him he could bring her along.

But Ash was feeling nervous again. He really wanted to make this special for Serena, but there were still so many things that could go wrong. All he could do now was cross his fingers and hope for the best.

Both couples, human and pokemon, got ready to head out to dinner. Serena had brushed Delphox's fur and her own hair, so now both shone nicely. Greninja had rubbed himself down with a damp rag, polishing his amphibious skin for the night. Ash had made an attempt to straighten out his hair, but no matter how many times he tried it kept its shaggy look.

"Guess wearing a hat all those years had an effect after all." Ash said, looking in a mirror. "Oh well, let's go with it."

Quick-footing back to his bedroom, Ash dug through one of his drawers until he found what he was looking for. He had bought the object as a surprise for Serena, but he wanted to make sure no one knew about it and spoiled the surprise. Admiring it now, Ash nodded in satisfaction and slipped it into the inside pocket of the jacket he was wearing to dinner. Then he left his room and headed downstairs to meet the others at the door.

Serena, Delphox and Greninja waited by the door, along with Delilah to see them off. Delilah quickly hugged Ash and Serena before opening the door for them and the pokemon. "Take care all of you." She called, waving as everyone filed out the door and down the path. "And try to make it back before dark."

"We will mom. See you later." Ash called, turning to wave before leading the others off up the road.

A short walk later and the four of them found themselves outside of Prof. Oak's laboratory. Ash stood calmly, hands in his jacket pockets, but the others looked around confused.

We waiting for something? Delphox asked Greninja. Greninja raised his hands, looking at Ash.

"Ash? Something the matter?" Serena asked.

Ash glanced at her. "Oh, nothing's wrong." He said. He glanced towards the dirt road that lead to one side of the laboratory. "Just waiting on something…. And there it is now."

A blue van pulled around the corner of the lab and came to a stop in front of Ash and the others. The driver's window rolled down, and everyone was greeted by the friendly smile of Professor Oak.

"Hello everyone." The professor said. "Good to see you all again. Climb in and let's be on our way."

Ash slid open the side door of the van, but when he turned to the others he saw them looking at him, puzzled. Ash glanced at professor Oak in the driver's seat, then looked back at the others. "Oops, sorry. Guess I should have explained before we got here." Ash said. "Pewter city is a bit of a walk for us, and I was talking the professor Oak about that problem before you got here. He said he wanted to speak with someone in Pewter city about some research, and he was happy to drive us into town and home again."

"Oh, ok." Serena said. She climbed into the van, followed by Ash, then Delphox and Greninja. Sliding the door closed behind them, everyone buckled in.

Serena looked at Professor Oak as he prepared to drive off. "Thanks for doing this for us tonight." She said. "I feel bad you had to drive us for our special occasion."

Professor Oak glanced at her in the mirror as he pulled the van away from the lab and onto the road to Pewter city. "It's no trouble." He said. "Like I told Ash, I had to go into Pewter city to do some work anyway. I'm glad I could help."

Serena, Delphox and Greninja settled down to enjoy the ride, watching the scenery pass by the van windows. Ash tried to focus on the scenery, but his mind kept running over his plan for tonight.


Sometime later the van pulled up out front of a large building in Pewter City. "Here we are, Pewter city gym." Professor Oak said.

"The gym?" Serena said, with a puzzled look at Ash.

Ash smiled. "My old friend is also part of the gym's family." He explained. "Even though he doesn't spend as much time here as he used to."

"Wait. An old friend of yours who's a good cook and part of the Pewter city gym?" Serena said. She looked at the building. "I think I know who you're talking about."

Ash just smiled. As he opened the van door, Greninja slid past him and turned back, offering a hand to Delphox. Delphox smiled and accepted Greninja's hand, allowing him to help her out of the vehicle. Such a gentleman. She said, with a glowing smile at Greninja.

Greninja coughed nervously into his free hand, his blue face taking on a red tinge. Just being polite. He said.

Ash and Serena glanced at each other. Then Ash got out of the van and held out a hand to Serena. Serena stifled a giggle, but she took Ash's hand and allowed him to help her out.

In the driver's seat, Professor Oak smiled at the sight in his mirror. Ah, young love. He thought. Out loud, he said "Have a nice dinner, all of you. Ash, you know how to reach me when you are ready to head back to Pallet Town."

"Sure thing, professor." Ash said. "Hope you get your research done."

Professor Oak waved to them all as he pulled back onto the road and drove off. Still holding Serena's hand, Ash led her to the double doors of the gym, Greninja and Delphox following behind.

At the doors, Ash raised his free hand and knocked. A moment later came the sound of footsteps, and another familiar face opened the door.

"Hey Brock. Good to see you again." Ash said.

 "You too, Ash." Brock said, standing in the door. "And this must be Serena. I've heard a lot about you from Ash."

"And I've heard of you, too." Serena said, freeing her hand from Ash's and holding it out. "Glad to finally meet you."

Brock shook Serena's hand, and has he did so Ash noticed something strange. "Uh, Brock." He said. "What are you dressed for?"

Brock was dressed in black pants, a black shirt with a deep blue vest over it, a neat black bow tie, and he had a towel hung over his left arm, which he kept folded at waist-level. Brock glanced down at himself, then looked back at them and shrugged. "I know you said you didn't want this to be a formal dinner," He said to Ash. "But I thought I could at least look the part of a waiter. I'm not just cooking, you know."

Ash looked Brock up and down, then shrugged. "Well, it's working for you." He said with a smile.

Brock smiled. "Good to hear." He said. Noticing Greninja and Delphox standing behind their trainers, his smile broadened. "And these must be the pokemon you asked to be included tonight." When Greninja and Delphox nodded, Brock glanced behind him and motioned with his free hand. "Your waiter will be here in a moment." He said to the pokemon.

Turning slightly in the doorway, Brock motioned for Ash and Serena to follow him. "If you would follow me, your table has been prepared." He said.

As Ash and Serena followed Brock down the halls of the gym, Delphox glanced at Greninja. And what about us? She asked.

That's where I come in. Came a voice from the hallway. Delphox and Greninja looked to see a Sudowoodo walking towards them. With a deep blue vest on, a tie around its neck and a towel slung over its folded left arm, Sudowoodo could have been the pokemon-version of waiter-Brock.

Stopping neatly before them, Sudowoodo looked at Greninja and Delphox. I'm one of Brock's pokemon. He said. He asked me to help him with the dinner, so I'll be your waiter this evening. Please follow me.

With a neat turn, Sudowoodo was back off walking down the hallway. Greninja and Delphox followed it down the hallways, dimly lit by the overhead lights that Brock had toned down for the evening. When Sudowoodo turned through a door off the hallway, Greninja and Delphox followed and found themselves on an open porch at the side of the gym. A bench had been set to one side of the porch and a small folding table in front of it, set with two glasses of water and a pitcher of water. Sudowoodo stood next to the table and motioned to the bench. We weren't sure if you two could sit like people can. He explained. So we made do.

It will work. Greninja said. He gently led Delphox by her paw to the bench and let her sit. Taking the spot beside her, both of them looked at Sudowoodo.

Please make yourselves comfortable. Sudowoodo told them. Dinner will be served shortly. With a short bow, Sudowoodo left Delphox and Greninja and went back inside to fetch the meal.


While Greninja and Delphox waited for their meal, Ash and Serena waited for there's. Brock had led them to a small patio in the backyard of the gym. While commonly used as a training space for the gym leader's pokemon, Brock had set up a table and two chairs for the occasion. Brock stepped forwards and carefully lit a match, using it to light the one candle on the table.

"How romantic." Serena breathed, taking in the sight of the table with its lone candle, backlit by the slowly setting sun.

"Yeah, it is." Ash said. He pulled out a chair for Serena, who gracefully sat down and allowed Ash to nudge her chair in. "Thank you." Ash whispered to Brock as he walked past on his way to his own seat.

