

The world has crumbled to rubble but just when humans were finding peace the world fought back. This is a tale of how a human boy fights nature with nothing but determination and skill.

Hiro_Volpez · ファンタジー
9 Chs

She's the one

Noir stands with a stance of power started walking out of the gym for he was about to fight. This was the sixth round and Noir had confidence in his strategy. The other winners weren't to intresting so Noir paid them little attention except for Heather who won but Noir noticed she had been hit out.

Noir was observing his competitors as he walked to his spot which was relatively close to the gym. When he arrived he stood in place waiting for the timer to allow them to fight.

A minute late a horn goes off showing the beginning of the round. A hole opens up next to my right foot and a red ball shoots up three meters. Noir realizing what was happening quickly got ready to grab the ball as it was falling. In the distance Noir could see a man running towards him with a ball ready to launch straight towards Noirs face. Noir then quickly pulls his arm back and right when the ball fell into place Noirs fist went forward like a precise piston.

When his fist collided with the ball it was as if the ball caved in around his fist until it shot forward with extreme speed. The man running towards him had thought he was getting a drop on Noir, but his expression changed from pride to horror as he saw the ball rocket forward. The man launched his ball with a good speed but nothing compared to Noirs ball.

Noirs ball then sunk itself right in the man's stomach causing him to fold over. But he raised his head in hope for his ball to get Noir out aswell. Sadly for the man Noir could see the thing coming and took a step to his left and Noir raised his right hand to catch the ball that was now coming towards his stomach. He catches the ball with one hand and then runs towards the middle not even looking back to the man who was now destroyed.

Noir had a strategy to go closer to the middle and stay up on higher ground and attack all the people wanting to claim the middle spot. Noir thought they'd be an easy target with their back turned towards the Noir.

Noir managed to get four more kills while running to his position. None of them noticed what had happened until it was to late. So Noir took them out and quickly moved on. Eventually he could see the middle unlike the rest of the battle field it didnt change at all. It was just one large concrete circle with no cover. It also seems like only one person can stand in it at a time but people could easily throw a ball into it to try and get the person out.

Their was a girl Noir didnt recognize in the middle at the moment. From what Noir could see a dozen people throwing ball at the girl.

Noir started to sprint around the middle jumping up and down these giant concrete slabs, and he would constantly jump on the pipes that were between two inches in diameter too as much as seven inches.

When Noir finished a lap around the circle he had obtained fourteen more kills which Noir didnt think would be enough to win. He noticed more people have already come to take the middle position from this girl who was surprisingly still in the middle. She had blonde hair and fair skin but the strangest thing was her crimson red eyes which were beautiful enough to be confused with a ruby.

Noir quickly snaps himself out of his day dream and starts to run another round to finish off the people attacking this beautiful girl protecting the middle. Noir quickly was running, jumping, diving, and rolling all to eliminate these people as quickly as possible. Noirs favorite elimination was one where he dropped seven feet and in mid air hit his opponent did a roll then caught the ball that riquceted of his target. Noir stood their for a second in disbelief for how cool he probably just looked.

Noir now had at least twenty five kills but he had lost count of exactly how many. While running Noir was shocked at how well his strategy would work he thought at least a couple of people would fight back but no one even knew he was their before he attacked.

It had been about twenty three minutes and people were getting scarce so Noir decided to take the middle just for fun. He hid on a block that had a block in front of it that was taller. That blocked started to go down and Noir was ready to jump forward the second he could to get the goddess of a girl eliminated.

Noir blast forward and within seconds he was jumping into the air and launched a ball at the girl with all the power he possessed. Noir was extremely surprised when he saw the girl turn and doge the ball. She then chucked a ball at Noir who was falling in the air only five meters away. The ball was faster then most but still not as fast as Noirs was.

Noir seeing the ball coming straight for his face surprised him, but not enough for him to react. Noir got his hands ready and within a second he grabbed the ball causing the girl to get out. Noir who was still falling got into a diving position with the ball in his hands. The ball collided with the ground and it squished down but quickly pushed back up causing Noir to get pushed up forward. His body now created an arch of sorts then his feet landed.

Noir was surprised that had worked then took a step forward towards the girl. He put one hand out and said" Hey my names Noir, nice shot." The girls jaw dropped she had never seen such a smooth introduction. She hastily took his hand and said" My name is Trinity, and that was an awesome dive."

Noir blushed he never expected that reaction from someone who looked like she belonged in a castle.

A ball came zooming towards Noir for his right shoulder which was currently occupied by him shaking hands with Trinity. Instinctually Noir takes a step forward to doge. He ended up walking straight into Trinty causing them both to fall. Noir quickly put his hand behind Trinitys head protecting it from concrete.

Now Noir was now literally on top of her. He lifted his head and locked eyes with her and stared at the gems. Noir then said " I am literally falling for you." This caused Trinity to blush to where she was as red as her eyes. Noir quickly got up and helped Trinity do the same. She was so flustered all she did was nod a thank you and walk away slowly.

"Now she's the one I'll marry." Noir thought while dodging two balls at the same time.