
Arcane Algorithm

In a world where magic is as real as the air we breathe, a former programmer named Carl, a young reincarnated soul, stands out not for the purity of his power, but for his peculiarity. With a colorless magical core, a symbol of weakness in the eyes of the ignorant, Carl is the embodiment of a raw diamond. He finds his way to the Arcane Academy, a cradle of wizards and mysteries, where truths are as enigmatic as the spells taught. "Help? Sure! What do I get out of it? Nothing? Well then, goodbye," Carl said to a student. "WHAT? You want me to kneel? With a fart of mine, the heavens and the earth shall tremble! Get out of my sight!" Carl shouted at an emperor. "Do we need to travel a great distance to gather many resources for the territory? No problem, I'll conjure an airplane," Carl exclaimed to his friend.

CreativeCJ · ファンタジー
15 Chs


In a small apartment in the heart of the city, the morning light peeked through the curtain's gaps, bathing the room in shades of amber. Carl, a senior programmer in his early thirties, was immersed in his own world. His room, a sanctuary of technology and simplicity, was adorned with three monitors, backlit keyboards, and posters of famous games covering the bare walls.

The digital alarm clock emitted a gentle sound, pulling Carl from his light slumber. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the daylight. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stretched his arms and let out a deep yawn. "Another day," he murmured in a tone that oscillated between resignation and anticipation.

After a quick shower, Carl dressed in a simple black t-shirt and faded jeans. In the mirror's reflection, his black eyes stared back at him, revealing a penetrating gaze typical of someone who spent hours deciphering code and facing virtual challenges.

In the kitchen, he brewed a strong coffee, his indispensable morning elixir. While sipping it, his phone buzzed with messages from the work group. "Server problems again? Damn it, today's going to be long," he grumbled, his serene expression replaced by a furrowed brow. His casual dialect, a mix of formality and slang, reflected his uncomplicated and straightforward personality.

Carl worked for a major software development company. His programming talent was undeniable, but the monotonous routine left him restless. As he walked to work, his thoughts wandered. He imagined fantastic worlds, epic adventures, secretly yearning for a less ordinary life, more in line with the universes he explored in his favorite games.

Carl's office was a labyrinth of cubicles and computer screens. He greeted his colleagues with a nod and a "sup bro" before settling into his workstation. The lines of code on the screen seemed to dance before his eyes, forming an almost hypnotic pattern.

Between tedious meetings and intense coding sessions, Carl got lost in his thoughts, daydreaming of heroic feats and powerful magic. He didn't know it yet, but soon, his reality would change in ways he could never imagine.

The clock read 11 a.m. when Carl decided to take a break. His skilled fingers had been gliding across the keyboard for the past few hours, weaving complex algorithms. He was currently engaged in an ambitious project, software that promised to revolutionize how companies interacted with large-scale data.

Carl felt a mix of pride and frustration. He knew he was on the verge of something great, but the monotony of corporate work sometimes drained the enthusiasm from his veins. "I need a real challenge," he thought, daydreaming of problems that required more than just his technical expertise.

During lunch with his colleagues, Carl remained partially absorbed, his thoughts sailing elsewhere. He listened without really hearing, his automatic responses hiding his inner restlessness. "Life has to be more than this," he reflected.

After lunch, an urgent meeting was called. A critical issue had arisen, a complicated bug that was delaying the project's release. Carl, with his analytical mind and methodical approach, delved into the problem. His colleagues watched, impressed by how easily he unraveled layers of complex code, a skill that set him apart as one of the team's best.

Hours later, Carl finally unraveled the mystery. With a sigh of relief and a smile of satisfaction, he implemented the solution. "Now, this is a decent challenge," he commented, feeling a wave of satisfaction as he saw his work bear fruit.

However, the victory was bittersweet. As he walked home under the twilight-stained sky, Carl couldn't help but feel that his life was missing something essential. He longed for a greater purpose, an adventure that went beyond computer screens and office walls.

That night, while immersed in an RPG game, Carl imagined himself as the hero of the story, battling monsters and exploring unknown lands.

