

finally i am through with my super studies with teacher honk who was really strict . i am so happy to finally escape the wrath of that man with big head man which me and my bestie kiara call bhm for abbreviation and he caught us one time calling him that trust me it was so bad . he made us sweep the entire lair . so i am just myself jasmine viola born with the power to manipulate electricity which i inherited from my mom and she is super proud of me . As for my dad i never even know is complexion because i have never seen him and mom completely ban me from ever talking about him or seeing his picture and always wonder where is he .

jasmine ! jasmine , kiara called me she was my bestie and my ride or die i love her so much she always believe in me even when i did not my self. kiara has sonic scream and trust me it is destructive she once broke the lair and honk did not let her get away with it.

dude chill sup, i said

can you believe it she shrieked and believe me anytime she did that it was always bad

what have you done this time i asked

ohh calm down i just registered for a magical school my mom found out and i registered for both us , she replied

what!!,i screamed

chill small girl. i hate it when she call me that

why will you register for me, i asked

because i can't go without you did it without you and that does not justify the points you did it without my consent i said.

just chill they will pick us soon she said.

what!!.my brain refuse to process the information

suddenly an huge light burst out from thin air and swallowed both of us .

i met my self and kiara in a strange but beautiful place.

and some strange creature came out of nowhere and say welcome to areez magical knight school where magical people train to become knight and save the world from the black shadows

and i passed out

pls vote and gift my story we still have a long way to go

DaoistfQGgmNcreators' thoughts