Brock smiled. I knew those extras would be a good thing, he thought. With a short bow to Ash and Serena, Brock excused himself. "Dinner will be ready in just a few moments." He said. "I will be back."

As Brock walked back into the gym, Serena looked at Ash past their lone candle. "I thought you said this wasn't going to be formal." She asked with a smile.

Ash looked at the candle and shrugged. "It wasn't supposed to be." He said. "I just asked about a nice quiet dinner for the two of us. I guess Brock decided to add a few touches to the setting."

"Well, I'm glad he did." Serena said, looking at the setting sun.

"Me too." Ash said. He rested his arms on the table and his chin in his hands. "You look so beautiful in this light." He said.

A bright pink tinge appeared on Serena's face. She wasn't used to hearing compliments like that from Ash. "Oh, th-thank you Ash." She stammered out. Hoping to get him focused on something besides her pink-tinged face, Serena asked Ash about Brock. "So, how did you convince Brock to do something like this? It seems a bit much, even without Greninja and Delphox coming along last minute."

"I told you, he offered." Ash said. "A few days before I called you to ask if you could come stay for a while, the phone rang and it was Brock. He's studying to be a pokemon doctor right now, but he had some time off and decided to spend it at home. He called me to let me know he was here." Ash shrugged. "I met with him to talk of our past journeys together, and when I mentioned inviting you over soon he offered to make us a dinner. Even offered the gym as the place to eat."

"And when you asked about including Greninja and Delphox?" Serena asked.

"He said it would be no problem." Ash answered. "Brock can make pokemon food and people food. It's no trouble making dinner for the four of us. He used to cook for lots of people and pokemon when we traveled around together."

"And I haven't lost my touch." Ash and Serena looked over to see Brock wheeling a serving trolley out onto the porch, a covered platter sitting on it. Wheeling the trolley over beside the table, Brock smiled at them. "I may be studying to be a pokemon doctor, but I still love to cook."

Brock lifted the cover off the platter, revealing two full plates. "Tonight for dinner we have two hamburgers, finely cooked, with condiments provided if you want. For a side we have some freshly prepared salads, and a biscuit each, still fresh and warm from the oven."  Brock carefully lifted each plate off the trolley and set one in front of Ash and one in front of Serena. "I'll be right back with some cold water for you both." He said. "Enjoy your meal."

As Brock wheeled the trolley away through the door, Serena took a small bite of her burger. "Wow, this is good." She said. "I can see why you speak so highly of Brock's cooking."

Ash nodded, enjoying a bite of his own burger. "Ketchup?" he asked, holding out the small packet.

Serena nodded. "Please."


On the porch, Delphox and Greninja looked up as Sudowoodo returned through the doors, neatly balancing a plate in each hand. Sorry to keep you waiting. It said, setting down the plates in front of the two pokemon. On the plate with the red trimming, we have freshly prepared fire-type friendly pokemon food, and on the blue trimmed plate, we have freshly prepared water-type friendly pokemon food. Sudowoodo stepped back from the table. And if you are interested, Brock decided to try his hand at making poke puffs. We have one water and one fire type ready if you would like dessert.

With another short bow, Sudowoodo backed away through the door. Enjoy your meal. It said.

Delphox picked up a piece of the fire-type pokemon food and popped it into her mouth. Hmmm. Very nice. She said. Maybe we should try and see what those poke puffs are like.

Not for me, thanks. Greninja said, helping himself to some of the water-type food. Ash suggested I should cut down on the poke puffs for a while. When I fell on him he said I shouldn't be that heavy.

Delphox paused with a bite of food halfway to her mouth. When you fell on him!? She said.

Greninja laughed. Oh, you'll get a laugh out of this…. He said.


Time flew by for both couples as they enjoyed the meal. When they were finished eating, Ash and Serena invited Brock to sit down, which he did gladly. The three of them talked together, Brock telling them what it was like at the school for pokemon doctors, while Ash and Serena talked about their time in Kalos.

As the sun slowly set lower and lower in the sky, Ash looked up and said that they should be going, since his mom wanted them back before it got too dark. Brock nodded in understanding and went to fetch Greninja and Delphox, while Ash used the gym's phone to reach professor Oak and tell him they were ready to head back to Pallet Town.

As the professor pulled up to the gym, Brock handed Ash and Serena a small box. "A cupcake for each of you, and one for your mom and the professor." He said. "I wanted to make something for dessert too."

"Thanks a lot, Brock." Ash said.

"And thanks again for doing this dinner." Serena added. "It really was wonderful."

"No problem." Brock said, smiling.

Sudowoodo handed Greninja and Delphox a small box as well. I know you may be used to Serena's poke puffs, but Brock wanted to make a dessert for you too. It said. Please, let Ash and Serena know how they turned out, so they can tell Brock.

Sure thing. Delphox said. Greninja nodded beside her.

The two couples piled into the professor's van, being careful not to squish their dessert boxes. Everyone waved out the window as the van drove back to Pallet Town, until the waving figures of Brock and Sudowoodo were out of sight.


Arriving back in Pallet Town, professor Oak pulled up in front of the laboratory. "Sorry I can't drop you all off at your house, Ash." He said. "But I really should get back to my research."

"That's ok, professor." Ash said. "There's still enough sun to see by, and it's a nice night for a walk. We'll be fine."

"But thanks again for the ride into Pewter city for the dinner." Serena added. "It really was a lovely meal."

"No problem." Professor oak said, smiling. "Hope to see you all again soon. Goodnight."

Ash, Serena, Greninja and Delphox waved as the professor drove the car out of sight behind the laboratory. Serena caught Ash's hand as he lowered it. "Come on Ash." She said. "Let's get back before your mom starts to get worried."

Ash planted his feet when Serena tried to tug him off. "Actually, Serena…." He said. "Come for a walk with me, will you? There's something I want to show you."

Serena looked at Ash. "Uh, ok." She said. She handed their dessert box to Delphox. "Can you two take this back to the house with you? And maybe explain to Miss. Ketchum why we aren't around, so she isn't worried?"

"Delphox." Delphox answered as she nodded.

"We won't be gone long." Ash said, gently leading Serena off the road. "It's only a short ways from here."

Greninja and Delphox watched as Ash led Serena off the path and into the woods. Delphox looked at Greninja. Ok, do you have any idea what's going on? She asked.

I was about to ask you the same question. Greninja answered. Whatever Ash has planned, he never told me anything about it.

The two pokemon looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. Better follow them. They said together.

Carefully holding the box of poke puffs, Greninja leaped to a tree branch and followed Ash and Serena, staying back out their sight while trying to keep the poke puffs intact. Delphox followed on the ground, moving at a swift trot to keep up while avoiding damaging the dessert cupcakes.


Ash led Serena through the forest around professor Oak's lab. It was tough going, with the setting sun providing only a little light through the trees. But after about fifteen minutes of stumbling around, Ash stopped. Looking around, he scratched his head with his free hand, then nodded.

"It's a little harder to find in the darkness." He said. "But I did find it."

Serena looked around. All she saw was trees, more trees and a clump of bushes. "Uh, Ash? What exactly did you find?" She asked, confused.

Ash just smiled as he let go of her hand. Gently taking her by the shoulders, Ash nudged her back a few paces, until Serena stood near one of the trees. Then Ash took a few steps back from her, until he stood near the bushes.

"You don't recognize this place?" He asked, still smiling.

Serena looked around again. "Sorry, no I don't." She said. "Should I?"

Ash laughed. "About a week or two ago, I went to the professor's lab to help him move some equipment around." He explained. "After the work, he offered me a cool drink on the back porch of the lab. We got talking about past adventures, and I mentioned the pokemon summer camp. The professor remembered those days and pointed out all the places were the events had been held, where the team's cabins had been, and more."

Ash spread his arms to indicate the spot they were in. "And after a bit of scrounging around, I found this place. The place where I met a certain little girl in a straw hat with a hurt knee when I chased a Poliwag through these bushes."

