
The Deal

*When I was little I wanted to be a doctor, so my father took me to the best doctors in the ocean so that I could learn from them. By the time I was 12 I knew everything there is to know about every sea creature. I then decided to become a human doctor so I did what any 12 yr old would do, I went to a sea witch.

'so you want to get legs?' "yes I would like some legs" 'I can give you legs but in return I'll need your voice' "I'm going to need my voice and some legs so we'll have to come up with a different deal." 'well I don't usually make new deals but, ok you'll have to give me 1,000 human vocal cords.' "deal" 'good' she then went back somewhere then came back with a black scrunchie.

'when you tie your hair up this will give you legs, wear it anywhere else and you become a mermaid again.' "okay I'll get you some vocal cords by the end of the week." 'have fun oh and don't forget to cover up!' "ok see you later."

I made my way to a shipwreck and took a sheet to cover myself then I went to the shore. I made myself a dress then tied my hair up. When I was done I saw that I had legs but it felt weird. I started to stand and walk around and I practiced running and moving around until it became dark. I noticed it was easier to move around when the sheet was dry so I left it where it wouldn't get wet.*

I go into the cave and see Ursula making a deal with someone so I decide to wait, after a few minutes someone swam out so I went in. 'Ariel you're back so soon, I saw you only two weeks ago.' "there was a shipwreck and I saved someone" 'I see poor thing' "well here you go it's a male" 'oh you usually bring females' "yeah well I have to get home so see you in about a month."