

2 Chs

chapter 1: prologue


Before civilization, before modern times, Asmodeus was. The first self governing nation. They were more like a tribe of supernatural I tendencies . Their God Asmodieusia, blessed them with the ability to see the future, read minds, change the Future and fate. They were beyond defeating by other upcoming nations until darkness befell them due to a conspiracy and a new king who was an ox blooded as they referred to humans, he covered the sky with his dark magic as a wizard, set a barrier over their abilities, their security withdrew, their borders crossed, they became a ghost of their former self as their god abandoned them to despair. They sacrificed virgins to appease their god who was unperturbed about what was going to his people. Their cry was finally heard as their god showed compassion on them, killed the king and healed their land.

As a wise being, she shared the abilities among four families

Sedon received the ability to see the future

Radin received the ability to read minds

Fad received the ability to change future events.

Eagles were protectors and fate changers.

As the four families intermarried, the power of the eagles were drastically washing away and what they had long ran away from, caught up with them. It was the invasion of the Napoleon army, chaos spread all over the nation as their place we're bombed. At the nick of time, the four clan strongest elders infused their blood into a forbidden art and created a forcefield which swept the army out shielding them from the world. Some say it's out of existence, some believe a barrier has shielded them from the world. Asmodeus, a place of beauty was never to be seen again..... But a prophecy of the four attributed prince who would lead Asmodeus rise again.