"You mean…?" Serena said, her eyes going wide.

Ash nodded. "Yep." He said. "This is where you and I met. All those years ago at pokemon summer camp."

"Oh Ash…" Serena breathed. Unable to contain her emotions, Serena flung herself on Ash, holding him tightly. Ash's arms went around Serena, holding her close to him. Serena stepped back from Ash enough to look him in the eyes. "I love you Ash." She said.

Ash smiled. "I love you too, Serena."

The two of them leaned in and kissed, their arms tightening around each other. Lost in each other and in the moment, neither one of them noticed they were being watched.


Greninja and Delphox had managed to track Ash and Serena. Now the two of them did their best to stay hidden behind some nearby trees as they listened to Ash and Serena's conversation.

How romantic. Delphox said, looking at her trainer lost in a deep kiss with the boy she loved. Who would have thought after all these years Ash would be able to find the place where he and Serena first met when they were kids.

My trainer has his good days. Greninja said dryly.

Delphox clamped a paw over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Greninja looked at her, then redirected his gaze back to Ash and Serena.


Needing time to breathe, Ash and Serena reluctantly separated. Still in each other's arms they stood there, looking at each other by the faint light of the setting sun. Serena stepped close to Ash and hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Whoever would have thought that the boy I met here all those years ago would be here with me again." She said.

Ash gently ran his fingers through her hair. "I can promise you, I never thought I would be back here like this. Just like I never could have imagined myself doing this."

"Doing what?" Serena asked as she leaned back from Ash.

Ash gently eased Serena out of his arms and took a step back from her. Taking a deep breath, Ash slowly exhaled, then straightened himself and looked Serena in the eyes.

"Serena…" He started, then swallowed nervously and tried again. "Serena, you're like no girl I've ever met. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're kind and you always stand by the people you care about. I've known you since our time in Kalos and I just can't imagine my life any other way."

Ash's hand went to his jacket pocket and closed around what he'd hidden inside. "Which is why I want to make sure our lives never change from this." Ash confidence faltered a moment and he managed to crack a smile. "But again, I could never have pictured myself doing this."

"Ash…?" Serena said.

Ash's hand came out of his pocket and opened to show Serena what he was holding.

It was a small box. Nothing fancy about it, just a small box covered in red felt with a latched lid. But then Ash gently pressed the latch and opened the box.

Inside, slotted into the packaging of the jewelry box, was a ring. A slim band of gold, the ring glinted faintly, the fading light catching on the band. And on the bright blue sapphire in the setting of the ring.

Serena's own sapphire blue eyes went wide and her heart raced. Ash held out the ring towards her, and he said. Serena, will you marry me?"

Time stopped. Or at least it did for Serena. All she could do was stand there, staring at the ring in the box Ash held out to her. She wasn't even sure if the leaves were still rustling, or the bug-types chirping. All she could hear was that one question, echoing around in her head:

"Serena, will you marry me?"


Out of sight behind some nearby trees, Delphox dropped the box of cupcakes in shock, both paws flying to her mouth.

Thinking fast, Greninja slung out his long, scarf-like tongue and caught the box before it hit the ground. Gently easing it off his tongue, Greninja set the box down and placed their box of poke puffs next to it. Sparing a glance for Delphox, Greninja turned his eyes back to Ash and Serena.


"Well Serena?" Ash said, raising the box a little higher.

Serena didn't answer. Or move. Or even blink. She just stood there.

"Uh, Serena?" Ash said, tilting his head slightly to one side. "Are you ok? I….."


THUMP! "Gaaggghh!"

Serena flung herself at Ash with so much force, he went sprawling to the ground. Fortunately he was able to click the ring box closed, so he didn't lose the ring.

Ash lay there on the ground, Serena on top of him, cuddling herself against him. "Oh Ash." Serena said. "You can't even begin to imagine how long I've dreamed of this. Of hearing you ask me to marry you!"

Ash laughed as he managed to sit up, Serena still in his lap. "So then." He said. "I take it that means yes?"

Serena's smile was ear-to-ear as she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Ash. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes I will marry you!!"

Ash laughed again. Opening the ring box again, Ash took out the ring. Gently lifting Serena's hand, Ash slid the ring onto her finger. "I knew it." Ash said, smiling at Serena.

Serena smiled back. Holding up her hand, she admired the ring on her finger. Watching the fading light glint on the sapphire, Serena felt her heart pound. Wrapping her arms around Ash, she leaned forwards to kiss him again.


Still out of sight behind the trees, Greninja tapped a webbed hand on his chin, thinking.

I thought Ash had been acting funny recently. He mused quietly. He spent a lot of time in his room, alone, and didn't seem too interested in training with me or any of the other pokemon. Now I know why. Greninja looked at Delphox. He was bracing himself for proposing to Serena. Something that takes a lot of…. "Gre!!"

Greninja's sentence ended with a pained croak as Delphox seized him in a tight hug. Greninja! Isn't it wonderful! She squealed eagerly. No more long distance relationship! We can be together so much easier this way!

Greninja wiggled a bit in Delphox's arms. Maybe, he managed to croak out. But we won't be together very much longer if you break my spine.

Delphox let go of Greninja, stepping back from him. Sorry Greninja. She said. Guess I got a little carried away.


Delphox and Greninja whirled around at the cough from nearby. Ash and Serena were back on their feet, both looking towards the two pokemon with dry smiles on their faces.

"If you want to sneak around without getting spotted, you should try keeping quiet." Ash said.

A rather shame-faced Greninja looked away, but Delphox raced forward to hug Serena. "Del, delphox phox!!" She barked eagerly to her trainer.

"So you heard, I take it?" Serena asked.

Delphox nodded as she stepped back from Serena. "Phox." Looking at the ring on Serena's finger, Delphox lifted her hand up for a better look. "Phox, delphox." She said.

"Yes. Very nice, I know." Serena said, turning her hand this way and that to admire the glint of the light on her ring.

Greninja picked up the two boxes of desserts and walked over. Shifting the boxes to one hand, Greninja held out the other to Ash for a handshake. "Greninja." He said.

Ash smiled and shook Greninja's hand. "Thank you." He said. Then, glancing through the trees at the rapidly fading sunlight, Ash jumped in alarm. "Yikes! It's getting late." He looked at the others. "We'd better get back before mom starts to worry."

Looking at the sun, the others nodded in agreement. Greninja passed the boxes back to Ash and Serena as Delphox lit her branch. Moving quickly, the four of them found their way out of the forest and back to the path. With Delphox's lit branch acting as a lantern, they headed off back to the Ketchum house.


Delilah glanced out the window again. The sun wasn't fully set, but it was getting close. And there was still no sign of Ash, Serena or the pokemon.

"I'm worried." Delilah said to Mimey, who stood nearby. "They should have been back by now."

"Mime, mime mime." Mimey answered calmly.

Delilah rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know they are not children anymore. But I still worry." Looking out the window, Delilah sighed. "I always worry about Ash when he's not around."

Delilah was contemplating heading outside to look around a bit, when she saw some familiar silhouettes coming down the path. She peered out the window, then rushed to the door.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Delilah exclaimed as she stood on the porch and looked.

Ash, Serena, Greninja and Delphox walked up to the Ketchum house, Serena keeping her ringed finger hidden under the box of desserts she was carrying. "What's wrong, mom?" Ash asked, seeing her relieved expression. "I told you we'd be back before dark."

"Yes, but you're cutting it awfully close." Delilah chided as she ushered them into the house. "But at least you're home safe." Noticing the boxes Ash and Serena carried, she motioned to the kitchen. "You can just set those on the table for now."

Sure thing, Mrs. Ketchum." Serena said. Then she added "and while we're doing that, could you call up my mom on the video-phone? I have something I want to talk to her about."

"Ok Serena. Just give me a moment." Delilah said.

As Ash and Serena headed into the kitchen with the boxes, Greninja and Delphox exchanged knowing glances. Something tells me I know what she wants to tell her. Greninja said.

