
Archim's Disease

A young girl seeking the truth for the death of her fiancé. An enigmatic man who claims to have lost his memories. Two individuals intertwined by fate. Will they uncover the mysteries surrounding them?

Arinplays · 現実
3 Chs


'Mikael Errans, son and heir to one of the biggest industries in the country, was found dead at around 3 am in the morning. The officers had ruled out that Mr. Errans attempted to escape through the 45th floor of the Errans International Industry Group building. As the said floor was caught in a huge fire.' "Ridiculous", I muttered under my breath as I continued to scroll through the news article on my phone. It was all I could see on my feed. 'Mr. Errans is a kind and noble man; I don't think a man like him would have made any enemies given how influential he is in the business industry. The fire could have been an electrical hazard issue instead of arson.' I scrolled further again. 'The police are still trying to recover some CCTV footage as to shed a light to what really happened at EIIG.' I stopped as soon as I read that particular statement. My heart started leaping out of my chest.

"Where am I?"

A voice snapped me back into reality, saving me from almost having a panic attack. I slowly looked beside me and see the source of the voice. A man with a clean-cut auburn hair and dull blue eyes, lying in our guestrooms' bed. "You're in our house", I replied calmly. I turned my phone off and laid it on the night stand. "How are you feeling?"

He scanned the room slowly as if trying to take in his surroundings, he then met my gaze. "I don't know. I- who are you? Do I know you? I must have, else I wouldn't be here, would I?"

"My name is Aries. And I- ", I hesitated thinking as to what I can say carefully, "No, we are not acquainted. My father and I happened to stumble upon you, unconscious. We... helped you." That's all I can really say without trying to overload him with too much knowledge as he has just woken up. "And you? May I know your name? Maybe we can contact your family and tell them your situation".

I saw a brief pause on his face, his dull blue eyes searching. "I- I don't know. I can't remember anything. Not even my name."

I think I let my shock became too obvious as I realize I had my mouth slightly open. I don't know if we are lucky that this person beside me does not remember his own identity. Or was it the heavens way of telling me to just give up on finding my fiancé's murderer.

Arinplays here! This is my first time publishing a story for the world to see, I always just write my stories in my notebook and just keep it there. Archim's disease is one of them, I have wrote this one a very very veeery long time ago back when I was still very very young. I will be making revisions to the original one and try to improve the story. I hope you guys like this one!

sidenote: I will try to upload every Monday and Friday.

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