
Arifureta: God of Extinction

A young man who’d been kidnapped to another world, Aziel Nox. Within this fantastical setting he’d only seen within Anime and Novels, how much of an impact can a mere 18-year-old young man have? Such a question….No one dared to assume the answer. ______________ World Travel/Multiverse Current World - Arifureta Potential World - Tensura Authors Notes: I’d like to give a forewarning about the ‘expressive’ language and ‘unique’ character that this story presents. If you aren’t a fan of profanity or what can be considered ‘evil’, I apologize, this isn’t something that aligns with your preferences. Anyhow, I’m writing this for fun, so there isn’t a fixed schedule or deadline between chapters. Please give constructive criticism and not blind hate. If I see it, I may be inclined to remove it. Support me if you’d like: patreon.com/Curaji *I don’t own the original story's franchise or any of the characters other than my OC.

Depraved_Chap · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Chapter 13: Outpost town of Horaud (1)

After leaving the adventurers guild, Aziel returned to the inn he'd stayed at earlier in the day, packing up his belongings before setting off toward the location his employer had designated to meet.

No complications followed his arrival, assembling with the other hired adventurers as they waited at the Capital's primary entrance point. The bustle of the city remained constant, various faces old and new crowded at the gates.

Aziel sat atop a stone railing, paying no heed to the whispers and stares directed toward him. Even then, his heightened senses couldn't help but overhear the other adventurers in the vicinity.

"What are you doing, idiot…! Don't look over there, that's the 'Savage Fiend'…"

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

"Ah, since you weren't there, you don't know what happened at the guild earlier today…."

"What happened?"

"That guy tortured a black rank adventurer and threatened to kill him…! Right in front of the guild master, no less…"

"Y-you serious…?"

"Why would I lie to you…"

Aziel's expression went blank. It seemed that due to his prior actions, he was given the moniker; 'Savage Fiend' by the other adventurers. It was said that after brutally torturing his victims, he sent them straight to hell.

'These bastards are actually serious…'

Not only did they saddle him with a cringy nickname; they had the nerve to disseminate this information far and wide as if it were some sort of fairytale.

'Grown ass men, I tell you…'

Slightly nonplussed, he shook his head, redirecting his attention away from their buffoonery.

Eventually, the sight of their employer came into view a few minutes later, seated within a singular horse drawn carriage as a few large wagons followed close behind. A seemingly common traveling merchant.

Introducing himself, the merchant went by the name of 'Edmond Heinrich', an affluent businessman who's trading company was actually quite famous around the Capital.

He individually greeted every hired adventurer, garnering their admiration as he exhibited a high degree of charisma. Making his way toward Aziel, he stopped momentarily, looking as though he'd just recalled something.

Seconds later, his expression lit up with palpable enthusiasm.

"Savage Fiend, was it…?

"I go by Aziel Nox—"

"I've heard all about you, you're quite strong, yes? I'll be in your care for the remainder of the trip."

'Son of a bitch…'

Suppressing the urge to grab Edmonds neck, Aziel nodded in agreement.

After finishing the introductions, all the adventurers boarded each of the wagons, preparing to depart from the Capital. The journey to Horaud would only take a little more than a few hours to reach, as it was a small town positioned somewhat close by.

Located along the southwestern portion of the mainland's northern hemisphere, it was a small town surrounded by a particularly large cliff. There existed one pathway at its center that led to the 'Great Orcus Labyrinth'—the primary reason for why people bothered to visit.

Adventurers from all over would travel there, seeking to challenge the depths of the Labyrinth. Because of that, the town's main purpose was to service those very adventurers.


Aziel suddenly opened his eyes, glancing at the man who'd just disturbed his concentration. It was, of course, one of the adventurers commissioned to guard Edmond and his wares.

"I-it's not a problem for me to sit here, r-right?"


"N-no, I mean…like, right here…"

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're already sitting down, why are you asking me about this now…?"

The man had nervously pointed to the spot he was currently seated in, asking for Aziel's permission despite having been there for over half an hour. So, not only did the man disturb him, he was even asking pointless questions.

Before they began traveling, each of them chose a wagon to board. Few had the courage to go anywhere near Aziel, as they all avoided him like the plague. Still, it seemed the man next to him was unlucky, since the other wagons were full by the time he arrived.

"I…I'm sorry…"


"I…I shouldn't have asked at this—"

"You're still talking…?"


Finally returning to peace and quiet, Aziel closed his eyes once again with the expectation of it continuing this way.


"B-by any chance, would you happen to have a little something to eat…I'm feeling a bit peckish…."

Reopening his eyes, Aziel looked over, immediately catching a glimpse of the man's awkward smile. His fingers twitched.

"You son of a bi—"


As the leading carriage stopped to let the horses rest, everyone used this as an opportunity to tend to their own needs. Eating, chatting, or relieving themselves, they all temporally separated, deciding on a set time they'd have to return.

Meanwhile, Aziel journeyed out to a clearing not too far from the others, deadest on training for the majority of his time. Due to the skills he discovered after acquiring a status plate, he had come to learn that it was possible for him to gain access to more abilities through the use of two skills in particular.

The first being 'Skill acquisition', allowing him to rapidly acquire new skills naturally over time or through repetition. The second; 'Insight Mimicry', allowing him to mimic and replicate any kind of experience from others, such as in terms of a specific skill or ability.

It goes without saying that after grasping the use of these skills back at the Capital, he stopped by various shops that focused on utility, ultimately obtaining new skills that he shouldn't possess.

As 'Jobs' in Tortus were used to define an individual's natural aptitude, they were also directly linked to the type of skills a person can know or learn. In spite of that, Aziel completely flipped that logic on its head, overturning its rules effortlessly.

Looking at the scenery around him, he walked over to a medium sized boulder sitting within a tall patch of grass.

A scene of what had occurred back at the Capital briefly flashed through his mind. Placing one hand on the boulder, his lips parted, uttering a single iconic word.


Suddenly, the boulder warped, moving as though it were molding like clay, gradually taking the form of a smooth, circular pillar—It's workmanship worthy of a kingdom's best blacksmith.

As a skill with evident versatility, and the only viable method of efficiently using 'Creation Magic', failing to acquire it when given the opportunity would be the epitome of foolishness.

Especially when the Labyrinth he was currently heading too was a place where its presence would be virtually paramount. He'd already seen a tried-and-true approach from a character within an anime. Even if he didn't replicate their actions directly, it could still be utilized in his own way.

This would only supplement his other abilities, opening new doors for methods that hadn't yet been explored.

Status Plate;


Aziel Nox • Age: 18 • Male

Level: 3

Job: World Nemesis

Strength: 575

Vitality: 545

Defense: 525

Agility: 575

Magic: 555

Magic Defense: 525


Skills: • Transmute—[+Ore Appraisal]—[+Precision Transmutation]—[+Increased Transmutation Speed]—[+Ore Perception]—[+Ore Desynthesis]—[+Ore Synthesis] • Tailoring—[+Textile Appraisal]—[+Precision Sewing]—[+Increased Sewing Speed]—[+Reduced Mana Consumption] • Cooking Proficiency • ….....[EXPAND]



Authors Notes:

The shortest chapter thus far, but I'm trying to gain a rhythm and release them daily. Wish me luck.