Delphox nodded. Me too.

Delilah went to the house video-phone and punched in the number for Serena's place. There was a short delay as the call was sent long-distance to the Kalos region, then the phone started to ring. There was an answer on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" Came the voice from the phone as Grace's face appeared on the screen.

"Hello Grace. It's Delilah." Delilah said.

"Delilah! Always great to hear from you." Grace said, smiling. "I trust my daughter made it safely to you and your son?"

"Yes, she did." Nodded Delilah. "She arrived here safe a few days ago. I called because she said she has something she wants to tell you."

"Oh?" Grace asked, raising an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

Delilah looked over as Serena came back out of the kitchen with Ash. "You can ask her that yourself." She said. "Here she is."

Delilah moved aside as Serena stepped up to the phone. "Hi mom!" She said. "How are you?"

"Don't try to distract me, Serena." Grace said sternly. "You go all the way to Kanto on a spur-of-the-moment invitation by Ash, and now a few days later you are calling me up at dark saying you have something to tell me." Grace leaned closer to the screen on her end. "So out with it." She demanded.

Serena was momentarily stunned by her mom's behavior. It wasn't like her to be so brisk. Serena looked at Ash where he stood in the kitchen door. Ash glanced quickly at his mom, then walked over to stand in view of the screen beside Serena. "You heard her, Serena." He said with a smile. "Go on and tell her."

Serena's wide smile returned. She faced her mom on the screen again. "Well mom," she said, doing her best to keep her voice calm. "I called because I wanted to tell you…" Serena's calm shattered and she burst into a fit of giggles before holding up her hand. "Ash asked me to marry him!" She squealed, wiggling her fingers to show off the ring.

On the screen Grace's jaw nearly hit the floor, while at the Ketchum house Delilah swayed on the spot before she managed to find her balance again. "He what!?" They both exclaimed.

"I asked Serena to marry me." Ash said, one arm going around Serena's waist while he held her ringed hand with the other. "And she accepted." He added as his smile widened.

"Oh, my Ash! My boy!!" Delilah said, tears gathering in her eyes as she seized Ash in a tight hug. "My boy has grown up so fast!" Delilah said, her tears beginning to drip onto Ash's shoulders.

"Honestly mom, it's ok. I'll always be your son." Ash said, gently letting go of Serena so he could hug his mother.

"And you know I'll take good care of him." Serena said, putting a hand on Delilah's shoulder.

"I know, I know." Delilah said as she let Ash go and stepped back. Pulling a tissue from her pocket, Delilah dabbed at her watering eyes. "I just can't believe it." She sniffed. "My son Ash, to be married!"

"I can't believe it either." Grace said from the screen. "My daughter's childhood sweetheart, who she met up with again through a newscast, of all things! Now the man who proposed to her." Grace reached a hand out of sight and came back with a tissue of her own. "Oh great, Delilah," she said with a watery smile as she dabbed at her own eyes. "Now you've got me going too."

"Come on now, both of you." Serena said, looking from her mother to Ash's and back again. "There's no need for this. We're all going to be family to each other."

Delilah sniffled again, wiping her tears away. "You're right Serena." She said. "It's just a big thing for a mother to go through."

"That's right." Grace said as she set down her tissue. "It means our children are all grown up. It makes us so proud."

Delilah looked out the window, noticing that the sun was now entirely set, then looked at the clock on the wall. "But like you said, you'll always be our children." She said. "And right now, this mother says it's time for both of you to get to bed."

"Ok mom. Goodnight." Ash said, hugging her. "And goodnight, Mrs. Yvonne."

"Goodnight mom." Serena said, waving at the screen. "And goodnight, Mrs. Ketchum. I take it my sleeping bag is in the usual place?"

Delilah nodded. "Yes, on the floor of Ash's room. Unrolled and made up for when you got back. And Ash," she added, looking at her son. "Last time I saw him, Pikachu was curled up asleep on your bed."

"Thanks mom." Ash said. Looking at Serena and the pokemon, he said "Let's keep the big news quiet for tonight. We can tell Pikachu tomorrow over breakfast."

The others nodded and trooped off to bed, Serena upstairs with Ash, Greninja and Delphox to the living room where they would bunk for the night.


Ash and Serena got ready for bed, each taking a turn in the bathroom to get changed, brush their teeth and anything else. When both were ready for bed, Ash got into bed (being careful not to disturb the sleeping Pikachu curled at the foot of it) while Serena climbed into her sleeping bag on the floor beside it.

"I have to say, Ash." Serena said quietly, lying on her back as she admired the ring. "This is not what I was expecting when you asked me if I could visit you."

Ash rolled onto his side to look at her. "I told you, it's was a big thing for me to do." He answered her quietly. "But you are worth it." He added with a smile. "I meant what I said, Serena. You really are like no girl I've ever met."

Serena turned her head to smile at Ash. "Ash…." She said gently. Raising herself up on her elbows, Serena leaned towards Ash.

Ash smiled, moving to the edge of the bed to lean towards Serena.

The two of them shared a deep kiss, Serena's hand coming up to gently caress Ash's cheek. When they parted lips, Serena's hand cupped Ash's chin as she looked into his eyes. "Goodnight Ash." She whispered. "I love you."

Ash smiled at her, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you too, Serena." He whispered back. "Goodnight."

Serena lay back down in her sleeping bag. Ash eased himself back into bed, reaching over to click out the light. With the room bathed in nothing but starlight from the open window, both of them settled down to sleep.


Downstairs, Delilah watched upstairs as the light from Ash's room clicked out. "And they're down for the night." She said.

"Glad to hear it." Said Grace on the phone. She chuckled slightly, shaking her head. "They really threw us a surprise, didn't they?"

Delilah nodded vigorously. "Oh yes they did. My son Ash. Proposing to a girl!" Delilah shook her head in astonishment. "I didn't even know he'd gotten a ring!"

"Well, anyway, at least we both approve." Grace said. "They really are a lovely couple. Serena always looks so forward to seeing Ash, whether he's coming here or she's going to see him."

"Yes. And Ash is always so excited and full of energy when Serena is with him." Delilah said. "Even more so than usual, if you can imagine that."

Both mother's laughed at that, knowing Ash's spirited nature. As their laughter died down, Delilah glanced at the clock on the wall again. "You know I love talking to you, Grace." She said. "But I should be getting to bed too. It's late."

Grace nodded on the screen. "I understand. Nice that we both could be here for the big announcement of our children." Grace smiled. "Now we get to do what mother's do: plan all the fancy trimmings for the wedding."

Delilah smiled too. "I know. I look forwards to talking with you again so we can begin planning." She said. "But for now, goodnight."

"Goodnight Delilah. Talk to you soon." Grace said.

Both women hung up the phone. Delilah peeked into the living room to see Greninja and Delphox sound asleep on the couch together, her with her head resting on his shoulder, him with an arm draped around her shoulders.

"Like trainers, like pokemon." Delilah whispered, giggling to herself as she walked off to get ready for bed.

Delilah got herself ready for bed, but before she got into bed she walked down the hall to Ash's room and peeked in.

Both Ash and Serena were asleep already, worn out from the day's events. Looking at her son, peacefully asleep, Delilah smiled. Her eyes then roved to Serena in her sleeping bag on the floor. Serena lay on her side, one hand curled over the other, still holding the ring even in her sleep.

Delilah gently closed the door and walked back to her own room. Getting into bed, she lay there for a moment, looking out the window at the starry night.

My son….married. Delilah thought. Her wide smile still in place, Delilah leaned over to click out the light, before settling down and closing her eyes.



Ash woke up the next morning to the sound of his alarm going off. He yawned and stretched lazily, then leaned over to turn off his alarm. Looking towards the sleeping bag on the floor, Ash blinked when he saw it empty. Serena's nightclothes were neatly folded on top, but of Serena herself there was no sign.