After an intense day at work, Carl finally returned to his personal sanctuary. His apartment, a modest yet comfortable space, reflected his personality and passions. The walls were adorned with posters of games and science fiction movies, and a cluttered shelf of books and video games revealed his love for fantastical stories and digital adventures.

The weekend was the time Carl looked forward to the most, as it was when he delved into his favorite hobby: gaming. Whether in virtual RPG worlds or intense online strategic battles, he felt alive, embodying powerful characters and facing epic challenges. These moments were a welcome escape from the monotonous routine, giving him a glimpse of a more exciting and unpredictable universe.

However, Carl's social life was limited. While he had a circle of friends who shared his interests in gaming and technology, he kept most people at a safe distance. His informal language, punctuated with expressions like "damn it" and "it's us," was an armor against the outside world, a world that often disappointed him with its lack of depth and adventure.

Sometimes, Carl ventured to local bars with his friends, but these outings were rare. He preferred the nights of online gaming, where he could be whoever he wanted, free from the constraints of reality. In these sessions, he found not only entertainment but also a sense of community and belonging.

While playing, Carl often got lost in deep reflections. He questioned the meaning of his existence, the purpose of life, and wondered if there was something more beyond what his eyes could see. In his mind, he built worlds where magic was real and possibilities were endless, where he could be more than just a programmer in a gray city.

On those lonely nights, amid the bluish glow of monitors and the sound of the keyboard, Carl daydreamed. He imagined himself exploring enchanted forests, deciphering ancient runes, and facing creatures from other worlds.

It was a quiet night, with the city asleep under the starry sky. Carl found himself in his element, immersed in deep thoughts. Sitting on his apartment's balcony, he gazed at the night sky, his mind wandering through a vast universe of possibilities and mysteries.

Carl often reflected on his existence, questioning the deeper meaning of life. "What if there's more to this? What if I'm destined for something greater?" he thought, with a mixture of hope and skepticism. His thoughts were like waves, crashing against the shores of reality and fantasy.

He remembered his childhood when he got lost in adventure books and fantasy movies. These imaginary worlds were a refuge, a place where he felt understood and valued. "Somewhere, beyond the stars, there might be a place for me," he whispered to himself, a melancholic smile on his lips.

Carl also pondered society and its complexities. He observed the people around him, living their lives in an endless cycle of routine and conformity. "Why do people settle for so little? Why don't they dare to dream?" he wondered, his restless mind seeking answers.

These moments of introspection were essential for Carl. They were a window to his soul, revealing a man who yearned for adventure and discovery, a man who wanted to break free from the chains of mediocrity and soar into the unknown.

As the night progressed, Carl got lost in his thoughts more and more. He imagined a world where magic and mystery reigned, where he could explore his true potential. "Perhaps, somewhere, there's a place where I truly belong," he mumbled, his heart pounding with the possibility of unimaginable adventures.

On that fateful night,

 after hours of deep reflection and daydreaming, Carl finally decided to retire. He didn't know it would be his last night on Earth, his last night as a simple programmer in an ordinary world.

While he slept, a series of unfortunate events was unfolding. A violent storm arose unexpectedly, with lightning cutting through the night sky. One of these lightning bolts, charged with inexplicable energy, found its way into Carl's apartment, piercing the window and striking him directly.

Carl woke up abruptly, his body consumed by a strange and powerful sensation. He tried to get up, but he found that he couldn't control his movements. Intense light filled the room, and he felt as if he were being pulled out of his own existence.

At that moment, a series of images and memories flooded his mind - glimpses of a different world, a world of castles, magic, and adventures. The sensation of being torn from reality was overwhelming, and Carl felt a mixture of fear and ecstasy.

Then, as suddenly as it began, everything stopped. Carl found himself floating in emptiness, a space between worlds. He could sense the presence of something ancient and powerful, a force that transcended his understanding. "What's happening? Where am I?" he thought, his mind struggling to comprehend the situation.

The voice of the force resonated in his mind, a voice that seemed to echo through time and space. "Tiny speck, your destiny is greater than you imagine. You have been chosen to be reborn in a new world, a world where your potential can be fully realized."

Carl's life on Earth had come to an end.