
gym class

The next day wasn't that different from the first but i did get activity, which was gym class. i didn't do that bad tho better than i usually do in gym class. we played dodge ball and ran some laps, a typical gym class day. but after Ty was still acting strange towards me did he actually like me tho I've only been in the school for 2 days? i just tossed the thought out and carried on with my day.

"my students you are to start projects on bird of California" Mrs.Hopps said after we got settled into class "Avery and Mari would be partners, Arie and Ty will be partners, and Kayla with martin, I expect these projects to be done my Friday next week, best you start working on them now have fun!" we got into our groups and started to work after school Ty asked me "hey wanna come to my house to do our project?" i said sure as i texted my mom and she said ok as well, we got to Ty's house and got to his room and started on where we left off on our project back at school.

go to my youtube channel here! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/


moonkittifancreators' thoughts