Ash sat up in bed, noticing as he did so that the sleeping form of Pikachu was gone too. His eyes flitted around the room in confusion, before they settled on his partly open door. Ash raised an eyebrow in confusion, then his nose twitched at the cooking smells coming through the door.

Chuckling quietly to himself, Ash got out of bed. Dressing quickly and making his bed, Ash followed his nose down to the kitchen.


In the kitchen, Serena sat at the table sipping a glass of orange juice, Delphox sitting in the chair next to her eating a plate of pokemon food. On the other side of the table, Greninja ate his breakfast while Pikachu sat on the table near him, eating his own breakfast. Delilah puttered around the kitchen, fixing pancakes for the humans.

Pikachu looked up from his food as Ash entered the kitchen. "Chu!" he said eagerly.

The others looked up as well. "Morning Ash." Called Delilah, re-focusing herself on the pancakes. "Have a seat, these should be ready any time now."

"Thanks Mom." Ash said as he approached the table.

Greninja looked up from his food long enough to bob his head in a nod. "Gre." He said.

Delphox glanced at Ash as well. "Phox." She said, before returning to her breakfast.

"Good morning to the both of you too." Ash said, sliding into the chair on the other side of Serena.

Serena set down her glass. "Morning Ash." She said sweetly, smiling.

Ash returned the smile. "Good morning Serena."

Pikachu swallowed the last of his breakfast. Walking across the table, he stood in front of Ash. He looked from Ash to Serena, then back to Ash. Tilting his head to one side, Pikachu looked at his life-long friend. "Chu…?" he asked teasingly.

Ash laughed. "So I'm guessing you heard?" He asked.

Pikachu nodded eagerly. "Chaaa!" He said happily, doing a small dance on the tabletop before hugging Ash and then Serena.

"Serena and I told Pikachu about your proposal when he came down for breakfast this morning." Delilah said as she came to the table with two plates of pancakes. "He was so happy for you both."

"Ka, pikachu!" Pikachu said.

Delilah laughed as she set the plates down and then went to get one for herself. As the humans joined the pokemon around the table for breakfast, Delilah looked at Ash and Serena. "So, what plans do you two have for today?" She asked.

Ash mused around a forkful of pancake. "I'm not sure." He said. "I wanted Serena to be here when I proposed to her…" Serena interrupted slightly with a fit of giggles. Ash and Delilah both smiled at her, before Ash finished his sentence. "But I never really did have a plan for how we'd spend her few days here."

"I know." Serena said. When Ash and Delilah looked at her, Serena explained. "Why don't we catch a bus into Saffron City? I'd love to roam around, check out the stores, maybe do some shopping." Serena looked at Greninja and then at Delphox. "And I'm sure you two would like some time to visit with the pokemon over at Professor Oak's lab. It would be a chance to tell them the big news." She added with a smile.

Greninja looked over at Delphox. "Greninja?" He asked.

Dephox nodded. "Del, delphox." She said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Ash said. "Once we finish breakfast and get everything cleaned up, we'll head out."

"Chu, pikachu!!" Pikachu said indignantly. Hopping off the table onto Ash, Pikachu took his place on Ash's shoulder, grabbing on tight to the fabric with his paws. "Pika."

"Looks like Pikachu wants to come along with you two." Delilah said.

"That's ok with me." Ash said. "Me too." Echoed Serena.

"That's that, then." Delilah said, raising her fork. "We finish breakfast, tidy up, and then you all head off."

"What about you, mom?" Ash asked.

Delilah waved her fork absently. "Don't worry about me." She said. "With all of you gone, I can get some work done around the house. Just be back here in time for dinner, you two."

"We will." Ash and Serena chorused together.


Sometime later the four of them headed out: Ash and Serena off to catch the bus to Saffron City, while Greninja and Delphox walked through the village to the professor's lab. After watching them go, Delilah looked out back to see Mimey getting an early start on watering the plants.

"With Mimey doing that, I should start in here." Delilah said. She walked through the house, glancing around to see what needed to be done. "Let's see…. I should finish that sewing today, maybe start on a new project. That meat needs to come out of the freezer for dinner tonight. Today would also be a good day to run those errands in town…."

The ringing of the vid-phone interrupted Delilah's train of thought. She walked over to the phone and answered. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Delilah." The friendly face of Prof. Oak appeared on the screen. "Hope I find you well?"

"Just fine, professor." Delilah said. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing much." The professor answered. "I was just wondering about those cupcakes Brock made for everyone last night. I understand there was one for each of us."

"Oh there is." Delilah answered. "But we never got around to eating them last night. Or the poke-puffs. Something rather big came up."

Professor Oak immediately looked concerned. "Really? Sounds serious."

"Oh it was, and is." Delilah said. She smiled rather teasingly. "Professor, are you sitting down….?"


When the bus arrived in Saffron City, Serena eagerly bounded down the steps, followed by Ash with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. "Wow." Serena said, looking around at all the stores, people and pokemon. "So many shops with so many different things."

Ash nodded. "Yeah. I remember when I first came here, during my days of travelling around for the Kanto League." Ash looked at a nearby shop window, lined with all kinds of pokemon grooming products. "It's a great place to stock up for the road."

"Pi, pikachu, pika!" Pikachu said, pointing further down the street at another store.

"What do you see, buddy?" Ash asked.

Serena grabbed Ash's hand. "Why don't we go find out?" She said.

Ash smiled as he allowed himself to be dragged along, Pikachu clinging to his shoulder. In truth, Ash really had no interest in shopping. But if it made Serena happy, he was willing to go along with it. Her being happy was one of the things that made him happy.


Noon rolled around, and all the pokemon at the lab were fed. Greninja and Delphox had arrived safely, and had been deep in discussion with Ash's other pokemon when they first arrived. Soon after that there was a rush of excited activity, and now after lunch a lot of them settled down to talk.

At the back of the lab, the professor's assistant Tracey was at work on his hobby. Seated in a folding lawn chair, Tracey sketched a rough outline of the forest behind the lab. Looking first at his sketch, Tracey then looked up at the forest.

"Hmmmm. I think it would make a good setting for a bug type." He mused aloud. Tracey sketched a quick outline of a Butterfree winging its way through the trees. "Or maybe a Stantler, shyly peering out from around a tree." He said, sketching a Stantler half hidden behind one of the trees.

"Tracey! Oh there you are." Professor Oak came out of the lab with two glasses of ice tea in his hands. "Sorry to interrupt your artwork, but I brought you something cool to drink."

"Thank you professor." Tracey said. He set his sketchpad down in his lap and accepted the glass. The professor pulled up another folding chair and sat beside him. Glancing at Tracey's sketchpad open in his lap, the professor looked over at the trees.

"Nature is a great thing for artwork." He commented. "But there is something about a nature scene with pokemon in it that really gives it feeling."

"My thoughts exactly." Tracey said, taking a sip of his iced tea. "I wonder if I can find a pokemon that's willing to pose for me in this scene." Tracey looked up from his drink at the professor. "And speaking of pokemon, professor, I think there's something funny up with Ash's pokemon." He added.

"Oh really?" Professor Oak asked with a calm smile.

"Yeah." Tracey said. He pointed over towards the other side of the lab, where the backs of several of Ash's pokemon could be seen. Greninja and Delphox were part of the crowd too. "When Greninja and Delphox arrived there was all that activity, and now they're being so secretive." Tracey frowned. "Something must be going on."

Professor Oak calmly sipped his iced tea. "Don't upset yourself, Tracey." He said reassuringly. "It's nothing that is going to be any trouble."

"You know that for sure?" Tracey asked. When the professor nodded, Tracey breathed a relieved sigh and turned to take a sip of his iced tea. "That's a big relief."

"Yes, it's no problem at all." The professor said calmly. "They're probably all just discussing about what's to come now that Ash proposed to Serena."

Tracey nearly choked on his iced tea. He leapt from his seat, coughing and sputtering as his drink came back on him, then whirled to face the professor. "He WHAT!?" Tracey demanded.

