
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · 都市
45 Chs

Ana? or Hana? Which is your real name?

Jeong looked at the beautiful woman looking at with fury in her eyes, 'Why is she looking at me like she doesn't know me or is she a copy of Ana? No, I know my wife when I see her, and this is her no one can convince me otherwise.'

"Honey why are you looking at me such contempt? I should be angry at you for keeping my kids from me but for now let's eat before we discuss that matter."

Hana didn't know how this man was in her or who he is and why he was cooking in her kitchen with her kids smiling at him, 'I never employed any worker for this house because we can take care of ourselves without anyone's help. And wait a minute he looks like my son and my daughter, is he the father of my kids?'

Hana walked towards the table, she took her sit beside her daughter and discovered the lady besides her looking at her with tears in her eyes like she just found her lost treasure.

"Suk no crying at the dining table wait for us to finish then you can ask after she has given me my own reply. Now let's eat."

Everyone eats in silence with thoughts running through their mind but the person with the most troubling mind was Hana. She was worried about her children, she didn't want to hand them over to someone new even if he was the father of her children, she has to know why he didn't come to look for her all these years.

When they finish the dishes, Jeong was about to carry the dishes to the sink to wash but Hana tried to stop him, "I will do the dishes since you made dinner for us."

"No I always do the dishes you know that don't try to pretend you forgot."

"I did forget but this is my house so I have the right to do the dishes."

"Ana, please let brother do the dishes because he has always done them when you were in the house with us, please try and remember that or he will explode in anger and you know what that means, you never wanted him to be mad especially at you." Suk tries to settle this problem of doing the dishes with easy.

Hana went the living room to sit with the kids. She wanted to ask how children; 'how this man and his sister come about to know where they live' she knew they are siblings because she could see the resembles and the young lady is younger than the man so she knows they are not a couple but siblings.

She was still in her thoughts when Suk walked into the living room with her brother, the both of them sat down at the same time as if they had rehashed it before they walked in.

"Ana? or Hana? Which is your real name?"

"My name is Hana Jang I don't know any Ana although the name and mine sound similar, but it isn't spelt the same."

"Now I get why I couldn't find you but tell me where you have been and why did you remove yourself from my radar for 5 years (whose counting)?"

"I am sorry, but it looks like you are looking for the wrong person, I am Hana Jang I live in country K with my adopted parents and my kids which you have met, I am a businesswoman so if you are looking for your wife go and look for her not here because there is no one here expect me."

Jeong was mad at her for denying not knowing him, "If you don't know me then how this DNA report turned positive?" He threw the test result at her; he was trying to keep it cool with her because he has never raised his hand on her, and he didn't want to, but she was driving him crazy with the way she was looking at him and denying him all the same.

Hana picked up the report, she read it, she was shocked, "So you are the father of my kids but where have you been when I was pregnant waiting for you to bring me back home? Where were you when the children were born prematurely? I don't want to see you at all, I have been taking care of my kids without you since the beginning and I will continue to do so."

She fell on her knees in tears, her kids didn't want things to be like this they were surprised too that their mother had went through things like this they never knew about, they only wanted their father in their lives not at the expense of their mother's happiness.

"Mom, it is our fault, if we had known you were feeling this way, we would not have brought him here nor have looked for him." Strong Hero tried to console his mother.

"What do you mean you would not have met me or brought me here? Do you know what I have went through because of your mother? Ana don't think I have forgotten how you disappeared when you went out with Suk and never came back. Where did you go? and why didn't you come back to me, you said you loved me, or you were lying to me then?"

"I don't remember anything I lost my memory in a terrible accident I was found by the seaside almost at the point of death that is why I don't remember you or I would have tried to reach out to you and your sister when I was told I was pregnant, my adopted parents took pity on my situation so they took me in, I need to find my real parents after all these things are over. I only remember that my name is Hana Jang with some little images of how I have few special skills."

Jeong found it hard to breathe when he heard what Hana told him of her experience, he wanted to know who harmed her, but he knew she couldn't remember so how will he get answers from her, "What did you say? You don't remember, so that is why you are looking at me like you don't know me and you said your real name is Hana Jang, but you never told me that, you said your name was Ana Gim."

"Then I gave you a fake name because I remember my name. How long have we known each other for?" She asked.

"2 years before you went missing for 5 years and I have never seen you spoke to your parents when you were with me, you said you were an orphan."

"I am not an orphan I remember my parents and they are alive I just need to remember their faces and where they live."

"So, everything you have ever told me was a lie about you, this I don't believe. The woman I fell in love with lied to me all the time she was with me. How do I trust you again?"

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

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