
Aria: Abused

In the town of Herster,Wisconsion our story begins with a pretty mundane and ordinary girl in a cruel world. She unfortunately has to deal with a constant daily dosage of abuse,ridicule, insults and even harrassment. it doesn't stop there at home,it also continues on the street corners,her school and even in public events. What's more to do in good ol, Herster?

Blind_Writer22 · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter 5: A Rather Intense Situation

Aria prepares herself, she clenches her fists and gets ready for Miss Quebessence to make the first move. She stands perfectly still, staring into those sinister,yet conniving eyes. The dark haired woman first follows up with a string of barrages, Aria just barely avoids the small knife the taller woman had in her hands.

Her two daughters simply stand in the vast woodsy forest and twiddle their fingers. They don't say anything and they remain standing like that until Miss Quebessence moves away from the duo. She makes her way over and grabs Aria by the throat; this isn't really necessary considering the younger girl isn't even that much smaller than her. However she does enjoy having a edge in the fight. Thankfully Aria protected her neck just in the blink of time.

Aria quickly frees herself from her new foe's grip and balled her fist up ready to absolutely demolish her attacker's stomach. Instead it is her wrist being twisted violently, at such speed and well precise timing. Aria didn't even see her hand being snatched away. It was too late for her to reel her hand back before being wrenched upwards, she can't help but yelp in pain as her body is thrown against the bark of a nearby tree. It hurt so bad her head hit the trunk, it was definitely painful, however she refused to give up or show any weakness.

"Gaah!! huff..huuf..no..I'm getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter, there has to be something I can do to win this stupid,pointless fight. "Aria grumbled. Miss Quebessence was unscathed and slowly walked to a bruised Aria and grabbed a handful of brownish-red hair. She flicked Aria on the nose and began to mock her.

"Pfft what's the matter,getting tired aren't we huh?" Miss Quebessence sneered she flick the girl on her nose and laughed.

"You are quite stubborn aren't you? Don't expect me to get tired so easily, now how about we finish this?" Miss Quebessence said, with a smirk. Aria knew she would have no chance, so she decides to go down fighting and take some hits. With this thought she begins to punch the air.

Miss Quebessence easily avoided and outmaneuvered Aria's hits they were beginning to weaken and the dark haired woman kneed her into the gut and body slammed her on another tree trunk. After this she jumped with Aria and slammed her hard into the ground causing the girl to gasp for air.

Miss Quebessence grabbed her by the collar and started laughing, she threw Aria up in the air.

The brunette kicked her legs around desperately trying to free herself from this horrible creature. She attempted to kick Miss Quebessence's face while landing but missed due to the fact that her kicks went wide. The woman once again dodged Aria's attacks and punched her straight into the gut and kicked her near her kidney. Aria collapsed and fell to her knees. She was shaking and wasn't looking all that hot,her hands sweaty with her breath slightly faded. Miss Quebessence bent over in front of her and had a mockingly smirk grin on her face.

"So..do you give up? Ready to be our little servant? I'll stop if you say yes,?" The woman sneered. Aria looked up and glared at Miss Quebessence as tears streamed down her face,she tried to speak but nothing came out. Her voice was strained as her throat was sore, her lungs were on fire and she could not catch her breath. The woman leaned in closer to Aria's ear and spoke.

"Say yes and maybe I will let you walk away from here unharmed." Aria stared into those black, soulless eyes and replied with the last ounce of strength left in her body.

"Go ahead."

Aria refused. Though she was fighting a losing battle, she was not about to lose the bet that her and this horrendous monster made. If anyone was gonna be anybody's servant it would be Miss Quebessence and her mute daughters.

Speaking of, the two sat on a bench and enjoyed their mother beating a poor innocent girl to a near bloody pulp. Aria wasn't bleeding yet but got a sneak attack in on her attacker. She socked her dead in the jaw and drew first blood from Miss Quebessence. This angered her to no end and she was quick to charge towards Aria punching her in the face,sides,gut and even resulted to kicking her butt and back. Aria unsuccessfully defended any of these attacks and had a black eye after the angry woman punched her dead in the face and broke a tooth. After realizing this Aria groggily rose to her feet and was beaten some more by Miss Quebessence who was now angered by the girl's resilient spirit.

In an attempt to knock the girl unconscious the older woman swung a powerful right hook to her face and sent Aria backwards.

Aria rolled across the ground and struggled to regain her balance. Miss Quebessence walked towards the fallen girl. Aria's body was a mess, she coughed weakly and tried to sit up. That was when things got really bad. Miss Quebessence wasn't playing around any longer and sat on the girl and started throwing haymaker after haymaker.

Blood spilled from Aria's nose and lip after she endured several heavy handed hits,it was only a matter of time before her body called it quits. "I gotta do something,this woman is giving me the business. Like I stole something, yet Momma is gonna be mad when she sees me like this. But what can I do?" Aria thought.

Then she came up with one move that would be the ultimate low blow. And that was when she had the idea. "THAT'S IT!!..A low blow will end this for sure." Aria thought. While she was getting beaten up some more the girl repositioned her lower body just enough and let the older woman have it. She kicked with all her might and WAM!!.

There was silence after the attack. At first Miss Quebessence felt nothing a few seconds later, she fell limped and held onto her crotch as she was now rendered in pain. Aria struggled to lift herself up and wanted to win cleanly. So she noticed a rock and grabbed it. Once she did Miss Quebessence's daughters rushed to their mother's aid,sadly they were too late. Aria slammed the small rock across the woman's skull and gave her a concussion.

Now that Miss Quebessence had lost consciousness. Aria stood up carefully and dusted herself off. She decided she needed to call out for help so that they could rescue the woman. She pulled out her phone,opened the app and pressed the button to make a noise. The wounded ladies daughters took their distance from an bloody yet victorious Aria. They pleaded with her to not do any more damage than she already did.

Aria spat on the woman and sneered at the girls after she made her call. She walked away bruised and battered yet she now had three servants at her beck and call. A sly and evil grin formed across the brunette's face. She snuck back into her home and addressed to her wounds.

That night as she laid in bed she felt something awoken inside of her. It's kind of scary because she hadn't felt this sort of feeling in years and she had no clue why. The feeling was so foreign, she never liked it in the past, and she never wanted it, but now...

Aria slowly moved her body and reached for a glass of water on the table next to her bed. She held it up close to her lips and swallowed all of the contents. Once she had finished she put it back down and sighed deeply. She looked towards the window at the moon rising, it still showed its bright yellow color but now it was brighter than ever. Its reflection cast upon her eyes and gave them an eerie look.

"Tomorrow is gonna be a good day,well hopefully Mom ungrounds me." She snickered as she drifted off to sleep.