Professor Oak laughed. "Yes, his mom told me all about it on the phone this morning. After a romantic dinner for two last night, Ash took Serena out to the woods to the spot where they first met. And that's where he proposed to her."

Tracey stood there with his mouth hanging open, not quite believing what he was hearing. After a moment he collected his sketchpad and walked back inside the lab. Ash, proposing to a girl. Wow. He thought. I've only met Serena once or twice when she's here in Kanto visiting Ash. But for him to actually propose to her…..wow!

Tracey stopped mid-step, thinking. "I wonder if I still have that good camera I bought." He said. "Wedding photos would be a new thing for me, but for Ash and Serena, I could try."


In Saffron City, Ash followed Serena around as she browsed from shop to shop. The last time Ash had come through here, he had been in a rush to get to his next gym battle and hadn't really paid much attention. Now he followed Serena, glancing left and right at the store displays.

The two of them stopped at a street corner as it came to noon. Ash looked up and down the street, then looked at Serena. "We should stop and have lunch somewhere." He said. "It will be a while before dinner."

Serena nodded. "Ok. I think we passed a diner about a block back. Let's go."

The two of them crossed the street and headed back the way they had come. Walking along the street, Serena still glanced around at the shops they passed.

"I see what you meant, Ash." She said, stopping to look in the window of a store that advertised potions and antidotes for pokemon. "This really is a good city to stock up for the road. So many different stores with pokemon supplies."

"I never really noticed back then." Ash said. When Serena gave him a funny look, Ash grinned sheepishly. "The last time I passed through this city, I was in more of a rush to get what we needed and get going. I was eager for my next gym battle."

Serena laughed gently as she caught Ash's hand and they resumed walking. "Yeah, that sounds like you all right." She said. "I've always liked that spirit of yours. Always so eager to race off to the next adventure for…."

Serena's voice trailed off and she stopped, jerking Ash to a halt through their linked hands. Ash looked at Serena, standing there frozen as she looked down another street at something. 


"Serena? What's the matter?" Ash asked.

Serena didn't answer, just freed her hand from Ash's and took off down the street.

"Pika?" Pikachu said to Ash.

"I have no idea what got into her." Ash said to him. "Come on, let's go see."

With Pikachu on his shoulder, Ash walked down the street Serena had run down, glancing left and right at the stores in case he saw Serena through the window of one. For the first while there was no sign of her, then Pikachu looked ahead and pointed. "Pikachu." He said.

Following Pikachu's pointing paw, Ash saw Serena standing in front of a dress shop, her wide eyes staring up at one of the dresses in the window display.

It was a flowing dress in sapphire blue, the same sapphire blue as Serena's eyes. The mannequin had been posed wearing the dress as though frozen in a dance step, and Serena's eyes traveled in awe up and down the dress.

Ash walked up beside Serena as she stood there. Looking at the dress in the window, Ash smiled as he looked back at Serena. "You know, you always had that same look on your face whenever you saw a fancy dress you wanted for a showcase." He said.

Serena started, a red tint coloring her cheeks. "Ash, I'm sorry for rushing off like that." She said. "But when I saw this in the window…"

Ash nodded. "I know."

Serena smiled at Ash. Stepping up beside the window, Serena posed beside the dress, mimicking the pose of the mannequin. "What do you think, Ash?" She asked. "Is it me?"

"Yes, I think it would look very nice on you." Ash said. "Matches your eyes."

Serena smiled. She looked at the dress, then turned back to Ash. "Wait right here a moment, please." She said, then darted into the shop.

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other in confusion. Through the window they watched Serena approach the woman behind the counter, pointing at the dress in the window. The woman nodded at Serena and handed her something, and then Serena came back out the door.

"Ok, let's go get lunch." She said calmly.

Ash walked beside Serena as they headed back to the main street. As they walked, Serena glanced through what the woman in the shop had given her: a catalogue of the dresses they offered.

"You went into the store to ask about a catalogue?" Ash asked, confused.

Serena smiled as she shook her head. "No." She said. "I went into the store to ask about this." Serena pointed to a small slip of paper stapled to the inside of the catalogue cover. "I asked if one of those dresses in my size could be saved." Serena explained. "They gave me the catalogue to look through as well."

"A new dress for the next time you go on stage in a showcase?" Ash asked as they turned back on to the main street and continued towards the diner.

Serena shook her head. "Something new to wear… for my wedding dress."

Understanding dawned on Ash's face. He looked at the signed slip of paper in the catalogue. "A good decision." He said.  "That dress would really look great on you…"

"Pi-ka-chu." Pikachu chimed in agreement.

Ash smirked at Pikachu, then turned back to Serena. "But you're going to have to clear it with the moms first." He finished. "Remember what they said about doing all the planning and things that moms do for a wedding? I think that includes the bride's dress."

Serena's face fell and she stopped walking, looking at the catalogue in her hands. "You know, I think you're right." She said. "That would explain the smile on that woman's face when she told me I had better take a catalogue too."

The three of them looked at each other, then they laughed. Ash caught Serena's hand again as they walked to the diner. They all knew that while the moms would have a definite say in things for the wedding, Ash and Serena would have a say too. It was going to be their special day, after all. A day they wanted to remember for the rest of their lives. In a diner in Saffron city, at a table near the window, Ash and Serena sat side by side looking through the catalogue Serena had got from the shop. Two empty plates sat nearby on the table, waiting for the waitress to come by and collect them, and Pikachu sat perched on the table beside them so he could see the catalogue too.

"That dress in the store window isn't the only version of it that they offer." Serena said. "I like this one. Almost like a long, flowing evening gown."

"Yeah, but remember," Ash said, taking a sip of his glass of water. "If you wear it for your wedding dress, you'll be in it for a long time. So you should look for something that you will feel comfortable in."

"Good point." Serena said. She turned a few pages, looking at the other dresses and designs. "I wonder what else they have…"

"Kachu!" Pikachu said, putting a paw on the catalogue. When Ash and Serena looked at him, Pikachu pointed at what was advertised on the page: the dress Serena had admired in the store window, but beside it were pictures of it in different styles. There was one with a sloping neckline, another with a fancy lace trim and a third with subtle lines of a lighter color trailing through it.

"Now that's an idea." Ash said. "Take the dress you saw in the window and have it altered for a wedding dress."

Serena read down the list of alterations at the side of the page. "And they offer a variety of alterations." She glanced at the pictures.  "I kind of like that one with the lowered neckline. Looks very formal."

Ash looked at Pikachu. "Good eye, buddy." He said.

"Pika." Pikachu said, turning to take a sip from his own glass of water.

A waitress approached their table and collected their empty plates. "Did you two enjoy your sandwiches?" She asked. When Ash and Serena nodded, the waitress smiled. "Glad to hear it. Can I get you anything else?"

"Just the bill." Ash said.

The waitress nodded and walked off. Ash, Serena and Pikachu finished their drinks and began to pack up their things, Pikachu jumping onto Ash's shoulder as Serena carefully put the dress catalogue into her bag. As she slung it over her shoulders, the waitress returned with the bill.

"If you're done shopping we should probably head back home." Ash said as he rifled through his wallet to pay the bill and tip the waitress. "I'm sure mom has some chores that she could use our help with."

"And I should call up my mom and tell her about this catalogue." Serena said. "It will be one less thing she has to worry about."

Ash paid the bill and the two of them waved to the waitress as they walked out the door. Turning down the street, they headed back towards the bus stop to catch a bus back to Pallet Town.

At professor Oak's lab, the original excitement over Ash's proposal had worn off and now things had settled down. Although their trainer getting married was a common topic in many conversations going on around the yard.

Delphox sat in the shade of a tree with Greninja. The two of them were watching Hawlucha spar with Kingler nearby.

Hawlucha leaped high and posed, before rushing back towards the ground in its flying press. Kingler stood still and its body shone as it used harden. Hawlucha connected solidly, but Kingler didn't budge, just heaved its body forwards to throw Hawlucha off.

