
My birth?

It was dark, but it wasn't scary or cold, but more warm and comforting, like you would imagine the inside a womb to be like. A womb, why a womb, why does this darkness remind me of a womb? Is it because it feels like I'm being born?

But is this birth? I've been created and recreated so many times, yet I'm still not done. It feels like I've been going through this forever but also not. At least it's been slowing down, before my everything would change on a whim but now it's more minute changes, like the color of my soul or my hair style. I guess talking to myself is the best pastime of all, cause I seem to be done. Finally some peace!

Anyways, I think I'm done but I don't know the end result, all I know is that after so many cycles of being created and destroyed in darkness, there is finally some light! It's not bright but it's something. I think? I mean I'm in a room now, but it seems a bit disappointing. I was constantly "perfected" just to be dumped in the middle of a shabby room. Wait no, shabby is a standard above this room. The walls are somehow simultaneously covered in mold, graffiti, and what might be old blood stains or a rough painting of a blob. Even the floor is terrible, it's cold, wet, and somehow sticking to me. My situation can't get much worse, I have no starting weapon, no family or friends, and no idea for what purpose I was placed here. Even the darkness was better than this. Not that I'm complaining about anything, all powerful being that created me and placed me here. Just please give me a guide on what I'm supposed to do. Like a purpose or goal. Anything.

*Ding! Purpose granted!*