
Dark Night

Qiao Yi sat quiet in the bed,still in a disbelief shattered and devastated. Her world was in the edge of collapsing. She couldn't believe she actually lost her beloved Xu Chen. He died in the afternoon in an accident and it was already half past ten at night ,she has tried more than a few hundred times to reach his phone but everytime failed.She sobbed like crazy. As she was lost in her thoughts a sudden sound brought her back to her senses. It was the sound of a glass falling down into pieces. She quickened her steps towards the kitchen to find out what happened. When she stepped inside the kitchen,a sudden chill ran down her spine she was thunderstruck and couldn't believe her own eyes....it was Xu Chen standing in front of the refrigerator and searching something...


It was mid-summer holidays. Everyone was bustling with energy in the enchanted Hanzou city. Qiao Yi and her best friend Xiang Li were riding bicycles heading towards the lake. They were chattering and talking happily when a boy lost his balance and struck Qiao Yi with his bicycle. Qiao Yi feel down along with the boy. She got hurt in her elbow. The boy immediately came to her aid. He took out his handkerchief to wipe her wound. He was handsome, tall and his large frame gave a strong masculine aura. She felt a sense of warmth in her heart. The boy told sorry repeatedly and Xiang Li kept on scolding him but Qiao Yi remained silent. When the first aid was complete and the boy was leaving Qiao Yi suddenly stood up and asked the boy "what's your name troublemaker?" the boy smiled and answered "Xu Chen".