The other pokemon here weren't lying when they said you know your defense. Hawlucha admitted grudgingly. But I'll get through it yet.

Kingler smirked, raising its claws and clacking them together menacingly. You're welcome to keep on trying. It said.

As Hawlcuha leaped back on the attack, Greninja shook his head and leaned back against the tree. Ash getting married is going to be a big thing for all of us. He glanced at Delphox beside him. But I think it's going to come down hard on pokemon like Hawlucha.

What makes you say that? Delphox asked.

Greninja nodded at Hawlucha, who was launching a volley of karate chops at Kingler only to have Kingler deflect each one with its claws. The expression among humans is 'get married and settle down.' Greninja said. Can you really see a pokemon like Hawlucha, who loves to battle, settling down?

Delphox looked at Hawlucha. We can worry about that after the wedding. She said.

Bayleaf looked up from where she was sunbathing nearby. Speaking of the wedding, I think we might have a problem. She said. When Greninja and Delphox looked at her, Bayleaf explained. What are we going to wear? I know pokemon don't usually dress up, but this will be a fancy occasion for our trainers. The least we can do is try to look formal. Bayleaf smiled. But can you really see a suit and tie on someone like Kingler?

Hey….oof!! Kingler said, its indignant response cut short when Hawlucha landed a karate chop square on top of its head while it was distracted. Hawlucha was forced to retreat from the attack when Kingler snapped its claws in its direction.

Delphox scratched at one ear, thinking about what Bayleaf had said. Bayleaf raises a good point you know. She said to Greninja. I wonder what we can do to look presentable at the wedding.

Bayleaf stood up, shaking bits of grass off herself. Don't worry, I have an idea. She said cheerfully. I think I know someone who can help us with that little problem. Wait right here.

With that, Bayleaf ran off towards the lab. Delphox and Greninja looked at each other, then settled back to wait for her return.

In his room on the second floor of the lab, Tracey sorted through his boxes of sketchbooks and other belongings. "Camera, camera….. Oh I was wondering where that one went." He said, pulling out a sketchbook and setting it aside. Tracey dug a little further into the box, but when he reached the cardboard bottom he sat back with a sigh.

"I know that good camera of mine is around here somewhere!" Tracey said. He looked around at the boxes of used sketchbooks, the cluttered top of his desk and the mess of sheets that was his bed. "And it looks like I'll have to go through this whole room to find it."

"Gull, smeargull."

Tracey looked up at his artistic partner Smeargull, perched on the dresser. Smeargull waved away the boxes Tracey had been searching through and pointed at the closet. "Smeargull smeargull."

"In the closet?" Tracey said, looking at it. He shrugged. "Well, at this point that wouldn't surprise me."

As Tracey stood up, a dull thumping came from the door of his room. Tracey and Smeargull looked across at the door, then Tracey walked over and opened it.

"Bay. Bay."

At the door stood Bayleaf. Tracey was about to ask what she wanted, but Bayleaf nudged past him into the room. Looking around, Bayleaf spotted Smeargull. "Bay, bayleaf, bay." She called.

Smeargull tilted his head in confusion, but then stood up. Hopping down from the dresser, Smeargull crossed to Tracey's desk. Shuffling through the clutter, Smeargull fished out some blank paper and a pencil.

"Bayleaf, bay bay!" Bayleaf said excitedly. She turned and headed back out the door, stopping in the hall to look at Smeargull. "Bay, bayleaf!" She called, before trotting off towards the stairs with Smeargull following behind.

Tracey scratched his head in the doorway of his room. "Huh. I wonder what that was about." He said. Shrugging, Tracey turned his attention back to his closet. "I can worry about that later." He said as he crossed the room and pulled open his closet door. "Right now I need to focus on finding that…. Ack!"

Tracey dove into his closet to catch the leaning tower of art supplies that had nearly fallen over. Gently easing them back upright, he straightened the tower. With a relieved sigh, he looked at the stack in front of him, and the mess of other art supplies on the floor of his closet. "And apparently I need to find a new way to store these." He added.

Delphox and Greninja were starting to doze off in the shade of the tree when Bayleaf came trotting back, Smeargull trailing along behind her. I'm back! Bayleaf said. And I brought someone who can help us.

Greninja looked at Smeargull, then at Bayleaf. I thought you said you had an idea for helping us look presentable at the wedding. He said. What do you need an artist like Smeargull for?

That's what I'd like to know too. Smeargull piped up.

Bayleaf smiled. You are an artist. She said to Smeargull. And what we need is someone who can give us an idea of how we should look. Bayleaf pointed her head-leaf at the papers she had asked Smeargull to bring. I'd like you to do some sketches of Ash's pokemon in clothes fit for the wedding. We can show them to Ash and Serena when they come here next.

Smeagull sat down in the shade, one piece of paper in his hand, pencil ready in the other and the remaining sheets of paper held in place next to him with his tail. I can do that. He said. Greninja, would you like to be first?

Greninja looked at Delphox, who shrugged. It's not like we have any other ideas. She said. And it would be helpful to our trainers.

Greninja stood up and stretched. I guess you're right. He said. He looked over at Smeargull. Whenever you're ready, Smeargull.

It was late afternoon as the bus from Saffron city pulled up outside of Pallet Town. Opening the door, the driver allowed Ash and Serena to exit the bus, before driving off again.

"Cha!" Pikachu said as they started walking back into town.

Serena looked ahead. "Wow. I can see why you love it here so much." She said as she admired the low-hanging sun lighting up the streets of the quiet town. "So calm, so peaceful."

Ash smiled and caught Serena's hand as they kept walking. "That's what home should be like." He said. "And besides, I find your home town very peaceful too."

"Cha, pika." Pikachu added from Ash's shoulder.

Serena smiled, raising the catalogue in her other hand. "Neither of them may be peaceful for much longer." She said. "I've heard all kinds of stories about what mom's planning for weddings can be like."

All three of them laughed at that, imagining their small towns turned upside down by the moms rushing here and there trying to get everything ready for the wedding.

Arriving at the Ketchum house, Ash knocked on the door before pushing it open. "Mom! We're back!" He called as they stepped inside.

Delilah appeared in the door to the kitchen. "Glad to have you back." She said. Glancing distractedly over her shoulder, she asked "So how was your trip?"

"Oh, it was very nice." Serena said. "Saffron city is a wonderful place to visit. It reminds me a lot of…"

Delilah waved a hand at Serena as she turned back to the kitchen. "You'll have to tell me about it over dinner." She said. Walking to the door of the kitchen, Ash and Serena watched as Delilah opened the oven, peered inside, then closed it and adjusted the temperature. "I'm trying to get dinner ready and not burn the meat in the process."

Ash walked over to the cupboard and pulled out some plates. "You keep an eye on the food, mom." He said. "Serena and I can handle the rest." Placing the plates around the table, Ash glanced at Serena. "Serena, the pokemon food is in that cupboard over there. Can you get dinner ready for Pikachu and Mimey?"

"Sure." Serena said, walking over to the cupboard.

Pikachu watched Ash and Serena puttering around the kitchen. Ash set the plates, then the silverware and then got out the napkins. Serena took out the pokemon food, two bowls and began to fill them.

I can see them as husband and wife already. Pikachu thought. I really don't think things will change that much once they're married.

Dinner that night was a home cooked meal: a roast from the oven, mashed potatoes and corn with cold water to drink alongside. As people and pokemon ate, they talked about the shopping trip to Saffron city.

"Really Ash?" Delilah said in disbelief. "One of the biggest pokemon supply stores in Saffron city, and you'd never been in it before today?"

Ash smirked as he speared another piece of roast on his fork. "The last time I came through Saffron city I was looking for a gym battle." He said. "I wasn't focused on shopping."

Serena mused around a forkful of potatoes. "They do sell a wide variety." She said. "But most of it seemed to be set towards pokemon that live the city life. Not ones that travel out on the road."

