
Archim's Disease

A young girl seeking the truth for the death of her fiancé. An enigmatic man who claims to have lost his memories. Two individuals intertwined by fate. Will they uncover the mysteries surrounding them?

Arinplays · 現実
3 Chs

Cross World

I was at the top of a hill overlooking the vast greeneries, a gentle breeze tickling my face, the warmth of the sun grazing my skin. I closed my eyes and savor my surroundings. 'Peaceful'. Such unfamiliar word to me and yet I was still able to describe it. Suffocating, quiet, awkward…intolerable. 'Peaceful'. The gentle breeze, the warmth of the sun, the calmness of my surroundings, it is all making me feel anxious. Is this what peace is like?

"You look dissatisfied son." A voice came from behind. I turned around in a swift motion and see an old man, probably in his seventies. His head hair already gone, his eyes a brightly colored hue of turquoise, looking all tired and weary, as if he had seen all what life has to offer. His white, silvery, unkempt goatee, reaching all the way to his stomach. He was also holding a cane, taller than him, with both his hands.


He knocked his cane twice on the ground, "I know you better than anyone. I would have let you done the things you wanted to do but look at me. I am too weak. I can't survive without you. I need you here son."

Confused with the non-sense he's spouting, I moved closer to the old man. As if to intimidate him, "What are you talking about?!". I saw a smirk forming his lips, he was unwavering, unfazed despite the fact that I was bigger than him, much stronger. He stepped forward to close the gap between us. He tapped his cane on to the ground again, this time thrice. He whispered to my ear, "I know what you are thinking while staring from afar. I know you want to paint them all in your color."


My eyes snapped open. I can feel my sweat, cold, and it is trickling down my forehead, my neck, and my chest. A dream I thought. I just don't know if it's a normal one or a nightmare. I heard another knock on the door, this time much, much louder. "Breakfast is ready, you should come to the dining area. We will wait for you." It was Aries, she had left before I could respond to her.

I stood from my bed, washed myself up, and got dressed. Breakfast with the family has always dreaded me. I have been here for almost three weeks and I still feel like a stranger to them. They, still feel like a stranger. I think I am overstaying my welcome here. I tried to tell them much earlier that I will just look for someplace else but they insisted that I stay, at least when some of my memories came back. I cannot argue any further since then.

I arrived to their dining area and the first thing I can see is Aries' father, Exaus, sitting at the far end of the rectangular glossed blackwood dining table. It still amazes me at how rich this family can be and I've been mostly just inside their house, the rest of my time I spend in the lavish guestroom I currently am staying at. Exaus is a young-looking man, probably around in his fifties, stern and cunning if I am to describe his personality. He has an auburn with streaks of white ducktail hair that always stays in place, eyes a shade of dark green with thick specs that covers them.

He looked at me briefly then resumed eating his food. It was his way of greeting me and recognizing that I am with them. To his right his daughter was seated, she looked at me and gave me a warm smile. Much different than with her father. I sat on the empty seat beside her. I was about to pick my fork and knife up when I heard someone cough. My hands stopped on reaching for a moment then resumed getting my silverware. I heard another cough and that's when I lifted my head to look over at Exaus. "Come to my office after you eat, boy. There is something off today."

Off? What does he mean about that? Did they already grow tired of me for not remembering anything given how many days has passed since then? My mind went into a panic, I could feel my grip on the silverwares tightening, enough to hurt my hands but I could not feel them. I did not realize that I was just staring at Exaus without saying anything. Next thing I know is that Aries reached for my left hand, my grip softening. "Are you alright?", and with that it was as if I was freed from my trance, my full attention now to her. Her face shows concern, her beautiful autumn like eyes; sincerity.

Only but a brief moment has passed and I now heard snickering. "Well kids, I am now done with breakfast." He dabbed a white napkin on his mouth, placed both his hands on the edge of the table and gently pushed his seat while standing up, making a low creaking sound. "And I will be anticipating you." He said smiling before heading off.

A sigh of relief has escaped me. It's just that something about Exaus makes me feel very uncomfortable. I don't know if it's just because of his antagonistic attitude towards me or because his daughter is showing such kindness to me, or maybe both. But I know one thing for sure, Exaus does not trust me.

Aries and I finished our breakfast and went our separate ways. I was hoping that she could come with in his father's office. I'd be very nervous with just myself and him there but she said that she has still some important things to tend to and will be gone for a while. I stood outside Exaus' office door, hesitant as I lifted my arm preparing to knock. I took a deep breath in, well better get this over with so we can finish fast, then out.

I knocked three times on his modern, dark grey, wooden heavy door with golden inlays in it, looking like small branches of trees connecting endlessly. An exquisite door fit for a man with his stature. Intimidating. "Come on in." his voice low and muffled. Dreading. I reached for the porcelain door knob and twisted it open and I was immediately greeted by him behind his office table where he is seated on his tall, black leather chair. Unnerving.