
Arifureta: The Labyrinth Maker vs the World

This is the story about a Labyrinth Master managing his massive Labyrinth while becoming a villain (literally) while causing events, good or bad directly (or indirectly) caused by him to happen. This story isn't just about him, it's about redemption and change, how the world of Tortus will be changed from time to time under the main Protagonist's actions. Don't expect this story to be the same as any other. Note: Canon? We are not following canon, expect new concepts such as Anti-Hero Kouki and a lot more things like Hajime and Kaori being together in the abyss. Oh, did I spoil you?

CaveSquirrel · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Day 1-2

In the library of the Abode, Oscar took out several books from a certain shelf.

"A Guide from the Best Synergist in the World, A Collection of Many Ores and Minerals, and Labyrinth Encyclopedia. All these were made by the same guy... Now me."

Leaving this comment out, he decided to sit down and began reading the books.

Each one was useful, detailed, and had personal comments. But the one he decided to really read was the first book he took out, which contained what was needed for Oscar to quickly learn how to transmute.

Because ever since he was reincarnated as Oscar Orcus, he felt like he had missed something else.

Taking out his [Status Plate], he noticed something else, other than it was active even when hundreds of years had passed.

When he sent mana to it, by muscle memory and stared at whatever it was showing.

[ • Oscar Orcus

Age: 1018

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Synergist

Level: 1


- Strength: 50

- Agility: 50

- Vitality: 50

- Defense: 50

- Magic: 50

- Magic Defense: 50 ]

"Nope, not surprising at all."

He has the seven Ancient Magics and Mana Manipulation ability, but when he found out the other skills, he was completely shocked.

His transmutation ability has a lot of subskills, 35 of them in fact. He even had a crafting ability that allowed him to design and make whatever he designed easier. Maybe that was the reason this Labyrinth has a lot more floors than the six others?

He also had an ability called [Comprehensive Learner], which may be self-explanatory.

Also having many different skills, that probably needed to be mastered were pretty much strange for him.

With that out of the way, he replaced the Status Plate with a single iron ingot while he read the guide.

Though his procrastination and pragmatism made him skip some of the contents or read other books instead due to not being of use to him.

It was merely the basics, yet it was already enough for him to advance forward, turning the Iron Ingot into a higher quality material, for example, Gold, Silver, and lower quality materials.

But doing a bit of training in transmutation had already chipped off at least 70 percent of his mana, and it made him sigh.

"I should maybe train...."

..... Or not.

They say habits die hard. That is true to him, since he might have liked the notion of procrastination, even if he really didn't feel like he wanted to procrastinate and not do anything but be as idle as a cat.

Such a man wouldn't be liked much at all, and if somebody were to see him, they'd almost always have a bad first impression of him if they see him procrastinating around.

Still, he barely care about those who wanted to force him out of his procrastination, since it was his own fault he died, as an ignorant man.

[ System Updating.... 85 % ]

[ Estimated Time Until Activation: 1 hour ]

Grumbling, he leaned back on his wooden chair, staring at the ceiling in boredom.

'Now that I am in the world of Tortus, it probably wouldn't take long before they arrive here, hopefully.

I just didn't want to do anything with the plot of Arifureta. But my existence alone may prove that butterfly effects would take place. But you know what? Even if I let the plot take place, my existence will just shift it somewhere.

Just by doing nothing and not saving Yue would still change things anyways. I might also die by the hands of the edgy white haired Hajime, too.

The possibilities are endless. So I'll just do whatever I could, after all, I wanted to just enjoy this life now.'

He didn't have any plans or goals this moment, other than live freely, and survive.

There was also Ehit. He's a dangerous false deity who has eyes in every single one of his apostles. It'd be better not to be seen by one.

So he basically had no choice but be a sitting duck in the Abode of Traitors and wait for his system to activate.

And no, he can't go rescue the trapped vampire princess yet. He's pretty weak right now, so he had no other choice but to begin training his physical body and learn a lot of useful things from the books.

That's it?

Nah, he decided to look for his maid afterwards. He wanted to relax somewhere before he could fully focus on discovering the limits of his abilties, it's better to have a refreshed mind than not, after all.

"Lievre, can you prepare a new set of clothing? The clothes must be casual. Also, please bring me a towel."

Bowing towards him, Lievre naturally followed through, just before he tossed his clothes off and hopper straight to the spring placed just nearby the massive globe that was giving of light similar to the moon.

That meant it was night, which was probably strange for him.

