
Ice Lion City

"Your Highness, where is the second princess?"

Xue Yin softly asked after thinking of something.

"Ugh, SHIT! Ren, go find Lily immediately and bring her home! NOW!"




"Wow! Isn't this an actual city? But why is it here"

Arcane exclaimed as he gazed upon the white city before him which was surrounded by a large clear river, or it would be better to say the city was in the middle of the river.

On each side of the city facing east and west, large chains could be seen acting as bridges to each bank. The chains were so big the seemed to help anchor the city in place. The walls of the city were so white, that they looked like thousand year old ice.

As he flew over Arcane noticed that the strength of the city's inhabitants was quite low, as most of its inhabitants were mortal beastfolk. There were the occasional practitioners passing by, but none were higher than middle grade bronze level.

"Hmm, it'll seem like it's necessary to suppress the aura of my cultivation."

He slowly landed on the forest floor in the area with the most trees to block view, as he slowly became visible again, but without any aura of power. As he walked towards the chains Arcane noticed a blue lioness walking on her hind legs like a human, with full upper body armor.

"Oh, a human? How'd you survive to make it all the way here?"

The lioness asked with a puzzled expression after noticing the source of the rustling she heard.

"Mm, oh hi. Tho I may look like this, my dad said we aren't human. Well at most I think that I am half human"

Arcane replied with a thoughtful expression, with his hands pinching her furry cheeks.

Shock and fear flooded her eyes almost immediately after she realised what was going on. Which considering that she didn't scream was a downright accomplishment since she had yet to see how Arcane even moved to reach her.

"Why do you look so scared? Am I that ugly?"

He asked as he made a puzzled expression with his head tilted whilst still playing with her cheeks.

"Oh nyo nyo nyo nyo! You're qwuite hyandshum. Uhm...sir? Are wou by cyance a cwultivyator?"

The lioness immediately tried to respond in as she feared angering this weird person in front of her, who could probably kill her with a thought.

"Weren't you just talking normally? Why are your words so slurred now? Oh, oops sorry. I forgot that i was playing with your cheeks"

He released her with a cheerful expression after seeing her point at her cheeks in response to his question.

"Oh yeah you asked if am a cultivator, yh I am, you shouldn't be able to sense any of my aura tho since I suppressed it all the way down to a mortal...anyways yes I am a cultivator. I just became a broken Immortal last week. Tho my mom and dad still beat the shit out of me for cussing at home."

Arcane continued before starting to grumble not noticing that the Lioness had already fainted after hearing his cultivation level.

"Oh? Wonder why she fainted? Hmm I should probably wait for until she wakes up before I go into the city. It would be nice to have a tour guide after all."

{Void: Expand}

As he continued to mumble off to himself as both he and the lioness in his arms started to fade out of reality.




"Uh he is trying to be discreet right, so why is he telling her his cultivation base after completely suppressing it!?"

Arietid asked his wife as he sat on a throne of bones, hovering in the void above, watching arietid carry the lioness into a more secluded cave about a thousand meters away from the river and city.

"Well she is the first person he's talked to that's weaker than him since he's born. So whilst he knows he should restrain his aura he subconsciously doesn't really understand how truly terrifying his cultivation is for a 16 year old in this lower plane. So it's not that strange for him to make such an amateurish mistake."

Xuè Jiàn replied sleepily as she was curled up on her husband's lap with her jade smooth legs dangling off the side of the arm rest whilst playing with the head of some creature with three horns and white skin. The head was rotting at a pace visible to even a mortal's eyes, as she was absorbing all the blood essence trapped within it at her own pace.

"It doesn't really bother me, but why are you still playing with that head?"

"Am not playing, I'm absorbing its blood essence to help temper my Path"

"Oi, did you forget I was there when you absorbed his entire family in about a minute? So why are you playing with his head for the past six months? You even made me cut the rate of time flow for this entire plane just so you can have more time to fool around without watching Arcane"

"Ugh, who told him to say I smell like a blood ray? He deserves the slow torture of having his soul watch his body's entire essence be refined into his head then slowly absorbed by me, whilst I keep him alive."

"Wait, you mean you sealed his soul in his head and kept him alive throughout everythin even tho you already forced him to watch you kill his family? He wasn't even lying! You do smell like a blood ray. Even I can tell, much less him when his race's specialty is it sense of smell! Do you plan to kill me for saying so as well? Huh?"

"But you see, he said so whilst looking at me like a monster, whilst you don't...after all you did have fun with me that one time...you know...in the Reliancor Empire, after we murdered Every. Living. Thing. in the empire."

"It's not like you gave me a choice that year, you damn chaos attributes and your random mental instabilities. If I didn't kill everyone you would've refined the entire realm all alive just to reach ecstasy just because I said no when you wanted to have sex. Plus you still made me do you right there in the middle of the of the bloody empire. So don't act like I'm as crazy as you are. I kill out of necessity, you do it for pleasure, anger and even when you happy. I only put up with it cuz I love you."

"Aww. I love you too, so you wanna pause time and fuck right here?"

"No! Now shut up and go sleep! You know you haven't slept since the day Arcane has been born"




"Oh you're awake?"

Arcane asked the lioness as he was about to slap her butt again.


"Oh I'm truly sorry, Mr. immortal sir!"

The lioness immediately apologized after accidentally screaming from feeling the pain from the first butt smack.

"Nah, it's ok. My mom had the same reaction when my dad did the same to her when she was cooking."

Arcane replied with an innocent smile on his face.

"So what's your name and what city is over there?"

"Oh my name is Lily, the daughter of King Dylion, the king of the iron heb mountain range, and that's Ice Lion City."
