
Archer of Green

A god's whim, was it for entertainment, was it for some rare enjoyment in their immortal lives. Whatever it was mattered not, as in death there was life. An awakening towards a journey. To the end of the dungeon, an end of a path. Given a partner, all in the game of this god. Cruel, apathetic, angelic, I don't believe any of these fit the being, the god. After all, I was given a new life, a partner to call my own. And so, I believe whether this was cruel or not is up to me. But as Atalanta reached for my hand, broke through that darkness's hold over my mind. It was only then that it truly begun. This adventure, all on a god's whim. …. If you’re interested in my books then go and check out A walk Among Stars, basically a reversed sexual morality fantasy story about a man that can heal anything with a touch.

SpacesSnips · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Christmas Special

Snow fell over my hand, the cold warmth burning my hand with its frost. And when I shook my head grains of snow fell past my ears and over the ground. A small laugh echoing from my side.

A golden haired girl, no to call her that now would be an understatement. Her hair fell over her shoulders in a snowy mess, her stature taller than even mine. If only by a couple of inches, and her face had grown out of that cute child phase and into a more mature and beautiful structure.

She fell from the tree, landing next to me and placing her head over my shoulder, nuzzling herself against me for that warmth that I would give. My own tail, almost on its own, wrapped around her waist and drew her closer. The warmth that she gave in return raising my own smile. Despite the cruel prank she had just played on me.

I still smiled, letting that warmth within my stomach grow even further. Her eyes staring straight into mine as she leaned closer. A peck given as she rapidly dispersed. 

I laughed, following after her. And in that pursuit came a whirlwind of snow. Sent accurately towards her form. 

When I had finally caught up to her we were both shivering cold. Despite the warm jackets that we wore. A bright smile on both our faces as we tumbled with the other.

Arms wrapped around the other. Our noses practically touched as we nuzzled each other closer. 

Only to hear a cough as Atalanta beckoned us closer. Blushing painting both of our faces. 

Hurriedly, and almost too fast, we separated. Only a lingering touch to tell of our intimate moment.

And when we arrived within the manor I found myself leading Ais into our shared room where the small tree lay with decorations all about it. A small amount of gifts further decorating it.

I looked into her eyes and found her practically asking what this was. So close was our connection that I could feel even those questions with but a look.

"A tradition my parents celebrated. I… I never had the confidence to bring it back but…" I trailed off, handing her the wrapped gift. One that I had meticulously cared for. Wrapping and unwrapping it until it was absolutely perfect.

Nothing less would do for her.

"It was tradition to give a present to loved ones on this day… so… so I wanted to give you this." 

I sat next to her as she curiously opened the gift, letting the wrapping paper fall to the ground as it revealed a silky box. One that held my carefully chosen gift.

Carefully she opened the box, gasping when the gift was revealed.

"For… for me?" She asked, but it wasn't for me, it was for the room. Merely an extension of her thoughts.

It showed how shocked she was at the gift.

And when I opened my eyes, leaning down to look at it with her. I found her smiling, small tears within her eyes as she hugged me closer.

"Thank you…" Ais spoke.

"You're welcome, here let me put it on."

I wiggled my way from her grip, letting her arms fall to my side. And with it I took the ring from her hands. Kneeling as I took her hand in mine. Daintily placing the ring on her finger.

"I thought… long and hard about what gift would be best for you…" I spoke, blushing as she loomed over me. A huge smile on her face.

"And… and I found nothing better than a promise."


"I'm… i'm not sure if Orario has it here… but where I come from this ring… this pose… it is a promise to be by one another's side for the rest of time… and there is no one else that I would like to stay by than you…"

I turned my head, barely having the confidence to look at her eyes. But within the moment, wherein I finished my speech. I found my head turned, a strong force taking my jaw. Forcing me to look at those golden orbs of hers.

"Of course… there is no other I would like to spend my life with than you."

With that she pulled me onto her, our bodies pressing together in a married symphony. Her mouth trailing kisses along my neck, eventually reaching up and onto my lips. Where we both closed our eyes and kept.

Only when we could no longer hold our breath… only when our strength failed us… when the happiness of the situation broke the tension within my limbs… 

Only then did I roll us around, pressing our bodies against each other. Feeling her against me and taking comfort in the acceptance. In the companionship that she gave me.

Of the years and years of fighting side by side. Conquering the dungeon together.

Truly… there was no one else I would like to spend my life with. No one else.

And so our bodies coiled together, kisses trailing from chaste to hungry. A certain possessive spark driving our bodies to writhe together. Bringing us closer and closer. Despite the distance that our clothes gave us.

So when we fell from the bed, our eyes staring into the other, her hair splayed out on the ground. Those golden orbs of hers staring straight into mine. 

I found a laugh. At the situation, one that she echoed with me. The mood ruined for some strange reason.

But for that very reason I found no frustration. Merely giving her another kiss before leading her back to the tree.

Handing her carefully wrapped gift. Carefully wrapped and chosen. Outfits and food. Puffs that I knew she liked. And all other sorts of stuff. Each and every one of them bringing that same cheer within the room.

Never disturbed, even if I could feel those peeking eyes. Trying to scry within our room. Still, I found no bother within those gazes.

Only a supreme happiness, watching those eyes of hers shine with each and every gift.

And when they were all gone, the room completely filled with wrapping paper of my own make. When she leaned against my shoulder, watching the snow fall from the window.

She finally spoke.

"I… I have no gift… no time to buy something… and you gave me something so precious…" 

Ais rubbed the ring that I had grafted over her finger. Feeling the golden glowing stones, that perfectly fit her aesthetic.

"I have nothing… nothing to give but myself."

And with that she leaned forward, once again tumbling us over. Yet this time she was on top. A possessive and certain gaze within her eyes.

"So I'll give you my everything."


Merry Christmas Everyone!