For a long while, he rested on the same couch he laid on earlier, juggling a few heavy ingots as he transmuted them into different materials and ores, like the Taur Ore, and Azantium Ore, the toughest of Ores in this world.

But, can he create a stronger ore?

While that might need a lot of research, that.... Also needed someone's help.

Lievre can't really help him, actually.

And he was merely doing this do spend some time waiting for the System to activate soon.

Which was now, and it excited him.

'What kind of system is it? Is it capable of making me laze around and be idle until I become stronger slowly? Or is it some slavery system where I am basically threatened death for a minor goddamn task, which is annoying and outrageous! Let's see...'

[ System Activated ]

[ You have 1 Unread Message ]

"Yeah, whatever. Open message."

Once he said that, another floating screen appeared before him.

[ Hey, sorry for not telling you this, but due to a certain mishap placing your soul to a corpse, you now rule from the 70th floor until down to the Abode of Traitors.

Your soul has been floating on the Chaotic Timespace for thousands of years without noticing, and due to that, an incredibly lazy personality bloomed and rooted deep into your soul.

It might have been too late to save it, so yeah. Sorry.

Here's your compensation for all the things you've experienced, and we've also removed those years of solitude in that accursed place.

{ Claim Rewards } ]

'I read this as bullshit, I was always a lazy person, but I'm claiming the rewards, anyway.'

Once he pressed the button, another floating notification appeared before his eyes.

[ You have obtained the following:

• Labyrinth Seed (x1)

• Resurrection Token (x5)

• 500 Blank Souls (Used for Labyrinth Purposes)

• 10 Bags of Highest Quality Ores, Minerals and Special Materials (Shtar Ore, Taur Stone, Azantium)

• 8 Million Luta ]

'I want to get to the point already. These are for later.'

Oscar leaned on his palm, as he wanted to go explore the functions of his system.

Functions including the summoning function of the System, and finding out that non-summoned entities that were already existing in ruled parts of the Labyrinth cannot be controlled normally, but all monsters on those specific areas will not attack him unless he attacks first.

Unless he upgrades the Labyrinth's Core, the Soul Stone, he won't have access to the non-summoned monsters and rule over more floors.

Summoned entities aren't really the same entity in the past since the summoning function consumes souls to manifest fragmented copies of a certain entity.

You know, like a Shadow Servant from the Nasuverse.

He can teleport to each ruled floor, but it costs him Mana Points. Which was pretty useful.

And he could also inspect the floors with a push of a button. Which he just did, and found where a certain temple holding the Vampire Princess was.

"Meh. I'll just go there tomorrow, I'm tired, anyways and it's an enemy if this mortal shell of mine."

"Master Oscar, I've prepared your bed in advance. You may sleep there anytime."

"Good, just in time....."

[ ~ TO • BE • CONTINUED ~ ]

Character Profile:

• Lievre, the Last Maid of the Abode

Age: 2460

Gender: Female

Race: Homunculus

Class: Maid

Level: MAX


• Strength: 600

• Vitality: 1000

• Agility: 600

• Defense: 2200

• Magic Defense: 2200


• Household Arts [+ Star Cooker, Star Cleaner, Best Worker, Dust Sensing, Arts of the Housewife ]

• Light Magic

• Mana Manipulation

Biography: The last maid of the Abode of Traitors, who worked tirelessly to keep the abode and its rooms clean.

Due to not being designed as a combat-oriented maid, her defensive performance is heightened to an incredible degree.

Being the last creation of the Maverick Oscar Orcus, she's been created to become immortal, created to serve anybody who clears the Labyrinth and obtains a proof.

But now that the protagonist Oscar awakened her, that spell was overridden by his own self, and she innocently acknowledged that her master had returned.

On the sidelines, she developed and trained her skills to become the "Perfect Wife" that was described in novels the previous Oscar Orcus had written out of boredom.

Personality: Being designed to serve to the master unquestionably and without knowledge of emotions, she usually doesn't express anything.

But, her voice sometimes gives out emotions that give life to her.

Once she was woken up by Oscar, she began to develop feelings and expressions, strangely enough.

In the sidelines, she thinks that her sisters failed his test and immediately looked down upon them without pity.

Reference for Appearance: [img]

Even if she were to gain an obsession to Oscar, her loyalty will remain, and would not go to extreme measures.

( Author's Note: You lazy authors, at least describe the person's personality other than "Kind, Caring, Cold, whatever this is". That's very bland and I'd rather not read that. )

*She was killed by Yue in the original timeline