"Still, I hear it has quite the selection." Delilah said.

Ash and Serena nodded in agreement, describing some of the items they'd seen in the store and in other ones throughout the city. As they finished the meal and cleaned away the table, Delilah glanced towards the living room before looking at Serena.

"By the way, Serena." She asked as she put her plate in the sink. "What was that book you brought in with you? Looks like it was the only thing you purchased."

Serena smiled as she led the others into the living room where she'd left the catalogue. "Actually, I didn't buy it." She said. Picking up the catalogue, Serena handed it to Delilah. "It was given to me when I went into the store to look at something."

Delilah looked at the name of the store on the catalogue, then eagerly flipped it open. "My my." She said, sitting down on the couch as she flipped pages. "A very nice selection they offer." Her eyes settled on one page before she turned to another. "And for so many occasions too." She added.

"Yeah. Show her the one you liked." Ash said to Serena.

Sitting on the couch beside Delilah, Serena turned a few more pages in the catalogue before she found the dress she's seen in the window. "I saw this one in the store display." She said, pointing. "I thought it would work great as my wedding dress."

Delilah looked at the dress, then at the list of available alterations. "A fine choice, Serena." She said. "But I also like the look of this one…"

Ash and Serena looked at each other as Delilah listed off several other dresses she liked. "Told you." Ash whispered to Serena. Serena smiled, remembering what Ash had said about the moms having a say in everything for the wedding.

"Well, anyway." Serena said rather loudly to get Delilah's attention. "I'm sure my mom will love this catalogue. I can't wait to hear her opinion on the dress."

"Well you're going to have to wait a while." Delilah said. When Ash and Serena looked at her, Delilah set the catalogue down and walked over to a box sitting on a nearby table. Opening the lid, she lifted out three cupcakes. Turning back to the other's, Delilah showed them the one cupcake left in the box. "The professor called and asked about a dessert cupcake Brock made for him." She said. "Could you two run this over to the lab for him before it gets dark?"

"Oh sure mom." Ash said. "Pikachu!"

At the sound of his trainer's voice, Pikachu came running in from the next room and hopped onto the couch, going from there to Ash's shoulder. "We'll drop this off for the professor," Ash said as he stood and took the box from his mother. "And you can visit with the other pokemon for a while." He said to Pikachu.

"Pikachu." Pikachu said, nodding.

As Ash and Serena headed for the door, Delilah held up the dress catalogue. "And while you two are doing that, I'm going to get Grace on the phone and show her some of the designs in this catalogue." She said. "I'm sure she has a few thoughts and ideas about what her daughter should look like on her wedding day."

"Be prepared for a long talk when we get back." Ash muttered to Serena as they walked out the door.

Serena and Pikachu stifled their giggles as they walked up the road towards the professor's lab. Meanwhile, Delilah seated herself in front of the video-phone and dialed a number, idly flipping a few more pages in the catalogue as she waited for an answer.

It was an easy walk to the professor's lab and Ash and Serena arrived quickly. As Serena held the box, Ash stepped forward and knocked on the door.

A young woman opened it. "Ah, Ash, Serena." She said, opening the door and stepping aside to allow them in. "The professor said he talked to your mom earlier, and that you might be stopping by. You'll find him on the back porch."

"Thank you." Serena said.

As the woman walked off to continue her duties, Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder and ran out the back door, eager to find the rest of Ash's pokemon. Following at a walk, Ash and Serena went out onto the back porch, which was lit by the outside lamps as the sun started to set.

They found professor Oak standing on the porch, scratching his head in confusion. "That's funny. I could swear that was…" Noticing Ash and Serena, the professor's confused look changed to a smile. "Ash, my boy. So I was right, that was your Pikachu I just saw go running by."

Ash smiled. "Yeah, he wants to find my other pokemon and chat for a while before we head back home and they go into their pokeballs for the night."

Professor Oak glanced out onto the lawn. "He should meet them somewhere along their way here, I just blew the whistle to signal them it's time to come in for the night."  Looking at Serena, professor Oak asked "So what brings you two here at this time?"

Serena took a step forward and raised the box in her arms. "Ash's mom said you called her and asked about this." She said, opening the box. "She asked us to drop it off before it got dark."

Professor Oak's eyes lit up at the sight of the cupcake. "Ah yes! Brock contacted me the other day to ask if I enjoyed the treat he made for me. This must be it." The professor motioned Ash and Serena inside. "Please, come. We can speak indoors while my assistants' see that the pokemon get in for the night."

The professor led them inside, past two of his assistants walking by with a clipboard to check on Ash's pokemon. Stopping in the main entry-way, the professor turned back to Serena. "My cupcake, please?"

Serena opened the lid and the professor took his cupcake. Turning it this way and that in his hand, the professor admired the treat. "Brock is an excellent chef." He said. Peeling off the wrapper, the professor took a bite. "Mmmm. An excellent chef indeed." He added.

Ash and Serena laughed at the blissful look on the professor's face. In between bites of his cupcake, professor Oak asked Serena "So, I understand Ash gave you a real surprise the other day?"

Serena nodded, a blush appearing on her face as she held up her hand. "Out in the woods, at the spot where we first met, Ash asked me to marry him. It was so romantic." She breathed, turning her hand around so the ring and its sapphire caught the light.

The professor finished his cupcake as he admired Serena's ring. "Very nice, Serena, very nice." He looked at Ash. "Congratulations, the both of you. I'm sure you'll be very happy together."

As Ash and Serena nodded, there came the sound of footsteps on the stairs nearby. "Excuse me, but has anyone seen…" Tracey's question stopped as he saw the visitors. "Ash, Serena! So good to see you both."

"Nice to see you too, Tracey." Ash said as his friend walked over. "Serena, you remember Tracey, right?"

Serena nodded. "Your friend who loves to sketch pokemon. Nice to see you again." She said to Tracey.

A wide smile appeared on Tracey's face as he looked at Serena. "So… I hear there was a big decision made a few days ago…" He said teasingly.

Serena giggled. "Seems word of your proposal is getting around real fast." She said to Ash as she held up her hand to show Tracey the ring.

Ash shrugged. "Nothing wrong with that. Saves us having to tell everyone ourselves."

Tracey admired the ring on Serena's finger. "Nothing wrong with that at all." He said. "By the way, I'd love to be the photographer at your wedding." Tracey's smile turned into a disgruntled frown. "If I can ever find where my good camera went." He added.

"You're welcome to be our photographer." Serena said. "I've heard good things about your artistic abilities."

"And if you can't find your camera, I for one would have no problems with a sketch of us on our wedding day." Ash said.

All four of them had a laugh at that. After a moment, Tracey looked at the other three. "On a different note, have any of you seen my partner Smeargull?" He asked. "He was helping me look for my camera, but then he left and I haven't seen him since."

The others shook their heads. "The last I saw of him, he was headed outside." The professor said. "With some papers and a pencil."

"Well, that's strange." Tracey said. He opened his mouth to say something else, but then there was a ruckus from the next room.

"Bayleaf, bay bay!"

Ash's Bayleaf came running into the entry-way, Pikachu at her side. Both skidded to a halt next to Ash and Serena, Bayleaf looking extremely pleased with herself, while Tracey's Smeargull followed them into the room, clutching some papers in its hand.

"There you are Pikachu." Ash said. "And Bayleaf, good to see you." Ash stopped and looked at Bayleaf. "What are you looking so happy about?"

"And where have you been all evening?" Tracey asked Smeargull. "I could have used your help to find my camera."

Bayleaf just smiled. "Bay, bayleaf." She said. Turning, Bayleaf motion to Smeargull with her head-leaf, then pointed it at Serena. "Bayleaf."

Smeargull looked at Tracey and held up the papers. "Smeargull smear." It said. Walking over to Serena, Smeagull handed her the papers. "Smeargull."

Serena looked at the papers. "Well what is this…?" She started to say. Then she noticed what Smeargull had been drawing.