
Ark- Surviving a New World

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · ゲーム
14 Chs

Ch. 4.5 - Feelings Stirring

{Warning! Slight 18+ comments and mentions of sex, not completely r18 though so the chapter is relatively tame}


Blue's POV:


Daddy showed us how he built things, and made a small plate as he called it, and then he instructed us to do it just as he did, but since it was our first time, we could make a mark to signify it's ours.

I made mine with three claw marks on the side, while Charlie made what Daddy called a heart. Echo made two claw marks crossed over another two claw marks, and finally, Delta made coincidentally a Delta mark, which Daddy explained.

"This is actually really fun! It's a little difficult trying to make it smooth, but I can see why you make these, it helps keep the dirt off our food, right?", Charlie asked, while tilting her head.

"Indeed, that's right Charlie! It also helps to keep messes from being made on the floor, chairs, and tables. I'll show you what a Chair and Table are when I have time to mend some together, don't worry.", Daddy smiles, and we all smile back.

I love spending time with Daddy, though, I kinda wish I could've stayed in bed together with him, where I could smell his scent more, and dream about him more. I've just begun understanding things about what I feel about him, Tommy, as he said his real name was, My heart freezes for a few seconds around him, in a good way.

I wonder if he'd accept me, something not of his own species, maybe I can find some way to be able to become like him in some way?

I'm broken out of my thoughts as Daddy's hand is on my cheek, unintentionally touching my lips with his thumb, a look of concern adorning his face.

"Blue? You okay? You look out of it.", he asks, and I swoon again like those girls in his stories he tells us every night, causing me to blush intensely.

"I... I'm fine Daddy, don't worry about me, I've just been thinking about things.", I smile at him, and he seems reassured. That's good, maybe he didn't notice anything wrong.

Charlie, Echo, and Delta suddenly crowd me, a glint in two of their eyes, with their brows raised, and a smirk on their faces. Charlie just had a goofy look, like she expected the best in the world. I blushed, as Echo and Delta must know somehow.

I tried ignoring them, walking quickly away, and next to Daddy, but they just continued their advances, Delta winking, Echo had a small blush as she used a claw to move into her tail which she made a circle with- Oh, that's dirty, I thought you were shy! And well, Charlie- well she's just Charlie.

"Hey Daddy, do you have any females you like?", Delta asked, being blunt about it, but with a hidden grin. I panicked on the inside.

"Hmm, well yes, four currently. You girls, as I like you all very much!", Daddy smiles, seemingly oblivious to all the advances, while turning back to the project he's currently working on- a bed, using bamboo, stuff he calls fiber, and bark strips.

Delta smirks, about to ask more directly this time, but I quickly stop her in time, and I sigh in relief. I then turn to Charlie who is bobbing up and down, while sticking her tongue in and out, for some reason.

"H... Hey, Charlie, can you distract Echo and Delta for a bit? I wanted to talk with Daddy alone okay?", and Charlie smiles and nods, and just when I think all is good, I hear-

"Make sure he fucks you nice and hard, Sis, cause I call next~!", and Charlie bounces away, dragging Echo and Delta away who are equally surprised as me.

Did my childish, youngest sister just tell me to have sex with Daddy, so that she can go next? No, I must have imagined it, there's no way I really heard-

"Blue, how big do you think I should make this, just enough for me, and a little space for you girls to comfortably wrap around me at night?", Daddy asks, showing his current progress. I forgot what I was trying to say before, it must've not been important.

"Hmm, yeah this looks fine, just slightly bigger! Wow, you've been really at this for a long few hours huh, Daddy?", I ask, and he nods, smiling and chuckling.

"Yep, been working on it since this morning, only taking a 'break' to fix the slabs and such.", he says, setting it down for a second, before taking off his shirt-

Oh sweet gods, thank you for this viewing opportunity, I will treasure these moments. I turned and looked at every body part that wasn't covered, admiring Daddy, not knowing he was talking to me.

This is almost my fantasy I've been having, just without me in a humanoid form like hm, but right now, I don't mind at all. I want him to rub that sculpted body against mine all night~

Wait, hold on, where is this all coming from?! Why am I acting and feeling weird?! AND WHY AM I SOAKED BETWEEN MY THIGHS?! Oh I hope Daddy doesn't see me before I take a dip in the lake...!

"Hey Blue, are you okay? You don't look too well ya know? C'mon, let's get you home, I'll be with you shortly, don't worry!", Daddy smiles, reaching to grab at me, and I submit, collapsing in his arms, panting as these feelings are increasing in intensity.

Oh Gods, am I going into heat already?! I thought Mommy said it wouldn't happen until I'm four to eight weeks old?! This is going to be super awkward...


{Author's Note- What do y'all think of it so far xD

Also, I need a suggestion on what kind of dino should be next to appear, and what Dino should be the first official tame?}